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Herobrine The True Story: Book 1

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tomix9tomix's Avatar tomix9tomix
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
Herobrine was young when his family threw him into the forest. Steve, his parents other son, did not like herobrine. neither did his parents. He looked like steve but with white eyes. nobody liked him with his white eyes.

Herobrine was training his fist on a tree, he could now kill a cow in a single hit, but he only eats raw because he doesn't have any cookers like his parents did. 2 patches ago when he was left Herobrine swore he would kill his family, painfully and slowly. Herobrines daily routine was train in morrning and kill monsters at night.

Steve was sitting at the table eating cake when he saw a creeper out side, grabed his diamond sword and went out. It wasn't there anymore? CRASH! Steve was on the floor in pain, he looked up and saw his brother, herobrine! Steve threw his knife at Herobrine and ran inside.

Herobrine was in pain. The sword went straight though him. He slowly pulled it out. Blood spat everywhere and he relised he had a powerful weapon and ran towards the house that steve lived in!

DINGDONG went the noteblocks. "That must be notch asking for suggestions for the next patch. It was Notch. They each wrote something but Steve wrote remove Herobrine! DINGDONG, the noteblocks went again. Steve opened it and there was Herobrine with a diamond sword. Steve still had an iron sword so he got it out. The swords hit each other, Steves parents did nothing they were selfish. the fight went up into Steve's room. Herobrine jabbed and it went straight though Steve. But in a second Steve was in his bed and he said "You can kill me as much as you want its 1 hour to the new patch and your no longer going to exist." Herobrine was stunned! Steve grabbed the sword and stabbed Herobrine. "Brother you have one more hour and then you will die for good." said Steve. Herobrine didn't cry but he felt like it. He was about to die and never come back. 1 hour passed and he vanished.


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08/25/2012 5:46 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Narwhal
MoodernBuilder's Avatar
Herobrine cannot be "killed"
08/25/2012 6:50 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
tomix9tomix's Avatar
wow read the ladt story
08/25/2012 7:36 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Narwhal
MoodernBuilder's Avatar
I have and i find it convenient that Steve had enough time to mine 10 obsidian and make a portal and also have a flint and steel, but they are only my thoughts
08/20/2012 7:42 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
gontiogas's Avatar
i saw im in a server and him did noting bad, he just told to ''create things, use the creativity and be yourself''
hes nice, and he left a bokk with those words on it
08/20/2012 7:39 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
gontiogas's Avatar
there are 2 herobrines, the good and bad.
the bad killd the good and now his soul still at game
08/20/2012 7:37 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
gontiogas's Avatar
the truth is not that way.
08/19/2012 9:13 am
Level 23 : Expert Princess
momarama's Avatar
It was just the drama I think but wow great story! :D
08/19/2012 2:10 am
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
good story but i fell nuthing for eny of the caricters. if you have read my story wich i posted days befor your. you wood rily feel some thing for the two of them yours just ends to fast and dusint give a rell good end to hero brine wich mine wich is going to be a sereys of blogs billeds up macks you fell for herobrine and steve. and in the end your left shocked. heres the link to the ferst part if you havent read it all redy.

08/19/2012 1:39 am
Level 44 : Master Creeper
derangedimmortal's Avatar
rilly man i did this
08/19/2012 1:20 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Dragon
forttwothree's Avatar
really cool story i gave you one diamond i wish i could give more
