Minecraft Blogs / Art

Freaken epic mountain seed with still good places to build!

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Wallyjoecraft's Avatar Wallyjoecraft
Level 41 : Master Dragonborn
Today I was trying to find a epic seed that no one seen before for all of you to use! The seed is: Minecraftia (Exactly like that and make sure it is caped and by caped I don't mean the whole word just the first) This Seed has: 1. Epic mountains 2. Some holes in some Mountains perfect to make a Temp house in 3. Tons of Huge Flat places 4. Some more Terrain sculpts! 5. Water spouts (Like water falls) and Rare Lava spouts! Please tell me if you like this seed! (I had a better picture of the seed but thats when I had to scratch my back because it was itchy then I accidently scratched the key board instead which made me move XD)

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07/15/2012 11:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Woojoo33's Avatar
Really nice seed. It looks incredible! I wonder what I will build... Hogwarts Here I come! Maybe a neat lair, or some HELL of a rollercoaster XD
07/18/2011 3:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
bollweevile25's Avatar
sheesh wally 2 big 4 a house XD
07/08/2011 10:27 am
Level 22 : Expert Toast
kidk91's Avatar
Epic. =D
