Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Make Money at PMC

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Level 33 : Artisan Modder
Any one can make a little money on planet minecraft all you need is 3 accounts and some time.

You will need a planet minecraft  account, an adfly account and a dropbox account.

So what you will need to do is create either a blog, a mod, a skin, a texture, or if you have a server you can post that.

Posting something on planet minecraft will give you xp also when some one views or downloads your post it will also

give you xp. Once you get to lvl 20 you can use adfly links. Adfly gives you 1 cent per time some one goes to your

download link (In the USA) that means that if 100 people download your post a day that is 365 dollars a year which is better than

most kids and teens can make within that time.

                                                      How to Setup Adfly and Dropbox

You can only use adfly and dropbox if you are doing a mod, texture, or project and you are level 20 on PMC.

What you need to do is upload your mod to dropbox and click share.



Now you need to click on the file and copy the link.


Ok go to adfly and paste the link in the bar near the top of the page next to shrink and click shrink.


Now click copy and paste it in your mod file mirror under the comments. Do not add a mod file.


Now all you need to do is wait for people to download the file from the link and get your money.

I will make a "How to Make Your Own Mod" blog if I get at least 10 people to say that they want me to in the comments below.


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07/30/2015 7:26 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
Adfly does not give you 1 cent per view. I'm on 400k downloads and with $690. The money per view varies a lot depending on what country it's coming from (if it's not from the US it's worth nothing). To hit $365 in a year you need to be hitting ~700 views a day.
07/31/2015 6:00 pm
Level 84 : Elite Artist
622 view is already equall to 1.5 dollars
07/31/2015 6:07 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Robot
It depends where the traffic is coming from. Specfically what percentage of it is coming from the US, and that composition tends to change a lot. On average it's 650-700 per dollar, but if you traffic is US only it'll be significantly lower.
08/05/2015 7:42 pm
Level 88 : Elite Engineer
I get 0,0015 pr view. 800.000 views on $1200. Thats about the same as you have so we can use that as a pretty good average for 1 view. And 667 downloads pr day cant be reached without making something propper with good quality, unlike the simple skin etc. this blog suggests.
07/30/2015 9:41 am
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
I have not done any projects or texture packs but I guess you could.
07/30/2015 2:01 am
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
You might want to include that, per PMC rules, you have to be level 20+ to use link shorteners such as adf.ly. http://www.planetminecraft.com/rules/ (see 7.1.5)
07/30/2015 1:13 am
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
Almost there, can't you do ad.fly links with projects and texture packs too?
