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How do you get invisible item frames in 1.16? (Java)

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Creator789's Avatar Creator789
Level 45 : Master Skinner
How do you get invisible item frames? Ive tried /give (my username) minecraft:item_frame{entitytag:{invisible}} or something like that I dont really remember. Can you tell me how because I spelled it correctly and it dosent work.

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06/25/2021 9:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HoneyPeachTea05's Avatar
I used the command that Basicprogrammer10 and other people have suggested and it worked at first but now it wont turn them invisible and its just an item frame with a stone sword in it. I can turn it but it turns the whole item frame. I also can't put anything in it. I seem to be the only one having this problem and I don't know what to do to fix it. I really need invisible item frames so I'm willing to try anything.
Turns out I'm just very dumb. It didn't seem to be working because I had invisible item frames all over the object. I'm leaving this up for other people who are as dumb as I am lol.
03/25/2021 3:14 pm
Level 44 : Master Engineer
Basicprogrammer10's Avatar
You can do it with this command:/give @s item_frame{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}}
