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Hackers: What they don't want YOU to know.

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Devee's Avatar Devee
Level 48 : Master Pokémon
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.

This article is old. Please read at least a few of the recent posts for answers to most of your questions.

Please, remember through this entire post that I am a blunt person. That being said, I don't like introductions.. but I'll try.


I'm sure you all know what hackers are, right? Those little trolls under the bridge that has either by some horrifying miracle got smarter or learned how to download a client online. The big cheaters that, when angry, threaten to do things they can't possible do just to scare you and make them sound tough.

Read along as I've typed this so I can point out MANY things Hackers don't want YOU to know.


Skip this if you want. But I'd read it if I were you.

In this, we'll label anyone who is using a Hacked Client online as "Hackers". People who create the hacks will be called HCreaters. Owners of servers are Owners, admins/mods (anybody who doesn't have 100% ownership of a server but still has permissions) are labelled Operators, and the regular people who play Vanilla Minecraft will be called Innocents. We'll also be using the hacker term "Skids" to label those players who threaten to DDos your server, Dox you, etc. We're also going to call "Hatters" (as in Hat, not Hate) to those who can do those things, but don't normally work in Minecraft as often as the others.

Over the years, news and Minecraft has turned the term "Hacker" into a bad guy. The name "Hacker" is someone who is willing to try new things. Someone who says, "Hmm.. what can I do with this? What if I send this instead of that?" just to see what it does.

True hackers are sometimes bad, but sometimes a Hacker can be good.

-What are Hackers?-

I'm sure you all know the answer to this question.. but not all of you do. Here, I am going to go through what a hacker can and can't do.

First of all, hackers are Innocents that have either 1.) Gotten really mad at a server, 2.) Decided to try something new, or 3.) Wanted to feel as if they were powerful. It's always a good thing to treat your players with kindness and respect, oterwise they'll turn into Hackers or or Skids. Both of which are really bad to have mad against your server.

Hackers: They can ruin the game for everyone else. They will do whatever they can to get the edge of other players. Sometimes they'll 'be a little nice' and turn off a few hacks to make it a little fair for others, but either way they should be Jailed or IP Banned as soon as possible. A little warning.. Hackers CAN bypass bans. They have their methods, either to change their Account or to change their IP. Either way you ban them, you can be sure that they're probably going to come back. They can also call onto friends or a general Minecraft Hacking section in some forums. If you ever notice that more people are joining your server and it doesn't seem like the same guy, it's probably a hell lot more safer to turn off your server for a few days... either you'll face some HCreaters or Hatters that want a little fun.

Skids: They're basically Hackers that (believe) they can do some Hollywood Hacks. Be warned, as these are very similar to Hatters and can sometimes be confused. If it's a skid, they'll threaten to DDos you, sue you, take your server offline, etc. Since they're also 'hackers', they - just as easily - can call on for more Hackers or Skids to join your server. BUT!!.. They can also be Hatters.

Hatters: You probably won't see many Hatters, but if you do don't get a Hatter and a Skid confused. It's easy to. A Hatter will take down your server if they can, which causes hosting issues for your server and causes you to have to pay more money on your next bill if it goes over the limit. If they're a more famous Hatter, and they're really *Removed* off at you.. Let's just say they can go as deep as finding your phone number. Think of what they can do with that.. what other things they could do....

HCeators: These are basically the Plugin Developers.. but for Hacked Minecraft clients. They're mostly looked up upon, given the title of a "God" or a "*Removed*". Almost all of the time, they know PHP, Java, HTML5, etc and makes thousands upon thousands of dollars a month doing IRL stuff. Just like the Hatters, their profession is Hacking. Their profession is finding new stuff to do with Minecraft, doing stuff you probably wouldn't believe me if I said... I've seen it first hand. The dude was holding a miniature Steve in his hand! In a survival server!! Crashed my game seconds later, but I saw it..

Now.. for the moment you've all been waiting for..

Things a hacker can and can't do.
What they don't want you to know..

ForceOP: ForceOp is a theory that some people believe exist. It's supposedly a program that can give you Op Permission on any server, kicking everyone from the server, banning anyone, etc. First of all.. It does not exist and never will exist. Think of this to yourself; If a ForceOP existed, why hasn't anyone used it to get op on Hypixel and blow up the map? Why hasn't anyone got on my server and banned me yet? No matter how much a Skid tries to search for it, there is and will never be a ForceOP. But.. There have some similar cases. I'll talk about them later..

"Reach Hack": Please, for the love of god, use the plugin NoCheat. Although it gives some Hackers a few more creative things they can do, it stops them from hitting players 5-6 blocks away. Just throwing this in.

Item Spoofer: You heard me, an Item Spoofer. With this, a player could be holding nothing in his hand and break obsidian within a few seconds. All this does is tells the server that you're holding Slot4 instead of Slot1. How it works.. how to explain it.. They hold a PickAxe in their hand and enable ItemSpoofer. Now, whatever item they switch to, as long as the PickAxe stays in that same hotbar the server will always show them holding the pickaxe. Now they can eat food, Soup, shoot a bow (They can't really shoot a bow, this is just an example), etc. This is nearly impossible to catch a player doing.. just keep your eye out if the player is placing blocks while holding a shovel, or eating steak while holding a bow.

Blink: Be warned, this is probably the newest hack out there in Minecraft that people don't know about. What it does is tell the server that you're lagging. Whenever you move in Minecraft, every inch sends a packet to the server saying "I am now moving to x3y60z4 I am now moving to x4y60z4.3 I am now moving to x5y60.4z4.6". Blink basically stops their client from sending those packets and "records" it, then when they disable it they quickly tell the server all of that stuff within a second. By doing this, on your screen it looks like they lagged REALLY badly. By doing this, they can "blink" behind you and you won't even notice them walk there. It's so fast, it almost looks like a teleport. Say, Hacker is a x4. He activate blink. He now walks to x10, drops his sword, and walks back to x4. What did you see? Nothing. You just saw a sword get dropped 6 blocks away from Hacker, but you have no idea where it came from. That's how fast it is. Watch out, Corner Trapping doesn't work anymore.

Damage Bypassing: This is a new-ish little bypass trick for Nocheat. By taking damage, a Hacker can fly a short amount of damage. If taken enough damage, he could fly about 50 blocks. On a Nocheat server. They can also "step" up blocks.. execpt, he can step up about 8 blocks high. Doing this bypass, they can glide, fly, step up, and even teleport short distances on a NoCheat server. This will never be able to be patched. Your server isn't fully protected...

Anticheat: Get this.. Even the most simple Hacked Clients now have a hack called "Anticheat". Doing this, they can bypass every Anticheat check. If your server has AntiCheat, I recommend switching to NoCheat. Now. Anticheat doesn't do anything anymore.

Phase: A note, Hackers can only do this if the server has NoCheat. Phase is a hack in almost every Hacked Client that abuses a flaw in Nocheat. The Hacker teleports a little bit into the ground, and Nocheat teleports him back. If he were to, say, quickly teleport through a door and down a block so fast that Nocheat didn't see it, Nocheat will teleport him back up.. on the other side of the door. By doing this, players can go through (and inside of) any Transparent block. Chests, steps, cobblestone fences, iron doors, etc. All Hackers can walk through and inside of them. Sometimes, if you're messing with an HCreator, he might be able to go through about 3-4 blocks thick of obsidian.. be careful.

Crashers: These are real, but the server needs specific things for it to happen. Most Hacked Clients have hacks that can let them spawn in items if they're in creative. They can spawn a diamond without going to the creative menu.. then they can give the diamond level 127 enchant for every enchant.. then they can rename it to YOLO and other stuff. There's an Item in minecraft that crashes your client if it's dropped or if you open a chest with it in it. They removed the image for the item so now it doesn't crash them. Now they can spawn the item in and crash anyone in a creative server. The item is some type of flower.. that's all I know. There's also a crasher that works for every Pure Vanilla server. All it does is teleport about 400000 blocks a few times, the server can't handle it and it completely crashes for up to an hour.

Other: HCreators are creative, and there's a lot of creative things you can do with Minecraft. From placing an item that crashes your client, to finding an exploit that shows you the coordinates of every single faction in a server.. They've done it before, and they're doing it now. Climbing up ladders x5 fast, running 20 blocks a second, turning their head completely inside out, all of these I have seen HCreators do on NoCheat servers.

BungeeCord Exploit: Simple enough. If you use BungeeCord and it's not configured properly, any player can join your Creative/PVP/Vanilla/Factions server since it's in Offline mode. And since it's in Offline mode, they can join with any username.. including yours, Owner.

What to do:

1.) Install Nocheat.

2.) Install an Invisibility plugin like VanishNoPacket.

3.) Wait for better plugins..

There's currently no check for Blink, Phase, Damage Bypass and a few other. There's no fix for it, and there probably won't ever be.


Hackers can type .help in the chat. -- For the past year, hackers have added a command to their clients called ".say". It basically just says whatever is after the .say into the chat. If you tell a hacker to say .help, he will type ".say .help" into his client and you will see him say ".help" in the chat. Hackers have also used other symbols instead of ".". Some hackers use -help, some use ~help, some even us /help. (Using the /, if they type /spawn their client will say "Invalid comand: /spawn -- Typing that into the chat.." and it will do /spawn to the server.)

Hackers can see invisible admins. -- Unless you use a Plugin like VanishNoPacket, simply using any other invisible plugin that just makes you invisible or with a potion, they can see you. They can also make their KillAura turn off for Invisible players.

Hackers can FLY ON NOCHEAT SERVERS. -- Said it before, using the Damage Bypass they can fly short amounts of time.

Hackers test their hacks to make sure NoCheat can't detect them before using them in real servers. -- Hackers have created their own servers with the latest NoCheat Plugin to test their hacks. If you join the server, every player you see there is a Hacker. Maybe you'll have some fun watching what hackers can do in their own natural territory. IP's are: ncp.odiegaming.com, ncp.b0at.net, and a few more.

Hackers can not be banned. -- While you can certainly ban SammyGirl23i4 for "forcefield/killaura", TimDaHacker who owned that account.. has about 52 other Minecraft Accounts that he's hacked/bought. You can be fairly certain that TimDaHacker will re-join with the exact same hacks - except, now he's more careful about getting caught. It's probably better to IPBan them.. but even then, they can simply change their IP or use a Proxy (google it) to join the server again. A Hacker has about 20 to 3,000 "alts" (Alternative Accounts) to join your server over and over even after you've banned him, IPBanne him, paid him to go away, etc. You can NOT ban the guy behind the computer.

Hatters can take you offline by your skype username. -- I've seen this too many times. "who wants to skype" "who has skype my skype is hackmepls345" "u want 2 skype ?" By giving your Skype Username to some random person you don't know, you've basically given them your IP Address. With that, Hatters can just send a few billion packets to your router and fry it. (Not really, but they can make you unable to connect to the internet.) Not only do you have to pay for repairs, but now you have to pay for all the bandwidth you just used up.

The above is no longer true. Skype has fixed all skype-to-IP resolves by protecting users' ip addresses.

Hatters have been known of finding HollyWood Hacks. -- From the 1.6.2 handshake exploit (which let any hacker join any server with any username by quickly switching his name when he log'd in), to the Nodus Session Stealer (which would still your session and force your player to do /op Hackzeer344 on your server), HCreaters have been known to do horrifying stunts. Something like this is always possible.. and with the ability to change your username in the next update.. who knows what or how they can hack that.

This entire thread was created because somebody told a hacker to say ".help" or else he would get banned. He said .help in chat, then - right in front of the entire spawn - he took some damage and flew up about 20 blocks before Nocheat teleported him back down.

I will (probably) update this with more stuff to watch out for in the future.
Please, for the love of all of your players, get NoCheatPlus and start IP Banning hackers. Simply typing /ban to ban their username lets an Innocent join on his brother account - he's not being punished, you're just forcing Hackers and other players to join with another username.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Devee 07/21/2014 11:23:34 pmJul 21st, 2014

Fixed title, changed some formats, got good with staff about cursing in the blog.

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06/01/2020 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Terrablade04's Avatar
you missed the type of hacker that plays on anarchy and isn't actually breaking any rules
06/05/2020 8:33 am
Level 48 : Master Pokémon
Devee's Avatar
This blog is 7 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been
multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released
to the public.
10/21/2018 1:33 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
TranNhatMinhxD's Avatar

Hay lắm :3

Good job boi xD

also i know this blog is 5 years old but most of our server community still meets people like this.
05/24/2018 12:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bombsgamer2221's Avatar
2 thing seems one no one types in chat it’s all I keybinds now, and two the only server I use hacks on and pretty much use in general is 2b2t. Also calm down it’s fucking Minecraft, besides anarchy is fun unless your just wanting money
05/30/2018 12:40 am
Level 48 : Master Pokémon
Devee's Avatar
This blog is 5 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been
multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released
to the public.
10/28/2017 2:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SorryiUse_Xray's Avatar
And all of the above is patched u cant fly in most servers only in the hub. And servers like mineplex always has a owner on so ur lucky if ur not seen
05/30/2018 12:40 am
Level 48 : Master Pokémon
Devee's Avatar
This blog is 5 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been
multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released
to the public.
10/28/2017 2:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SorryiUse_Xray's Avatar
Okay this is stupid because because hackers like myself use them to help others and the only time i use hacks is for the mods that simple like auto-sprint. Us modders do use Kill-aura but we dont use it all the time because of anti-cheat on servers and only a couple menus (WURST) has .give commands but u can only use the commands that server has with it. I i use my mods mainly for building because im a player who likes creative and most people should know the bookhack on servers is actually patched now yes in my opinion they shouldnt have it because idiots do use mods for bad like griefing servers but then just report the site with the mods dont report the hacker cause theres always a hacker and will always be a hacker.
12/18/2017 11:43 pm
Level 48 : Master Pokémon
Devee's Avatar
This blog is 4 years old. It is highly outdated, as there have been multiple new minecraft versions, hacks, exploits, and clients released to the public.
12/20/2016 2:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Piggggggggggggy7's Avatar
Most of this is wrong. force op does indeed exist. but only on servers that have no anticheat/nocheat and allow you to place signs.
Skids are people who download hacked clients but don't know how to create one.
Also what makes you think most Hcreators make a living hacking? most hacked clients are free and have very few paid adds on their download page, or any page (other than ad.fly) that are linked with them.
