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Getting Started on a Factions Server!

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RigdenYT's Avatar RigdenYT
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Getting Started on a Factions Server!
(A Complete Guide to keeping your stuff for longer than half an hour)
1. Finding a Spot

While it may be true that, if your on a fairly populated server, you will inevitably face raiding at some point for another that doesnt mean that you should simply give up and forget the most obvious step that comes with creating a base. On my server I have created a 15k block limit as of now as to keep the small community relatively close together as to encourage raiding amoungst the players, this however is not usually the case. When you enter most mainstream factions servers there will be either no world limit or a world limit so drastically far out that you will never actually see it. With this in mind it should be noted that as a general rule you should be a certain distance out from spawn based on the number of players on that server at any given time:

1-5 Players : 1-2k Blocks
6-10 Players : 3-5k Blocks
11-20 Players : 10-15k Blocks
21-30 Players : 16-20k Blocks
31-50+ Players : 25+k Blocks

Also keep in mind that these are just recommendations meant to help you avoid getting raided, they may not always be accurate and are just there to give you a general idea. Trust me, I know walking 25k blocks is a pain.

2. Building your Base

Building your base is a pretty important step into creating a successful factions career.
Once you have travelled a decent distance and have decided to start laying down the foundations to your new life, What do you do? Do you start building your glorious manor out of wood on the top of a hill? do you find a village and claim it as your own? Probably not.

A fairly obvious mistake a lot of people make is to assume that distance makes you safe. Even if you are 50k blocks away from spawn you should never assume that someone wont find your home, After all...You did. Because of this building a base on the surface is almost always a terrible idea. So here are my suggestions:
Build a Sky Base:
Building a sky base is always an option for thoughs trying to stay out of reach of thoughs pesky raiders. Most raiders are scanning along the ground or may even be hacking trying to find underground bases to raid, most raiders arent bothered with sky bases. On top of this even if a raider were to decide to raid you, its not always easy when your way up in the sky. If you have properly claimed the land where your base is and the surrounding area that rules out most attempts to use tnt cannons and they wont be able to mine it. That being said it should be noted if a server has plugins like mine that allow easy raiding for things like obsidian bases that can be blown up with tnt this may not be the best option, because no matter how hard you try someone will always find a way to steal your stuff.
Building an Underground Base:
Underground bases are certainly a more convienient option for the new player when it comes to sheer time/reward factor. If you decide that underground bases are for you then here is a great way to go about it.
First off, be sure that your base is deep enough and far enough that nobody is going to just absentmindedly mine into it and run into it at all, that wouldnt be a great experience. It is recommended that you mine fairly far down (dont mine straight down, obviously) setting a home and filling up the hole as you go, this way nobody has an express lane into your base. Furthermore it should be noted that your should try to avoid building near cave systems, ESPECIALLY ONES LEADING TO THE SURFACE, as they once again act as paths directly to your base.

3. Using your Resources:

Perhaps this one goes without saying, hence it will be a incredibly small section, however it is worth noting.
Almost all worthwhile servers will offer some sort of reward for doing certain tasks. Wether that reward is for voting for the server or completing small tasks they certainly can help, especially if you are a beginning player.

4. Protection your Stuff:

Now at this point you may be thinking to yourself, alright I get it, make sure to claim all your land in order to prevent people from completely taking it...but that might not be the case. Now dont get me wrong, if your above ground protect your stuff as people will take it, but if your are underground it may be a different story. When you have created an underground base its worth noting that people will not be able to tell where it is and, if its far enough, people will not naturally assume there is a base below their feet unless you tell them, making claiming land perhaps disadvantagous.
That being said for any base it is recommended you close all your chests in a complete obsidian box (not skipping corners to prevent tnt from going through) only being able to access it through a set home.

5. Making Cash:

Perhaps one of the most important aspect for a factions economy server is having money.
now while voting may make you some cash, its also not out of the question to make a little on the side.
Have you absolutelly filled your 4 cobblestone double chests? are you going to use it? no? Then sell a bunch of it and bring in a pretty penny. Hording in minecraft has never helped anyone if they werent using it. While having a room made of diamond blocks looks snazzy, in the end its completely useless.

6. Be Prepared for the Worst!:

So youve followed all the steps, armored your base with 3 block thick obsidian, and what do you know...YOU GOT RAIDED?!?!
While it is unfortunate it is bound to happen to even the best of us, so what do you do?
Well most people would throw in the towel and say:
"I Tried, But I GIVE UP"
Well I cant say I blame you, but maybe it isnt all bad right?
While your physical storage was taken and perhaps your base is now nothing more than the presidential candidates spot where their brains should be, you still have more than you think!
First off, you most likely kept your money, on top of that you probably kept your rank and hence have kept your kit.
even with these few things you are bound to get back on your feet as long as you stay vigilant!
If you quit every time you lose, you lose twice.


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