Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make a (good) adventure map.

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steewee's Avatar steewee
Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Painter

Every one can make an adventure map. but do they know how to do it?
today i am going to give you 5 steps to building your own adventure map.
  1. Brainstorming
  2. the basic building
  3. adding the details
  4. other tips/tricks

So in this step you will spend the time thinking of a good idea that will hold the gaze of a player. make sure that your idea is not too in depth to start with. just keep the idea simple.
then start thinking if you need to make a custom map or use superflat or the default overworld.
you also need to think what type of map it going to be... parkore, puzzle, or mob fighting?
once you have a good idea if whats going to happen in the map you are ready to move on.

The basic building:
Now you are ready to start building/creating you adventure.
Creating the map
When you go to create a new world make sure you have the cheats "off" then when you go to edit it turn on the LAN and put cheats "on" then you can switch to creative mod the start making your map.
Now build the basic area of the map make it easy to play to start with. (you can add the the hard stuff at the end of this step).
Once you have a basic map that is some what easy to play you can now add stuff like difficulty and mob spawners.
make sure you make the map fun to where it holds the gaze of the player. also make sure you have the map fit what you wanted it to be... does it have the mob arena i wanted? or does it have the right combo lock that i wanted?

Adding the details:
this is the fun part!
this is the part where you can add things like:
- buildings in the background
- paintings
- mob heads ect. ect .ect

Other tips/tricks
say you want to make a teleporter? well thats easy but you do need to think ahead. when you fisrt make the map put cheats "on" so that when the go to hit the command block to tele' they will be able to tele' if cheats are "off" they will not be able to.
Also if you good at redstone you can add things like elevators.

Just have fun when creating an adventure map dont copy other peoples stuff.

Hope this was helpful!
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1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by steewee 11/07/2012 11:06:25 amNov 7th, 2012

i derped

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09/08/2017 9:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AquaFly's Avatar
This didn't help at ALL. i need to know how to make post the world on a website. How do I do that?
