Minecraft Blogs / Other

I have created working Roblox in Minecraft 1.20.2 + (No Mod)

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Using the command below, you can have a working Roblox in your own Minecraft world without any mod or resource pack.

To have a working Roblox, you have to obtain a Villager Spawn Egg. You have to use an anvil to rename it to "Roblox". That's all. Happy April's Fool :)

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/mcSBD6auuXc

Triple-click to select all the commands then right-click and choose copy. Next, get in your world, and give yourself a command block (using /give @s command_block). Paste the command in the command block (using Ctrl+C or Cmd+C). Finally, place a Redstone block next to the command block.
*Note: This command is designed to run in Minecraft JavaEditon.summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~1 ~ {"BlockState":{"Name":"redstone_block"},"Time":1,"Passengers":[{"id":"villager","Health":0,"Passengers":[{"id":"falling_block","Time":1,"BlockState":{"Name":"activator_rail"},"Passengers":[{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"gamerule commandBlockOutput false"},{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"fill ~1 ~-2 ~0 ~32 ~29 ~31 white_concrete"},{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"fill ~1 ~-1 ~0 ~32 ~28 ~31 white_stained_glass"},{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"fill ~2 ~-1 ~1 ~31 ~28 ~30 command_block"},{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"setblock ~ ~1 ~ command_block{Command:\"fill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-3 ~ air\",auto:1}"},{"id":"command_block_minecart","Command":"kill @e[type=command_block_minecart,distance=..1,tag=!debug]"}]}]}]}

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