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Legend of the Ender Dragon

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Savage Creeper's Avatar Savage Creeper
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Chapter 1: The Beginning

This is the story where all of the creatures from your imagination lived, where all the castles stand majestically and all people live in harmony with nature. But everything is not always as beautiful as it seems. In a dark and gloomy mountain where storm always raging, lived a majestic and powerful dragon called draconus. He was so strong that he can destroy a city with a single blow, he can melt an iron with his breath and destroy a mountain with his tail. Back then, his scales were colored fiery red with orange spines. Everyone is afraid of him. Even the ruler of the strongest city; king herobrine was afraid of him. Scared that someday draconus will destroy his city and take all his gold, king herobrine decide to make a contest. "Anyone who managed to kill him, will be rewarded with a gold" Says king herobrine.

All of the villagers, soldiers, and hunters from across city were shocked. "Kill draconus? Are you out of your mind?" Says a villager. "A gold will not be able to teplace our lives" Says a hunter. King herobrine become more worried. Night is coming, as well as the nightmare that keep coming to his mind. In his dream, draconus came to his castle, leaving a trace of destruction behind him. With a mouth blazing with fire, draconus came to him. "You'll never be able to hide all of this treasures" Says draconus in his dream, the king suddenly awake from his sleep. The next morning king herobrine make another announcement, that anyone who managed to kill the dragon will not be rewarded with a gold but with all of the treasures in king herobrine's castle. Everyone shocked, the king's right hand says that it was a crazy idea. But the king replied "don't worry, they will never get the treasures."

And that is how all the brave soldiers and bounty hunters from across the town come to the dragon's lair, but no one was returned. Knowing that king herobrine tries to kill him, draconus start to fly to the city and start to destroy the city angrily. In the next morning, the city already turned into a pile of ashes and bones. All the gold in the castle were vanished, and there is no sign of king herobrine. But, there is one hunter that managed to escape the massacre, his name was notch. He was visiting his sick grandmother, in a small house far away from the city. When he returned, he was shocked that his city has been destroyed. All he could find ashes and bones of a dead body.

He was so angry and sad. He promised to killed the dragon and banish him to the end. And notch begin his journey to kill draconus.


Note: If you want to read the second chapter, give a diamond and subscribe me

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01/21/2020 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ender_dragon11's Avatar
this is the best ender dragon pictures that i have seen in the world
09/21/2016 11:29 am
Level 34 : Artisan Vampire
nostalgia_'s Avatar
Cool story
I clicked on it cause the picture is awesome c:
Savage Creeper
09/21/2016 9:56 pm
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Savage Creeper's Avatar
Haha thanks
09/21/2016 9:02 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Procrastinator
javad's Avatar
that. is. just. the. best. story. about. the. enderdragon. ever.
Savage Creeper
09/21/2016 9:14 am
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Savage Creeper's Avatar
thanks for your support
09/21/2016 8:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
Nice story, pretty well thought out.
But I think it should be longer.
Savage Creeper
09/21/2016 9:13 am
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Savage Creeper's Avatar
yeah sorry, the first chapter is all about introduction. And I promise the next chapter will be longer because the journey has just began
09/21/2016 9:47 am
Level 29 : Expert Blacksmith
striker107's Avatar
I do the same thing in my story (make the intro small), so I'm picky when I read other people's work.
Savage Creeper
09/21/2016 10:13 am
Level 40 : Master Pokémon
Savage Creeper's Avatar
yeah me too, anyway thanks for reading
