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  • About me :]

    Introduction 👋
    Hello!I'm Ender Sparkle, formerly known as MinecraftDungeoner. I'm that one offensive goofy nerd that sends memes. I will try my best to create good quality skins. I also get very excited, emotional and naive on topics that matter to me. I support indies most people have never heard of, whether it's games (Flappy Dragon, Eternium, Elysian Eclipse, Super Snail) or shows (Murder Drones, The Amazing Digital Circus, Dragonights). Please don't swear in interactions with me. And never, NEVER ship me with anyone. Or any of the characters I made. Whenever I'm online for too long, I often start to be mean and controversial, just tell me to go off site for a while)

    PMC positions: PMCer, admin of The Onion Eagles, part of the Nuggetrio

    I block anyone who blocks me. Don't be mad if you get a re-block, it's just a thing that I do. If you want an unblock, talk to me like a normal person on my other social media.
    Info ℹ️
    Country: Poland 🇵🇱
    Favourite color: Lavender Magenta (#d000ff)
    Birthday: 3rd December (2009)
    Despite looks of my main OC, I am NOT a furry, and I don't affiliate with that community.
    Benefits of subscribing to me 😎
    • Updates on TADC
    • Possibility of a counter-sub
    A free circus show
    • Access to some older and/or cringe posts
    • Lots of LOOORE
    Friends 🫂
    • IRL Friend 1 (From elementary school, short and funny, his Roblox name is Xeno)
    • IRL Friend 2 (From elementary school, basic person, very diplomatic)
    • IRL Friend 3 (From elementary school, even goofier than me)
    Quantis1 (My first online friend, isn't on PMC, neither any of my 3 IRL friends are)
    Trackrays (Another Fandom fella, befriended about at the same time as Quantis.)
    ajthepeach (The self-proclaimed Shenaniganizer)
    -ghoul- (I crave Ghoul lore, pls gimme more)
    GalaxyCat24 (A friendly user who is inactive on Saturdays)
    CloudyLeopard (My first fan)
    PsioPsia001 (A random Polish skinner, one of Onion Eagle Admin Trinity)
    Papa Enny (A random Polish user with random Blender content, has a blue donkey as their mascot, one of Onion Eagle Admin Trinity)
    Timofefe (Nicest and most talented artist I have even seen on this site, member of the Nuggetrio)
    DOOMSTRYKER (Underrated builder, and lead maker of something, member of the Nuggetrio)
    SidewaysEight (Great artist, obsessed with Dimentio :] )
    Javier_The_Collector16 (Awesome story writer, current leader of THE ENDER CLAN)
    Lore 📖
    Ender Sparkle Series 📔
    Ender Sparkle Series is a background story of my Minecraft Skin, Ender Sparkle, who is also the mascot of my profile in a way similar to Riggy the Runkey. Currently, there is 1 season with two more planned in the future.
    All works 📝
    Lettuce Form 🥬 [ENDED]
    One of my online friends named -ghoul-, made an interesting wall post. It asked for sharing the post in exchange for a reply what food comes to poster's mind. The answer was lettuce. Little did poor TOING know, this gave birth to a new power for E.S. (the mascot). Y'all doomed now. Don't worry. After freeing TOING from Angelonasher's Interview Chamber, Ender Sparkle no longer had any lettuce power. It is unknown where the Lettuce Form is trapped. After all, what one wouldn't do for a friend?
    Victims 😈
    • Izuku Midoriya (Fate unknown)
    • Impostor Luigi (Deceased, normal lettuce)
    Darkfap (Former sapient lettuce)
    CrownDeluxe (Sapient lettuce)
    Volnar the Unforgiving (Lettuce powers were lost before there was a chance for lettucifying him.
    Powers 🥊
    • Summoning Lettuce Minions
    • Turning people into lettuce
    • Possesion (When eaten, the lettuce form posseses the consumer)
    • Eggplant Punch (Eggplant alliance perk)
    Original Image
    Lettuce Form (current)
    Angelonasher's Interviews 🎤 [MOST LIKELY ENDED]
    The Angelonasher's Interviews series is not what you may think it is. It may seem normal at first, but if you look at the Interview No. 23, where the subject was TOING, we can see a fraction of what actually happens there. Eventually, after invading Angel's profile, I found TOING's soul, which eventually came back to normal, physical form at the state before the interview. In Interview No. 15, the subject, Wagnerbaum, dies. He is later revived and cleansed of any memories of the interview to avoid any suspicions. On April 2nd, a seemingly joke interview with Asher is published. Sadly, we have got only facts that don't help in unravelling the truth. I don't know is she does remember anything from the interview. I'll try not to forget. I am signed up. I got a chance. And I will use it wisely.
    Ender Sombra's Revenge 👿 [ENDED, possibly]
    Sombra's Backstory
    Ender Sombra, also known as Ender Sparkle #766, is a version of Ender Sparkle from an alternate universe. The difference? Everyone has swapped genders, which kind of influenced their personalities. Sombra is now more mischievous, even to the point of doing sometimes things considered minor crimes. Fortunately in his universe, he partially went trough some sort of redemption arc, so his tomfoolery greatly reduced to occasional pranks.
    Sombra's time on PMC

    One day, Sombra gained enough trust to be given care of The Creator's alt account. As always, he only did minor pranks and leaks, but his activity would rise, and do did the scale of his actions. The peak of this chain, and the final prank, was making Ender Sparkle bald (most dragons ale already technically bald, so for them we use that term to talk about absence of horns instead of hair) for 40 hours with help of Timofefe's evil clone. He chose that person because he was probably her best friend on the site and made E.S. bald once, by accident. So he took Evil Timofefe, for now nicknamed Fef Tim, from his universe and together they pulled the prank. Even The Creator had kind of a laugh. But that post later resulted on Sombra's account deletion.​
    Actual revenge
    The Creator managed to create a nie deleted straw page because of a PMC trend one day, and it was kind of a flop... For first 5 days. Then she got sent this image:

    She posted a wall post about it, which inspired people to send her more drawings and questions. Then, among regular asks and art, she started to get some weird trashey art, and after some trash, the art presented 4 figures: a bootleg Piglin, an Amongus, Jax and Ender Sombra. They made themselves a clan called the Trollface League, with common goal of getting revenge on Ender Sparkle. On December 1st 2024, after a monthly break, Creator returned to the account after a monthly break, only to see Ender Sparkle missing, character spoiler broken and a note left on the ground, with an information that its author, Ender Sombra, has kidnapped the original, and if Creator wants to get her back, she needs to chant a brainrot spell. When the spell worked, Sombra explained the entire situation, and deleted Sparkle's horns using a device made by Travisa Inc. The entire thing was archived in a comic on this blog. Later, the change was undone using Creator magic. Sombra is now a recurring minor character on the official Ender Sparkle channel, on animation videos such as this one:

    The Onion Eagles 🧅🦅🇵🇱
    The Group: The Onion Eagles
    - Me, of course
    - PsioPsia001
    - Papa Enny
    - EmuRequiem
    - content_inc
    - Kretowski
    - _BenQ_
    - Alksander
    - per_Qasper
    - alkasper
    - undooo
    - Wargroy
    - Konrados
    - zMqrine
    - and some foreigners
    If you also are from Poland and you're not directly mentioned on this list, contact me through private messages or a guestbook.
    To Do List 📝
    1. Organize yet another contest with free skin as a reward
    2. Finish your Salamander Maker Picrew and publish it
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  • Characters in Ender Sparkle Series

    Ender Sparkle Series is, like the name says, Minecraft fan fiction series happening in a slightly altered Minecraft timeline, with lore being almost entirely made up of author's headcanons. (Hey, at least I admit it)
    The series tells the story of the author's Minecraft skin, who has their own thoughts, personality and everything whenever the Creator isn't using her as a vessel or avatar.

    Season 1: The Time Machine
    • Season 2 [​TBA]

    Major characters
    Ender Sparkle (The Vessel)
    Not canon in original Minecraft universe
    Title protagonist of the series, a juvenile Ender Dragon who adapted to live among humans in the Overworld.
    Wither King
    Not canon in original Minecraft universe
    Antagonist of Season 1 of the series, a wither skeleton overlord with unknown past life identity. Recently, his forces have been weakened to about 15 squadrons capable of expansion.
    The Creator
    Exists in real life in a different form
    An enigmatic ghost-like deity, who separated this very timeline of the fanfic from the true Minecraft canon, created Ender Sparkle and basically did almost everything to make this crazy universe work. Despite weaving E.S.' entire life, she actually shows up very rarely in stories, mostly to give advice or to save the day at a critical moment. In less canon situations, they see eachother more often.

    More coming soon!

    Minor characters
    Professor Steve
    Not canon in original Minecraft universe
    Brother of Steve the Great, a diplomatic scientist who sees half of the world as abnormal and the other half as "Earth-like". He sometimes dreams about a world that's almost completely round and very "realistic" - that's what he calls "Earth".
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