Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Edit Minecraft skin without buying the game. (Legal)

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SuperBuza's Avatar SuperBuza
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
Please do not report me or ban me for doing this, and I have bought the game, but I'm only making this blog to help people who haven't bought the game and wanted a skin. :)

Step 1. You need to download WinRar archive. Download it here.
Step 2. Go to "Start", then type in "%appdata%", without quotes. If you have Windows XP, click "Run" instead.
Step 3. It should bring up a folder called roaming, click on ".minecraft", and go to bin.
Step 4. Inside of bin, there should be a file called "minecraft", right click it and click "Open With >> WinRar Archiver"
Step 5. There should be a lot of different files, go ahead and click the one that says "mob."
Step 6. Click on "char.png" and open it with Paint.net, Gimp, or any other editing picture program.
Step 7. Edit the skin to your way, and Save it. When you go back to the archive, it says:"File "char.png" has been modified. Do you wish to update it in the archive?" CLICK YES.
Step 8. Close WinRar, and open up Minecraft and your edited character should be modified!
Hoped this helps~
SuperBuza ;)

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Matthew Gamer
06/18/2016 12:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Matthew Gamer's Avatar
Doesn't seem to work.
09/11/2015 9:12 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
PlayaRulesAll's Avatar
This is outdated!
Jacob Rigoberto
09/20/2013 9:19 am
Level 43 : Master Pokémon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
You never need WINRar, it just helps a bit with .zip managing..
10/18/2013 11:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Creepis's Avatar
You need winrar for opening JAVA as a .zip
08/28/2013 8:23 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
blackshocker's Avatar
I believe that this is perfectly legal and I will do this not because I got the game for free but because I can't find the right skin I want
04/09/2013 12:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
l971214's Avatar
how to edit skin
01/16/2013 9:25 am
Level 20 : Expert Artist
TheLittlePrince500's Avatar
can it work on multiplayer????
09/24/2012 12:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wcraigr's Avatar
How do you make the head transparent so it's not a white block?
09/26/2012 4:45 pm
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
SuperBuza's Avatar
You need to make it transparent. I suggest using Paint.net
(Also sorry for the late reply :P)
10/01/2012 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wcraigr's Avatar
I've drawn a skin on paint but I don't know how to make it transparent. Also none of my friends can see it
