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How I was introduced into making The 16th Age

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Timbuktu8's Avatar Timbuktu8
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
It all stared when a friend of mine and i were chatting. He brought up this game called minecraft. I've heard it on Runescape before, but i thought it was somthing like runescape but all about mining. He was talking about it for a while and i decided, "i'm going to check this thing out." I hopped on my dial up when i got home and hummed along the screaching of the speakers as it did that dial up thing we all have memorized(if you don't have the ability to get high speed like i.) and typed in mycraft. Of course, that didn't work, but Minecraft did come up.

I was greated by the minecraft homepage, and an acward looking blockheaded person and pig that made me think of gumbie's blockhead guys. For the longest time i thought he was talking about was what i was playing, but i was palying Classic. I waited the longest time for the sun to come down. Of course it never did. after finishing yucking it up at beating the crap out of everything with what i thought was a stick, it was a sapling, i moved on. The next day i told Ryan about my expereience and how it didn't really sound like anything he was talking about, he assured me it was, and alter that night i tryed again. This time i had an idea in mind. I found one of those cute little caves in classic that we all love and started outlining it with "Purple Stone" in my old words. I had an idea it was obsidian, it being one of my favorite natural accurences.

Soon i had lost intrest in linning the cave and i had made a set of stairs of half blocks and obsidian. After i finished my dongeon house, compleated with a dinomite diving boared into the ocean whic later tunred into an semi underwater hosue lit by lava, i was hooked. Eventuly i bought the game.

My first map i didn't venture far, on ground, but the mines i made was a memory i'll never forget. My first night was spent in the side of a beach which turned into a beach house in the side of a hill. I spent uncountable minecraft days in the mines searching for iron in the lava level. Rarly did i see moon or sun, or pig. I had a pack of duplicating wolves that multiplied every time i loaded New World. Eventuly they died by getting infront of my pick and lava... a dismall day in my lonly mines. I spent many actual days on metheods of finding ore and mining.

One day i broke into the biggest cavern in my minecraft line of work. This thing was amazing. It was ast least thirty blocks high if not fifty. It had natualy occuing obsidian, lava pools, and some tunnels. But what really got me what how it felt like it was the most amazing discovery i'd ever have, and it stands that way. I cannot do jsutice to this discovery, if i new how to properly take screanshots, i would have.

Next i was intreaged by my finding of the occurences of iron more natualy on the surface than down in the lava layers. So i developed a minecart system from the last of my suplies heading from the cart stationa built to the area i chose to start strip mining. No longer did i need Torches, it was nice. But i didn't plan ahead and i broek into a pond. That set me back two minecraft days. With this discovery of "layers" i no longer needed to dodge lava from ceilings and cercome to rage by losing ore in the lava. My life was so much more easy now. and eventualy a power outage caused me to lose my map.

I started playing Classical again, but this time i played on a multiplayer server of three people max. I built a tower with some kid and Turned it into the eye of mordwarve. But that was only a step to what i was let to next. A kid named alienking made a castle off into the distance of the classic fog and rain. I wonddred over and explored his imaginational fuled castle. it was nice. I started cobbling the area around it and made my own building, a library with a monetary qaulity. Eventuly was obsesivly stayed up all night and cobbled a huge chunk f the world, made buildings, and encased the entire area with a giant mosscobble stone sqaure dome. it took us over twelve hours of work, but when we were done, we sat pback, after i sercomed again, after meeting him in my first structure of that server, a tree house and making all the buildings we did, to his elleven year old antics and we played hide and seek. aparently, we were modoratiors becasue we had the ability to /tpalienking /tptimbuktu8 or however it's done. but we had fun. And this lead me to my vission of a sixteenth age world.

I got one of my close friends to start playing with me after alienking's elleven year old personality finaly struck a nerve after building a simiplar structure to the dome but a castle. With Ian's help i started to make my world more of a minecraft reality. We Started replicating our ideas with blocks, first a church, second that rainy place fromo start wars II the clone wars. And finaly our peice de resistaounce, The Normondy from "Mass Effect" a awe stricking replica of non walk in porportions. Him, the body, i the engines and wings, we made an exacy modle of it, docking station and all. Soon we started another sever and he stopped playing. After my computer died early summer i was left with Minecraft withdraw.

When i finsihed building my new computer and admiring my first real ccomputer in it's Antec Df-85 dark fleete case i got minecraft going. It worked like a dream, no lag, far vission, fancy graphics. I truly enjoyed minecraft for the first time.

After three worlds of survival before update 1.8. I eventualy stopped my last world to play a creative world. Evenutly a i deleated all my survivals and started work on finding a cozy environment to fule my imagination. This was the true birth of The Vine Village.

To read about the creation of the 16th age, please read my next blog.
CreditRyan; for getting me hooked.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Timbuktu8 01/31/2013 10:27:58 amJan 31st, 2013

Spell checking.

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02/08/2013 12:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bloated_Starfish's Avatar
very nice
02/08/2013 2:01 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Timbuktu8's Avatar
Backerdown broskirino.
02/01/2013 10:42 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Jimsy3D's Avatar
Neat Very Intresting Though I Would Not Say Mc Has Anything In Common With RuneScape
02/01/2013 10:52 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Timbuktu8's Avatar
I didn't know at the time, know i know haha. How time does pass.Thanks for reading this.
12/10/2011 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Minimini's Avatar
I found this an intresting read, austin. Nice.
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