Minecraft Blogs / Review

Elemental Bending Server

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Shadowmaster1301's Avatar Shadowmaster1301
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter

Me and a few friends have found a amazing server which I would give at least 9/10 stars,

It may have a bit of lag but the amounts of fun you can have on it is amazing.

You can create a base and claim with factions but it has this unique add-on that I don't see many servers that have. It is a Elemental bending server so you can raise the earth, launch fire, Fly, fire ice and freeze people. I chose Earth and my friends have chose Fire. We fight in bending battles almost all the time, to add to the greatness of the server. It has great staff and it has survival games which you can use your abilities. The possibilities of what you can do are endless.I had no armor and beat my friend who had full diamond. With the greatness of minecraft already you can have more fun.

The IP is: makemyday.no-ip.org

Their website is: www.MakeMyDay-mc.tk


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