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Herobrine, The Diary (Fake Story)

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Prettzel's Avatar Prettzel
Level 43 : Master Blob

Deep In The Blocky Woods Of Minecraftia, Lies An Abandoned Chamber. Shall You Enter, You Will Never Come Out. Legend Says, That The Mythical Creature, Herobrine, Rests In His Grave. But Not This Year, On The Day Thursday 15th September, Herobrine Will Rise. He Will Grow Powerful.

Monday 20th September

Today, I must go. I must go to the Chamber. I will go. I must confirm the mystery about him. The town thinks I am a liar, but, I've seen him, in the yard, trying to take our pumpkins. He had a black hood, and a sword, in his left pocket. And his eyes, I will never forget those white, glowing eyes of his. The woods aren't very far from here, but I will need to pack food. It's okay, I'll bring the bread that the priest gave us. The priest is a strange man, and awfully familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Terrorvale, my town, is a dangerous place, because it is closest to The Blocky Woods. I will need to be very cautious when roaming through the streets to get to the front gate.

Wednesday 22nd September

I'm all set to go. I have a lot of food, an iron sword, and a stack of torches which I stole from my father. The mayor announced that Terrorvale was getting it's first ever policeman, to stop all the crime around here. He also mentioned that the policeman was coming here at around midday. It's 11:45 here, so I better get going if I want to see him.

Okay, I'm nearly at the gate, it is very hard to write and walk at the same time.

Oh my gosh, the policeman came, and guess what. He had a black hood on, and a sword, in his left pocket. I can't breathe is it him. No, I must be scaring myself. I have to be. It's not him, it can't be, it just can't. Anyway, I'm just going to go to the chamber, and check myself.

Thursday 23rd September

I regret going this deep in the woods, skeletons and zombies are raiding me by the millions. Luckily, I found a small hole, I have decided to rest in it. Vines are hanging down the entrance, so he won't see me if he comes.

Help me, he's near. I woke up and I was freezing cold. I could hear footsteps above me. But when I figured it was just an animal, I heard someone. A squeeky voice, saying a prayer. "Dear Lord," they said. But, that's all I heard. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't, and when I rolled over, I heard a noise like vines being pushed to the side. I opened my eyes, and looked at the entrance to the hole slyly, but there was nothing there. I swear I saw someone lying on the oppisite side of the hole, but I was too tired too look, so I fell asleep at once.

Friday 24th September

Finally, morning has come. But I have just realised now that my leg has a deep cut in it, and I am losing blood fast. I have already eaten three slices of bread for breakfast, and an apple I found on a nearby tree, for a snack. I wrapped the cut in a piece of leather from a cow I killed a few days ago. The pain is large, but the bleeding has stopped. I can tell he is watching me, even when it's daytime. I will go forth though, and I will not look back, I must prove he's real to the people of Terrorvale, and maybe then, they will start raising their defences, and I can sleep at night.

Saturday 25th September

He doesn't seem to like me, at all. Last night, there was a message written in blood, on the wall of another cave I decided to sleep in. "STAY AWAY, OR ELSE, YOU BLOODY BRUTE" It has scared me so much I am weeing in my pants as I write this to you. My instincts tell me the chamber is very close, so there is no use in turning back.

I cannot sleep, I've decided to start making my way towards the chamber at dark. Strangely, the tree's are brown, and no animals are here, not even monsters! Another scary sign.

Sunday 26th September

I think I found it! As I walking through the orange, red, and brown trees, I noticed something hard on the ground. I cleared it out, and it was mossy cobblestone! At the moment I am clearing out the overgrown roots and vines that have covered the entrance to the chamber over the years. It looks fascinating. I hope he doesn't find me, but then again, he's always watching. I must be the first adventurer to ever find his home.

I have something to say: If I die, I want you all to tell my family that-

Monday 27th September

I'm so sorry about that last note. I don't know what got into me. I was writing the note as I entered the chamber, and at once, I dropped the book, and screamed at the top of my voice. "I FOUND IT! I FOUND YOUR GRAVE, HEROBRINE!" The next thing I knew was that a bag was shoved over my head, and I was dragged down a series of bumpy stairs. Eventually, I was pushed into a room, and it was freezing. I ripped the bag off my head, and something in the darkness through my book at my stomach. I was too scared to get up, and I stayed lying, on the cold stone floor, for what felt like years. But somehow, something tells me that he doesn't want me to get out of here. And just incase, let me tell you the thing I nearly finished writing before I was kidnapped. If I die, I want you to tell my family to give the bakery the blue vase on the top shelf in my bedroom. Then get the baker to put his hand inside, and pull the note out. I mustn't tell you what else the vase contains, as if he finds this book, the world will be at risk.

Wednesday 29th September

I am starving, although I have the energy to write this note. I remembered I had an iron pickaxe in the left pocket of my coat, and I hastily spent the whole day yesterday mining my way out. Once or twice, I heard a scream or yell, but I was in too much fright to care about it. Something tells me I'm still being watched, and he keeps trying to force me back down underground again.

I'm still mining, and now I can hear slow footsteps. I will keep mining upwards though, and I will find my-

I was blown up. I was about to finish my sentence when I heard the strange sound of fire, and the next thing I knew I was falling, the ground beneath me had blown up. I'm okay, I landed in a deep pool of water. There is an island in the middle, covered in flowers. It look's as if there is stone slabs in the middle, and, is that a sign?

My heart is pumping now. My assumptions were correct. There are stone slabs here, and there is a sign. It says:


~Rest In Peace, friend. For you saved us all,~

~But have no time to save yourself.~


Thursday 30th September

I am feeling quite brave at the moment. I dug up his grave. I don't know why, I just did. There lay a series of body parts, but no bones, just organs that humans needed to live. But amongst all of these unnerving things, was a scroll. It said:

"Congratulations, fellow Brine. You have saved our planet. The human's can no longer be able to find it. We are punishing you, although. As you have not completed your mission on the date given. You were assigned to stop mankind from invading our planet, and to find the key. You will die, Harry. We will cut out your insides, and bury them, you will live only on Earth with your bones, and skin. You will never return. You have only a stone heart, I forgot to mention, to turn everyone you meet to enemies.

-Regards, The Planet Of Brines"

It was such a chilling message, but now I understand why he's such a killer. I don't know how he got his name though.

Friday 1st October

You will not believe who Herobrine really is. I couldn't believe it. I decided to mine up again, and as I did, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I spun around, and there stood the priest of Terrorvale. I was shocked when he took off his hood. For I saw two glowing eyes, shining back into mine. I eventually persuaded him not to kill me, so I could write this message. I told him it would stop people from hurting him if anyone found my book. Then I told him I read the message from his planet, and he sat down, and started talking.

"My name isn't Herobrine," he said gloomily, staring at the ground. "It's Harry. Harry Brine. You know about my mission I'm guessing? Well, I failed to find the key. Don't ask me why I needed the key, or what it is, because I don't know. I woke up in this chamber, and eventually found my way out. I found Terrorvale, and ran into this very rude man. Get out of here, you white-eyed zombie! He cried. I told him I wasn't a zombie, and then I told him my name. He mustn't have heard properly, because he cried for help, and many townsfolk came out, holding weapons. I vanished into the woods, and found my way back into the chamber. The man told everyone I was called Herobrine, and that I was a murderer. Nobody believed him, and then I saw you, as I was trying to take your pumpkins. I got scared for a moment, and ran off again, but this time, I killed the priest, and stole his clothes. I haven't killed anybody for a while, but I will bring this back to the town. Trust me."

He stood up, and brought out his sword-


Nine Years Later

Harry ventured through the woods, carrying the body of his victim, nine years ago. At the gates of the town, he dropped them all, screamed, and ran back, to lie in his grave; to wait another year.

"What is all this racket?" Screeched a lady named Julia. "I was trying to slee-Huh? What is this book lying here? And, oh my! It's-It's your son Mrs. Kreacher!" Mrs Kreacher looked through her window, and screamed. A man named Jackson ran out of his house, followed by the new policeman. "Is everyone alright?" cried Jackson. "Shiver me timbers! Isn't that your son, Mrs. Kreacher." Mrs. Kreacher ran deeper inside her house, and called her family to come out. She walked out, tailed along by a very frightened group of Kreacher's. There was two fourteen year olds, Susan and Kevin Kreacher, and Mr. Kreacher. When they saw a member of their family, lying dead on the ground, the street was almost flooding with tears. The policeman picked up the book, and started flipping through the book, cursing under his breath. "It-It can't be?" He muttered fearfully. "What is it?" exclaimed Mrs. Kreacher. "Your son, was right." replied the policeman, still flipping back and forth through the pages. "Herobrine is real. Quick! Get the blue vase out of your son's bedroom, on the top shelf in his bedroom. Give it to the baker, and tell him to pull all it's contents out of it!

Herobrine, His Diary #2 IS COMING SOON!

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01/20/2013 4:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
kingdomheartsfan23's Avatar
I just read this post, and just to say your ripping things off from the yogscast :)
01/20/2013 5:13 pm
Level 43 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Uhm......a few questions.

1. What series?

2. How am I ripping things off from the yogscast? It's Herobrine... -_-

(Not a question) 3. I wouldn't care less.
01/20/2013 9:41 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
kingdomheartsfan23's Avatar
I just was saying because I read the second post and it said something about Terrorville and on this post it says your setting takes place in Minecraftia soo im not starting anything but if you whach the yogscast shadow of israphel siries <--Typo from the first video it says things about the setting is Minecraftia and There is a town named Terrorville. I promise I am not trying to get into any fight but you are right who even cares I was just poiting it out thats all.
P.S. Herobrine is awesome
p.s.s. You should watch their siries
01/20/2013 10:54 pm
Level 43 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Btw, It's TerrorVALE. I've watched their seires, I wuv dem :D

Okie, soz for the inconvenience (Spelling???)
11/03/2012 4:12 pm
Level 29 : Expert Nerd
TripleThreatNinja's Avatar
Hey I make movies for youtube and I have been looking for something to make it on and i would like to make a MC Herobrine vid of your story (When it is finished of course) and put it on youtube.
11/03/2012 6:38 pm
Level 43 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
Oh I would love it! I will try and finish A.S.A.P!!!
10/13/2012 9:07 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc380562's Avatar
10/13/2012 11:42 pm
Level 43 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar

Thanks for the compliment on my new work :D
10/14/2012 1:05 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc380562's Avatar
10/14/2012 1:14 am
Level 43 : Master Blob
Prettzel's Avatar
:) Thanks for Thanking Me :P
