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Experimenting with 1024x1024 texture packs

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Level 25 : Expert Robot
I originally thought, "Why don't texture pack makers create 1024x texture packs?" So I re-sized a current texture pack I use to 16384x16384, and then attempted to launch minecraft. Ran out of memory. Retried with 10gb's allocated, same error, and finally, when I allocated 14gb's of ram, did minecraft launch.

After turning all of the graphic settings down to the lowest setting, I created a new world. Like a slide show (No more than 5FPS) did the game render, however, the realism was amazing. Unfortunately, I could not take any screenshots, otherwise, I would have posted them here.

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02/01/2013 8:28 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
05/20/2012 2:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I want to see a 2976x2976 texture, my friend claimed she made one once. That's better higher res than real life...
04/03/2012 3:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Guys, Imagine allocating a terrabite just for minecraft, WOW
12/13/2011 4:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NASA has much better computers than PCs with 14gb of ram :P
Base Attack
12/13/2011 9:14 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
Try 528x528
12/13/2011 8:36 am
Level 48 : Master Geek
It will be a burden to run Minecraft with a 1024x1024 texture pack without atleast 4 GB RAM. So those who have less than that can't use a 1024x1024 texture pack.

How did you get 14GB of RAM ??? I never heard a computer having that much ram to run Minecraft except for server computers.
02/01/2013 8:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
Custom computer or gaming computer? It's possible. Look at the US government, not to mention the crap they have in japan. 1 small flash drive, smaller than your thumb, holds more storage data tham my entire xbox.
12/13/2011 7:35 pm
Level 25 : Expert Robot
My computer has 16gb's of RAM. You can allocate more to minecraft with a command line.
12/13/2011 7:32 am
Level 82 : Elite Architect
14gb of ram?

Nasa called, they need their computer back
06/14/2012 5:43 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
nasa's computers have a range of 50-100 gbs of ram to a terabyte of ram

the worlds biggest pc in america somewear has 16 petabytes which is the next byte above a terra and they have a few terrabytes of ram the new world record the city in texas cant remember the name oh is making a 110-140 petabyte cant remember wht it is somewear in tht range

super computer with alittle under or over 100 terrabytes worth of ram and almost a thousend processors or somethen

but with that you could go beyond 512 to this guys 1024 to the next 2048-2048 dam dam forget tht even forget 4096 you could probly reach 8129-8129 texture pack on the other pc let alone the new world record one there making it could probly double again and make a 16384-16384 texture pack which is probly higher then movie graphics for all these billion doller blockbusters and shit

but hey if they got tht big of a pc why would they waste there time useing it on a game but it would be cool lol it would be realer then life
