Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Install Mcheli Content Packs

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Dont Call Me Dirty Percy
Level 56 : Grandmaster Commander Hero
How to install content packs for Mcheli.

1. Open CurseForge, TechnicLauncher, or Feed the Beast.
2. Type in Google search line : Mcheli Mod 1.0.4.
3. Go to videos and click on "How to install MCheli Mod 1.0.4 [​BETTER VERSION].
4. Click the Google Drive or Mediafire download.
5. Open Mcheli Folder.
6. Download a Mcheli content pack.
7. Go into the Mcheli 1.0.4 Folder and open assets, and mcheli.
8. Go into the content pack's Folder and open assets, and mcheli.
9. Copy everything in the content pack's folder into the mcheli folder.
10. Start Minecraft.
11. Have Fun!

1. Open CurseForge, TechnicLauncher, or Feed the Beast.
2. Install Mcheli 1.7.2
3. Find a Mcheli content pack for 1.7.2
4. Go into the Mcheli 1.7.2 Folder and open assets, and mcheli.
5. Go into the content pack's Folder and open assets, and mcheli
6. Copy everything in the content pack's folder into the mcheli folder.
7. Start Minecraft.
8. Have Fun!

1.12.2 is the same as 1.7.10 but using the 1.12.2 version of Mcheli. It got removed for some reason off of my account.
*Note : This only works for the 1.7.2, 1.7.10, and 1.12.2 versions of Mcheli. Also, there is a Mcheli for 1.12.2*

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Dont Call Me Dirty Percy
02/03/2025 6:42 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Commander Hero
Tell me. Would you like to see me get back in on Mcheli content? I stayed away from it for a while but should I go back to it?
