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Higher Ranks and how they abuse their powers.

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Sneezing_Yoshi's Avatar Sneezing_Yoshi
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Hey everybody! Sneezing_Yoshi here, today I have a small subject to talk about that has happened from previous events. This is about...

Higher Ranks.

Don't get me wrong, not all higher Ranks are bad. Some are great! KnobleKnives, Jetra. But there's always that one guy that treats lower ranks like trash.

For example. One day, I was on my brother's friend's server. Now, we're not like best buds or anything but occasionally we'll talk about the server; plugins. Simple stuff.

The Story.

On the Server I helped set up a base with my Brother and his friend. We used World Edit, and since I'm not so 'experienced' with World Edit, I built too.
Then the older brother comes on, and tells my brother's friend to de-op me. I say, fair enough. And I am de-opped.

Then, an OP comes on, comes to the base specifically and kills me numerous times. After several times of being killed, I say. 'Stop being annoying and killing me; I'm just trying to play.'

There is one guy on, and you know what he does? He kicks me for being 'rude, and disrespectful to Staff.'
When I come back on, I teleport to a Hunger Games, I also helped make. I asked if anyone wanted to play.

And you know the OP that just kicked me? He teleports, kills me, and then resumes to attack me.
Ironic enough, the guy that killed me before, kills the guy that just attacked me. The guy pleads to give his stuff back. I say no, have a taste of your own medicine.

When I try to come back on it says. 'Banned for 9 days.'

If this guy wasn't acting like so much of an inconsiderate drunk, I would've said to give the stuff back. Don't even ask me how this guy was thinking when he was OP, and could've of simply gone into Creative; I guess it's just some armor he spent ages on enchanting.

So that's the story.

So never abuse your powers if you're a higher rank, sometimes it will come right round and hit you back in face. I hope you guys enjoyed hearing my sad, sad, story...



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08/21/2013 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
PepperWolf's Avatar
That's horrible! Im so sad to hear that! On a server I go on admins and mods are kinda like that, they act like they are a million times better than everyone and kick and ban for horrid reasons.They also only talk to the other ops...
08/21/2013 5:47 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Sneezing_Yoshi's Avatar
I know how you feel it's frustrating :/
08/13/2013 1:04 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
ajaxsiep's Avatar
I hate when ppl does that
07/19/2013 8:24 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
TheJediOverlord's Avatar
And this is exactly why I made a private server for me and my friends I know that they won't abuse their powers as an op, you should really try and find a better server :)
07/19/2013 6:41 am
Level 26 : Expert Spider Rider
Bskillian's Avatar
That server is obviously a total piece of crap, I strongly suggest that you find yourself another one.
07/19/2013 4:58 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
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