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Hey guys! This is basically a blog about what I would do If the legendary,not real, Herobrine was in the game.

So Herobrine, the stupid guy that some people are ridiculously scared of. Well it depends what he has done to me really. Imagine minecraft was real and Herobrine killed your family and they were dead for real (Hardcore basically) and you watched him kill them, you watched them cry for mercy but you were too scared to go out and help them. I would train like mad, go and find him and kill him (Just like this minecraft parody by CaptainSparkelz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwwl9jiJ1A4). If he destroyed my house I wouldn't really care I mean loads of glitches in the past have destroyed my house and I didn't care However if he destroyed something it took me forever to make like my tardim v1.0 then I would proper flip and go crazy So crazy I would go up to him and start attacking him without a strategy.
If he killed me over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... I think you get the point I would just put him in a minecart somehow and push it into lava. If he got out the minecart I would quit game and delete the world.
But what if he was gonna be a good guy for some like those who kill zombies and skeletons all day long, hate other players and likes griefing people all the time. I would then become a greifer. I mean I don't want some guy watching me about to kill me every time I start a new world! Even though I kinda am already a griefer (I only grief my friends LAN worlds!) and an Apprentice troller I think I would be safe on that one.
I think if this guy was real then I think it would be destruction as well as death (Imagine if you were on hardcore!) I bet loads of great buildings would be destroyed and I think minecraft would get a bad response of players which I think is one of the reasons why I think it is a good idea why Herobrine isn't on the game!
If he was in the game then there would be ultimate destruction. I think the world would look like this...

Also I think people would get some 'Herobrine protection mod' so he doesn't destroy their master pieces I mean wouldn't you? I hope you don't think Herobrine is just going to walk past your house and tell you
"Wow nice house bro! I'll give you some advice after I get my kit and we can have a nice cup of tea and then I will help you make this house much.." If you do happen to think this... you have dead crazy problems. Also do you think Herobrine would die? I doubt it because I think he's too powerful to die but If he did get killed by the player then I think the player should get an achievement saying 'ACHIEVEMENT EARNED: KILLED HEROBRINE' because killing herobrine would be a big deal killing such a...well... thing! Also what powers do you think he would have? In loads of minecraft parodies I've seen him shoot out fire balls, strike lighting, make things explode and of course the quick power punch in the back. It would be so cool if he was in the game and had ALL those powers or even more! I heard that herobrine can go into chests and take your stuff so if he was real I would keep all my tnt, fire charges, flint and steel... anything that would be extremely bad for you in terms of griefing in a very hidden chest! And if you are dumb and going to say 'Hello Herobrine! I'm just leaving my tnt in this chest. Don't mind you taking it out and putting it all around my house to blow up! I'm just going out to find some food. Be back later!'
If you think that or say that you are mentally crazy and should go to a doctor or the hospital, really you should!
I'll add more in when I think of it

So Herobrine, the stupid guy that some people are ridiculously scared of. Well it depends what he has done to me really. Imagine minecraft was real and Herobrine killed your family and they were dead for real (Hardcore basically) and you watched him kill them, you watched them cry for mercy but you were too scared to go out and help them. I would train like mad, go and find him and kill him (Just like this minecraft parody by CaptainSparkelz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwwl9jiJ1A4). If he destroyed my house I wouldn't really care I mean loads of glitches in the past have destroyed my house and I didn't care However if he destroyed something it took me forever to make like my tardim v1.0 then I would proper flip and go crazy So crazy I would go up to him and start attacking him without a strategy.
If he killed me over and over and over and over and over and over and over and... I think you get the point I would just put him in a minecart somehow and push it into lava. If he got out the minecart I would quit game and delete the world.
But what if he was gonna be a good guy for some like those who kill zombies and skeletons all day long, hate other players and likes griefing people all the time. I would then become a greifer. I mean I don't want some guy watching me about to kill me every time I start a new world! Even though I kinda am already a griefer (I only grief my friends LAN worlds!) and an Apprentice troller I think I would be safe on that one.
I think if this guy was real then I think it would be destruction as well as death (Imagine if you were on hardcore!) I bet loads of great buildings would be destroyed and I think minecraft would get a bad response of players which I think is one of the reasons why I think it is a good idea why Herobrine isn't on the game!
If he was in the game then there would be ultimate destruction. I think the world would look like this...

Also I think people would get some 'Herobrine protection mod' so he doesn't destroy their master pieces I mean wouldn't you? I hope you don't think Herobrine is just going to walk past your house and tell you
"Wow nice house bro! I'll give you some advice after I get my kit and we can have a nice cup of tea and then I will help you make this house much.." If you do happen to think this... you have dead crazy problems. Also do you think Herobrine would die? I doubt it because I think he's too powerful to die but If he did get killed by the player then I think the player should get an achievement saying 'ACHIEVEMENT EARNED: KILLED HEROBRINE' because killing herobrine would be a big deal killing such a...well... thing! Also what powers do you think he would have? In loads of minecraft parodies I've seen him shoot out fire balls, strike lighting, make things explode and of course the quick power punch in the back. It would be so cool if he was in the game and had ALL those powers or even more! I heard that herobrine can go into chests and take your stuff so if he was real I would keep all my tnt, fire charges, flint and steel... anything that would be extremely bad for you in terms of griefing in a very hidden chest! And if you are dumb and going to say 'Hello Herobrine! I'm just leaving my tnt in this chest. Don't mind you taking it out and putting it all around my house to blow up! I'm just going out to find some food. Be back later!'
If you think that or say that you are mentally crazy and should go to a doctor or the hospital, really you should!
I'll add more in when I think of it
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3 Update Logs
Update #3 : by CrafterDragon 12/18/2013 12:10:26 pmDec 18th, 2013
Changed the title back
added more stuff
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I would not play this game ever.