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Fantastic Inspiration And Where To Find It: How To Find Inspiration When Facing Miner's Block [TUTORIAL]

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Raddekio's Avatar Raddekio
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Meme
Hi there! If you're reading this, one of two things just happened:

1) You clicked on this blog because you were curious
2) You sat down at your computer blindfolded and slammed they keyboard randomly and somehow ended up here.

Either way, you are here. Thank you.

Anyway, what I am going to help you solve in the next ten minutes is what we call Miner's Block; when you are at a loss for inspiration to build or play Minecraft. Everyone experiences it now and then, sometimes causing you to stop playing for days on weeks at a time. It sucks, because you want to play but at the same time you don't know what to do. You run around aimlessly in game, bored inside of a game that you are playing to escape your real-life boredom.

I want you to know that having Miner's Block is perfectly normal. If you've felt it before or not, know there is a way out of it.


The first step is admitting you have a problem. That problem is that you have no inspiration to build or play Minecraft. Try to think of the last time you played the game:

  • What did you do?
  • What did you build?
  • Why did you want to do either of those things?

These questions are a huge step in understanding why you have Miners Block. Maybe you were building a big castle, but the walls became too repetitive. Maybe you were building a house, and had to close the game and just never got back to it. Perhaps your neighbor was being too noisy and breaking your concentration with building a roller coaster. No matter the cause, identification will help you get back on the minecart to success.


Think about what you could've done differently to not close the game last time. Maybe if you didn't have to pee so bad, you wouldn't of had to leave your computer screen. Perhaps if you had a few friends help you build the castle walls, it wouldn't have taken so long to build. There are lots of possibilities, but just try to identify a few.


Now, forget everything we just did for now. Right now, plug in your speakers, find your favorite album, and play it as loud as you can. Step away from this blog, and dance. Go make a cup of coffee. Grab a sketchbook, grab your guitar. Do anything at all that you like to to in your free time while thinking of minecraft. Sometimes, listening to music and having deep thoughts can extract the biggest idea yet. What do you think Tesla was doing when he came up with half of his ideas? Nothing related to science, I can tell you that much. To find inspiration, we must deprive ourselves of the thing that needs it the most. It's the same thing as when you look at a word long enough, and it starts to not look like a word. Listen to that one song that reminds you of your life, cook your favorite meal. Make something with your hands, be it a drawing, food, or a dance move. Spend time in solitude, thinking about your life.


While your thinking about your life, you're probably thinking of your future. Dreams, I'm talking about. Everyone's got 'em. What do you dream about? A big house with a family? Lots of money? 1,000 Dogs? Whatever it is, Think about your dreams. Pre-live them in your head. Imagine your dream house, and dream big. Imagine if you had a roller coaster that you rode every morning to your kitchen, where a robot served you breakfast. Think crazy things, this is where our imagination gears start.


Some people find comfort and inspiration in having things in front of them, on paper. I am one of those people. What really helps me, is when I make lists. (Check out my other old minecraft blog on 100 Things To Do In Minecraft for some crazy ideas.) Make a list of all the furniture you want in your dream home. Make a list of all of the dog names you would use. Sketch the layout of your dream house, and list every room there is. You can't go wrong with lists, and sometimes, visualizing things help us imagine.


Perhaps the most helpful tip at all is to look to others. Going on youtube and watching minecraft let's plays and builds is often the most helpful way to get back into the game. Watching other people have fun often makes us think "Hey, if they are having fun doing that, then I will too". Read minecraft guides, look at the wiki, look at minecraft merch. Rediscovering the fan base often helps me go back to the game I've always loved.


While still dreaming, dancing, and sipping your favorite drink, turn on that pc. Scream your favorite lyrics at the top of you lungs while your desktop loads. Look outside your window, and imagine your life as if it was a movie.


With your ideas and dreams in mind, turn the game on. While it's loading up, go ahead and try to pick just one concept from your dreams. That concept will be what you achieve in this game: Do you want to film a let's play and become a famous youtuber? Will you build a neighborhood, but every house different? Try to keep it different, so your imagination gears never stop moving. Once they stop, so will your game.


Too much Minecraft will burn your imagination gears out. Play just enough that you can come back tomorrow and build some more. Don't play so little that you forget what you were doing, but don't play for so many hours that you pee your pants. You know you best, and how much time is enough for you. Make sure to take care of your imagination gears, so next time they work just as buttery. Mmm, butter.

Obviously, you can't be 100% careful all the time - Miner's Block will come again. When it does, repeat these steps. What happened last game? How involved was I? Do I need to try something else? Maybe the solution to your problem is as easy as changing the scenario of the game. Maybe, you need to create a brand new world. Maybe you need more people to play to keep the ideas fresh. It's up to you to judge what you need to keep going, it's your imagination gears that you need to train. The more you train them, the less likely you are to be stuck again. It's all about creativity and randomness: The more creative you are, the more you will stand out!

Thank you for reading this blog. I hope it helped you find inspiration to build, and if not, go out and find it. Find inspiration in books, in coffee shops, in new plant species and in the constellations you've never been able to point out before. It's everywhere around you, you just have to get creative as to where you look.

Have a good day, and have fun building!

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03/13/2019 1:03 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
LillyWerk's Avatar
Radd- thank you so much for the inspiration! I love MC- it's my go to when the real world gets to be too much- (like, every day) the biggest thing for me is I can't seem to stay interested in one world for too long, no matter how awesome the seed is- been thinking if I put a time limit on how long I have to play on one world at a time I'd be more inclined to stay on longer- anyways, thanks for the tips- I will put them to use! happy mining!
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