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How to Make Money With MineCraft!

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Level 20 : Expert Miner
If you want to make money while having fun with minecraft, you can sell minecraft servers through MultiMinecraft!

This method of making money requires some salesmanship, but is also very effective if you are an efficient advertiser/reseller. We have many options that you can opt into to make money. First off you can become an affiliate. An affiliate sends a link that looks like this (https://multiminecraft.com/clients/aff.php?aff=001) to many forums/blogs/friends/Skype calls, and basically takes a cut of the up-front payment. MultiMinecraft will give you 25% of each sale you make, but you will receive no monthly income from any one client. Another option would be to resell. A reseller account is basically when you pay us, per server, at a reduced price (20% reduction after first client) and can sell the services on your own website, or forum, for as much money as you want. We are open to ideas for selling servers! You never know, if you have a good idea, we might reimburse you a percentage of what is made!

Instructions if you are getting on within next hour:

1) Go to HERE

2) Request to Live Chat.

3) Talk to Rep.

4) Get Started :D:D:D

(optional) add mike.fastpings to Skype.

Instructions if you are getting on later than an hour:

1) add mike.fastpings to Skype.

2) Get Started :D:D:D (Tomorrow!!!) LOL

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