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How Girls Get Treated On Minecraft Servers

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funstuff123's Avatar funstuff123
Level 26 : Expert Geek
So 1.4 came out yesterday and i've been playing survival for a while and so I decided to write a blog.

So today I want to talk about how girls get treated on servers. So I have a lot of good friends on minecraft some of them girls. And most people might think "Wow they must get treated like crap." But you would be very mistaken. On most servers it someone came on a server with a name like randomegirl456 you might think people would be very mean to that person. But on most servers said person would come on and people go (and I quote) "Finally a girl its like a meat fest in this place." So right after this person comes on all of the little boys come flocking to said person giving them gifts like armour and weapons. After a while the person gets so much stuff that they can now kill their gift givers (which they usually do). After this people stay away from this person because by this time they have probably said "HAHAHA im not even a girl." Which is another major threat but thats another category.

Then you have the people that you know are girls because they start taking about things that noone cares about. They also usually don't play that much they just goof around with their friends. You can spot these people by...
  • They get killed a lot and really don't care.
  • They talk about some boy band.
  • They keep spamming a random letter.
  • All the mods love said person.
  • They keep talking about stuff that no one cares about.

The next category is about the fakers. These are the people who come on servers and say stuff like...
  • "Hey im a girl and i need help can I have some free stuff."
  • (Insert something about one direction)
  • They actually play the game when saying their a girl
  • They have some crappy girl skin

These are the people who take people items and kills them. They are also most likely guys or maybe a pedo O_O.

Im not saying that all people are like this im just saying that most people i have seen are like this. So look for these signs...
  • Something that only a guy would do
  • They always want to kill someone
  • Like i said a crappy girl skin
  • They're always looking for someone to add on skype or follow on twitter ect. (Pedo)
  • They say that their a guy

So anyway I hope that you guys have enjoyed this blog. If so do forget to DIAMOND, RATE, AND SUBSCRIBE

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12/15/2014 3:01 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
AT68Minecraft's Avatar
I'm not a girl, but this is offensive to them.. If it's your opinion keep it to yourself  Maybe you should look at their point of view and try to figure out how they act that way. Instead of just saying that they talk about stuff no-one cares about. That makes you sound sexist AND stereotypical.
12/05/2012 3:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
BlackHawk185's Avatar
What if the girl is a tomboy because she grew up with her 4 brothers? xD
(Me being one of them. (:< )
12/05/2012 3:39 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
funstuff123's Avatar
Then you play. Play until your heart gives out...I think thats called a heart attack...
11/04/2012 10:52 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
"Then you have the people that you know are girls because they start taking about things that noone cares about. They also usually don't play that much they just goof around with their friends. You can spot these people by...
  • They get killed a lot and really don't care.
  • They talk about some boy band.
  • They keep spamming a random letter.
  • All the mods love said person.
  • They keep talking about stuff that no one cares about."

...is that really how you think girls act?
12/12/2012 11:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
underageminer3's Avatar
i know right!! we dont act like that at all.... well some do but usually not ones who play minecraft
11/04/2012 10:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
funstuff123's Avatar
I mean its people like you who make my time on Pmc very un-enjoyable
11/04/2012 10:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
funstuff123's Avatar
D: Just get off my back
11/04/2012 11:00 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
I'm not trying to be 'on your back', I just find it somewhat offensive that you suggest that's how the typical girl acts. It'd be like if I said all people who play minecraft are overweight dorks with huge glasses who don't have any friends in real life. It's stereotyping.
11/04/2012 11:05 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
funstuff123's Avatar
Why cant people see that this is how I see things not how everyone acts im not being stereotypical this is just what is just what i see.
10/27/2012 11:13 am
Level 25 : Expert Network
PennyLane's Avatar
I'm a girl, but I'm friends with a mod cuz we have the same interests xD Aaaanyway. This blog is so true. o3o
