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Extreme Object Island Episode 3: Five Obstacles To Face!

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applelover9000's Avatar applelover9000
Level 33 : Artisan Artist

Chapter |: New Friendships

During the week of Episode 2 and Episode 3, there were new friendships made. Although Fidget Spinner was shot by Latte making her up for elimination, they ended up bonding and forming an alliance. Ninja Star, Cheeseburger, and Milkshake also ended up forming an alliance. And Cheese Orb and Yoyle Berry didn’t make an alliance but did become friends.

On the day of EOI 3, Fidget Spinner said to Latte that, “I have a strategy for us to win!”

“How?” Latte asked.

“Well, with my popularity and your skills, we can both win this!” Fidget Spinner said.

“Hmmmm,” Latte thinking about it, “Okay, I guess I can join.”

“Nice,” said Fidget Spinner.

On another table, Ninja Star, Cheeseburger, and Milkshake were chatting and discussing some things that they wanted to share. The conversation wasn’t about one thing specifically, until the topic of the show came up.

“So yeah, that’s why I hate the ancient humans,” Ninja Star said.

“Yeah, I can totally see your point,” Cheeseburger said before eating his meal of mushy brown crunchy stuff.

“I don’t get it,” Milkshake said.

“Well, you see-Ah, you know what, I’ll tell you later,” Ninja Star said.

“Okay,” Milkshake responded back.

“Now, let’s talk about the show,” said Ninja Star.

Cheeseburger said to Ninja Star, “Yeah, what about it?”

“Well, you all know that TV has kidnapped us and made us join his object show,” said Ninja Star.

“Yeah,” both Cheeseburger and Milkshake said.

“Well, we need to get the hell out and tell someone or else we’ll be trapped here for weeks.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Cheeseburger responded to Ninja Star.

“I don’t get it but friends stick together am I right?” Milkshake asked.

“Yeah!” both Ninja Star and Cheeseburger said.

On another table, Cheese Orb is telling Yoyle Berry some math problems.

“Okay, so what’s 1+2?” Cheese Orb asked Yoyle Berry.

“3,” Yoyle Berry answered.

“Good job!” Cheese Orb said, “Now, what’s 2+3?”

“5!” Yoyle Berry answered.

“Great work! Now for the final question for now, what’s 3+4?”


“Awesome work for today! Now, we’ll be taking a break for now so yeah.”


And on the last table with Cup and Paint Bucket, Tape shows up and tells Cup, “Wassup nerd!”

Cup sighs, “I just realized you’re calling me a nerd when you know that I’m just an average IQ person.”

“I. Don’t. CARE!” Tape said before grabbing Cup and dumping him into Paint Bucket.

“Yeah!” said Paint Bucket, not knowing the situation.

Then, Tape grabbed Paint Bucket with Cup inside and threw him onto the ground where Cup was shattered into pieces and Paint Bucket is now broken. Everyone in the room was shocked.

On the loudspeakers, TV says, “Tape, recover them RIGHT NOW, or else YOU BURN!!!”

“Ye-ye-YES SIR!” Tape responded nervously. Tape ran outside to go to the recovery center.

After 30 minutes of Breakfast time, TV says on the loudspeakers that, “Now contestants, Breakfast time is over. Now, may Fidget Spinner, Yoyle Berry, and Cheese Orb may come to the elimination area or else they’ll BURN!!!”

Fidget Spinner and Cheese Orb were scared and quickly ran to the elimination area while Yoyle Berry wasn’t shocked at all, although she was carried by Cheese Orb to get to the elimination area.

Chapter ||: No Votes

When the participants got to their seats, TV on the TV said, “Welcome to the elimination! Now, as you know the elimination rules, you may not know that in the previous episode, we got no votes.”

The participants were shocked. “How!?” asked Fidget Spinner.

“I honestly don’t know, but whatever,” TV responded, “But for this elimination, you guys will vote for who you think should go. Now, Fidget Spinner, you go first.”

The voting has started. In Fidget Spinner’s confession, she stated, “I’ll be voting for Tape since he’s bullying Cup and like killing him, like that’s mess up dude.”

In Yoyle Berry’s confession, she’s also stated, “I don’t know who to vote for. Can I vote for what Cheese Orb is voting for?” which was accepted by TV,

In Cheese Orb’s confession, they said, “I will be voting for Tape. I mean, we all know that he’s bullying Cup and everyone.”

In Cup’s confession, he stated, “Tape needs to go! He is bullying me and almost everyone and bullying is wrong!”

And finally in Tape’s confession, he stated, “Cup is just lame and not cool, I’m voting for him.”

When the votes were counted, TVsays, “Now, all the votes are counted and I’m going to announce them! Now, the first vote goes to Tape.” Tape doesn’t care. “The second vote goes to Tape.” Tape notices and starts paying attention more. “The third vote goes to Tape.” Tape then started boiling in anger. “The fourth vote goes to Tape.” Tape is now boiling in rage. “And the final vote goes to Cup.” Cup then smirked at Tape, who is now raging.

“You-you fools!” Tape yelled, “You don’t know what you're doing! What I’m doing is for good and you guys are moronic idiots!”

Then, the lid on Tape’s seat disappears and he falls into it screaming in fear. Everyone looked at it and they’re just smiling.

“Finally!” Cup yelled, “He’s gone, now we won’t have any bullying in no time!”

Everyone cheers. Then, TV said, “Good for all of you but I need you to go and get all the other contestants here. And if you disobey, I’LL BURN YOU ALL!”

Everyone is now scared and nervous, “YES SIR!” Then they ran to find the other contestants.

Chapter |||: The First Stage

When everyone got to the elimination area, TV said to them, “So contestants, your third contest of this show will be that you have to pass five obstacles. When every survivor passes a stage, I’ll open the door. Now, Reggie, do your thing.” Then, Reggie The Robot launches to the grounds, aims at the contestants, and fires at them.

Everything went white for a few moments until everything went back into reality. The contestants are in the first stage of the contest where the contestants have to jump onto rocks and avoid the lava, or else they burn. They have to be on the platform at the end of the stage to pass.

Latte went up to Fidget Spinner and told her, “Hey partner, let’s do this!” Fidget Spinner nodded Latte and the two started doing the stage. Latte was doing it masterfully while Fidget Spinner was doing cool tricks. They both ended up passing the stage.

Back onto the beginning side, Cheese Orb goes up to Yoyle Berry and asks her, “Yoyle Berry, do you wanna team for this challenge?”

“Yeah,” Yoyle Berry answered.

“Great!” Cheese Orb responded.

Right before Yoyle Berry went onto Cheese Orb’s head, TV said to the speakers, “Wait, hold on, I need to do something.” Then, TV hit a button which transformed Cheese Orb to have the ability to not fly anymore and have limbs.

“Wh-what did you do to me?” Cheese Orb asked.

“Well, since I don’t want anyone to be a Mary Sue, I decided to make you have no flying abilities and have limbs!” TV responded.

Cheese Orb sigh, “Well, what do I do to try and win this contest?”

“I don’t know, do your own strategy dude,” TV said before going offline for a bit.

Cheese Orb sighs again, “Well, we have to do this the normal way.”

Cheese Orb, grabbing Yoyle Berry’s hand, starts to do the stage before ending up missing a rock and falling into the lava where they and Yoyle Berry died.

Before they died, Cheese Orb said, “Yoyle Berry, I’m so sorry!” Yoyle Berry told Cheese Orb, “I know!”

Back on the beginning platform, Ninja Star tells Milkshake, “Milkshake, can you throw me across the room?”

“Why?” Milkshake asked.

“Just do it,” responded Ninja Star.

“Okay then,” Milkshake said before grabbing Ninja Star and throwing him across the other platform, causing Ninja Star to pass the stage.

“Thank you!” Ninja Star yelled out to Milkshake.

“You’re welcome,” Milkshake said. Then, they looked at the lava. “Ooooh, what’s this orange stuff?”

“Milkshake!” yelled out Ninja Star, “Don’t!” he said before Milkshake landed into the lava and burned to death. Ninja Star is devastated, “NOOOOOOO!”

Back at the beginning, Cheeseburger starts the stage by bouncing onto the rocks until he’s on the other platform.

“Yeah!” he said cheerfully. He goes up to Ninja Star, “Did you see what I did?”

“Yeah,” Ninja Star said sadly, “And I saw our friend’s death.”

“Oh,” Cheeseburger said while turning sad.

But back onto the beginning, the last two people who were left behind were Cup and Paint Bucket. Cup decided to start doing the stage by putting Paint Bucket onto his hole area and running and jumping onto the rocks.

“Weeeeeeee!” Paint Bucket yelled.

Then, Cup and Paint Bucket passes the stage.

“Yes!” yelled Cup, “We did it!”

“Yeah!” Paint Bucket said.

Then on the loudspeakers, TV said, “Good job, contestants! You have passed this stage. The next stage will be opening up in a few moments so just wait.”

After a few seconds, the door to the next stage opened and the contestants entered through it.

Chapter |V: The Second Stage

When the contestants entered the second stage, TV on the speakers said, “Welcome contestants to the second stage! In this stage, you have to walk on the wooden plank. If you fall into the void, you lose, NOW GO!”

Latte looks at Fidget Spinner, grabs her hands, and leads her to the end of the stage which causes both of them to succeed.

Back at the beginning, Cup with Paint Bucket inside started the stage by walking very, very slowly, which caused him and Paint Bucket to win.

Back at the beginning again, Ninja Star goes up to Cheeseburger and asks him, “Cheeseburger, can you please toss me over to the other platform?”

“Sure,” Cheeseburger responded before throwing him across the stage.

“Thank you dude,” responded Ninja Star, “Come here now, I believe in you!”

“I-I don’t know,” Cheeseburger said nervously, “I’m like not in good shape so I don’t think I’ll pass.”

“Oh come on dude,” Ninja Star responded, “I think you can do this! You just got to believe, believe!”

“Oh, okay,” Cheeseburger said before doing the stage. Although, the plank started cracking and the planks fully cracked and Cheeseburger fell into the void.

“Noooo!” yelled Ninja Star, “Cheeseburger!”

Then, the speakers turned on and TV said, “Good job contestants, you have passed Stage 2, the next stage will be available in a few seconds.”

After about 5 seconds, the door opened and the remaining contestants entered Stage 3.

Chapter V: The Third Stage

When the remaining contestants entered the third stage, TV said, “Welcome contestants to Stage 3! In this stage, you have to use something to find the invisible blocks that will lead you to the other platform. The pens that have fallen into the void will be in deep, deep trouble. NOW GO!!!”

FIdget Spinner, who is next to Latte, tells her, “Oh no, Latte! What do we do!? We don’t have anything to determine the invisible blocks!”

“Do we though,” Latte said before grabbing out her old stick that was turned into a pickaxe in Episode 1.

“Oh yeah,” said Fidget Spinner, “I have totally forgotten about that!”

“Yeah since it doesn't really show anymore,” Latte responded, “But now, let’s start the stage! Fidget Spinner, hop onto me!”

“Sure thing!” Fidget Spinner said before hopping into her hole area.

Latte then uses her pickaxe to know where the first invisible block is, and when she finds it, she jumps onto it. She repeats this cycle until she gets onto the other platform.

Back at the beginning, Ninja Star goes up to Cup and asks him, “Cup, can you throw me across the stage?”

“Sure thing,” Cup said before throwing Ninja Star to the other platform which causes him, Ninja Star, to be safe. “Okay, now it’s my turn to finish this stage! Since I remembered every single block, this should be easy!”

Cup started on the stage and it was going pretty easy. When he got halfway through, Paint Bucket, who was still inside of Cup, started shaking Cup.

“DO-BA-DE-DO!” Paint Bucket yelled. He continued yelling random stuff and shaking Cup until Cup tripped which caused Paint Bucket to fall into the void. Cup survived though and felt guilty as he was the only survivor. Cup also manages to pass the stage.

Then, TV on the speaker said, “Great job contestants, you have finished Stage 3. Stage 4 will be opened in a few seconds.”

A few seconds later, the door opened and the remaining contestants entered.

Chapter V|: The Fourth Stage

When the contestants entered the fourth stage, TV said on the loudspeakers, “Welcome to Stage 4, contestants. In this stage, you will have to avoid the moving lasers while having to go to the last part of this stage which will make you pass this stage, now START!!!”

Latte and Fidget Spinner looked at each other like they knew what to do. Latte grabs Fidget Spinner’s hand and starts running to the moving lasers. Fidget Spinner was screaming in fear that the lasers would hit her but Latte wasn’t. Latte, at the end, manages to make her and Fidget Spinner pass the stage.

Back at the beginning, Ninja Star sighs to himself and says, “What a Mary Sue.” He goes up to Cup and asks him, “Can you throw me across the stage?”

“Sure thing again,” Cup said before throwing him across the stage which causes Ninja Star to pass. “Wow, since Latte, Fidget Spinner, and Ninja Star managed to pass the stage without many harm in their way, I guess I have luck as well.”

Cup started the stage walking normally, closing his eyes, until he touched a laser which caused him to explode. The contestants looked at it in fear.

On the speakers, TV said, “Well final 3, looks like one of you will win this challenge! The final stage will be opened in a while so please wait.”

After a second or two, the door opened and Latte, Fidget Spinner, and Ninja Star entered.

Chapter V||: The Final Stage

When they entered, TV said on the speakers, “Welcome Final 3 to the last stage! In this stage, you have to avoid the moving saws. When you enter the door and press the big red button, you will be safe, now GO!!!”

Latte and Fidget Spinner looked at each other nervously.

“Well, I guess one of us has to win,” said Fidget Spinner.

“Yeah, but who?” Latte questioned.

Then, Ninja Star kicked Fidget Spinner into unconsciousness.

“What the!?” Latte said in shock, “Why did you do that!?”

“Because I want to win!” yelled Ninja Star.

“But why!?” Latte questioned, “You’re the one who hates everything! So why do you want to win!?”

“So every time I win, I won’t have a chance to be eliminated so nothing bad can happen to me,” yelled Ninja Star.

“Yeah but what exactly will happen to you?” Latte asked, “You don’t know. TV could just let us go back into society.”

“Yeah but remember, TV is crazy! He could do something to us!”

“Yeah but what if he doesn’t?”

“I don’t know, but I’m letting something bad happen to me!” Ninja Star said before running up to Latte ready to kick her. But then, Fidget Spinner has woken up and now has hit Ninja Star in the head causing him to be in an unconscious state too.

“Wow,” Latte said before dusting herself off from nothing, “Thanks for helping me.”

“No problem!” Fidget Spinner responded, “Anyways, you should be going to win now."

“Wait, what!?” Latte said, “I was about to make you win!”

“Well, you see, I don’t really deserve it,” Fidget Spinner said honestly, “I mean, you did all the work passing the challenges with me but I did nothing! So I think you should win this challenge! Now, go do it! I believe in you!”

“Oh, okay,” said Latte before starting the stage where she would avoid the saws in her way until she’s at the end of the room. She looks back at Fidget Spinner, who’s looking at her happily. Latte smiles back and turns back around opening the door and pressing the button.

Then, everything went white for a half a second until everything went back to normal.

“Great job, Latte!” TV said on the speakers, “You have won this challenge!”

Latte and Fidget Spinner looked at each other excitedly and started jumping and screaming. Then, Ninja Star walked up to them.

“Hey Latte and Fidget Spinner,” he said, “I’m sorry for letting my pride get to myself, I honestly didn’t mean to try and hurt you guys. I’m genuinely sorry.”

“Aw,” Fidget Spinner said, “It’s okay. Although you hit me, you didn’t do stuff like blackmail or threatening. I guess we can give you a second chance!”

“Yeah,” said Latte.

“T-Thanks you guys,” Ninja Star responded.

Then, the speakers went back on and TV said, “Aw, that’s sweet for you, but it’s not going to be sweet for everyone because you guys are all up for elimination, except for Latte. So viewers, vote for who you think should be eliminated in the next episode. Voting ends in 48 hours/2 days.”

Vote Here

Chapter V|||: Ending

Back at the time when Tape was eliminated, Tape hits the ground where he's in a laboratory. He looks everywhere and sees many science gadgets. Then, he looked at a light blue glowing tube. He then realizes in the tube was Sweeping Broom.

Although, Sweeping Broom looked different. His eyes have red lines, he has a mouth with sharp teeth, and he looks insane looking at Tape like he wants to kill him.

Then, TV arrived, “Welcome Tape to my home.”

“Th-this is your home?” asked Tape.

“Yeah, and it will be yours as well,” TV responded.

“What do you mean?” asked Tape.

“Well, you see,” TV said before showing Tape his laser gun. Then, he shoots at Tape causing him to be in a state of unconsciousness.

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