Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to install ''TO-MANY-ITEMS'' Mod for 1.3.2

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Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
Ok, ToManyItems is a mod which basiclly gives you easy access to take some items from a Side bar inventory into your survival inventory, I would reccommend this mod...useless in a way, but sometimes it comes in handy for building etc... Here is how to do it, PC
PC Tutorial:
Step 1.
Go the start button
Step 2.
Go to the search bar in the start menu and type- %appdata%
Step 3.
Scroll down and look for .minecraft
Step 4.
Open .minecraft and go to BIN
Step 5.
In the bin folder, you will see a number of java files, you want to right click- minecraft.jar
Step 6.
Once you have right-clicked minecraft.jar, you want to click 'Open With-Winrar
Step 7.
Once it turns into a file you can open it.. when its open you want to get toomanyitems mod
Step 8.
When you have TMI, you want to open it, and drag ALL the files into minecraft.jar
Step 9.
Open minecraft and play!!
Credittmi toomanyitems

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10/05/2012 4:30 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
can you put a link to too many items please?
