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[Macro Keybind] How to make jukeboxes useless (And use your own music!)

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Arkadya's Avatar Arkadya
Level 84 : Elite Artist


Hello. In this tutorial I will show you
how to make jukeboxes useless! I will be using the Macro Keybind mod,
which can be downloaded from this link: 


With this, you can play the in-game
records without the need for a jukebox, thus saving a precious diamond!
It also has many advantages!


In this tutorial I will be assuming that you know at least the basics of Macro Keybind.




I have made a .zip file which includes
the script text files for playing the musics, as well as the .xml file
used with the buttons GUI. I'll explain how the scripts work, later.


1 - Download the ingame music player zip from this link: https://dl.dropboxus...c Player V2.zip


2 - Browse to: .minecraft/mods/macros


3 - Unzip the file you downloaded earlier.


4 - Paste the .gui.xml file to inside this folder. It'll ask to replace the file. Click yesWarning:
If you have any custom buttons on the buttons GUI in macros, they will
be deleted and replaced! Make sure you back up the .gui.xml file first! 
If no buttons show up later, replace the .gui.xml file again. and restart Minecraft.


5 - Open both the .macros.txt file
(inside the .minecraft/mods/macros folder) and the Record Player
config.txt (inside the folder you unzipped)


6 - Backup the .macros.txt file. This is
very important, because if you mess up the next step, every single
config and keybind you have will be DELETED!


7 - Copy everything from inside the
Record Player config.txt to the bottom of the .macros.txt file. Do not
replace! There should be a space between the end of the previous config,
and the "
DIRECTIVE BEGINCONFIG() Record Player" line, and save.


8 - Start Minecraft and load the "Record Player" config.


8 - ????




How to use


you've installed, all you need to do is, while ingame, press the grave
key (might be different for you depending on the keyboard layout you
have) You should see this after you do that




Now, all you need to do is click any of
the green buttons above to play a music. You can stop the music at any
time by pressing the red "Stop Music" button. When you click the
buttons, some text will be displayed in the chat. This is client side
and no-one else will be able to see this text, or hear the music.
Obviously, you can customize these buttons in any way you like.


How the scripts work


Here I will show you how the scripts work. You don't need to read this, unless you want to know how.  :P


If you click on of the macro buttons (I'll use 13 as an example), you should see this:


$${VOLUME(0)}$$|$${VOLUME(100)}$$|$${PLAYSOUND(records.13)}$$|$${LOG(&dNow Playing: 13)}$$


Here, the first section, Macro Keybind will turn the ingame master in-game volume to 0, and then on the second section,
It will turn it back to full, which is 100 (you can modify the 100 if
you use the in-game volume at a lower level than that). This will
effectively stop the current music that is playing, and then start the
one you chose. On the third 
section, Macro Keybind will play the sound "records.13", which as you might expect, is the record "13". The fourth section is
optional, but what is does is that it will display "Now Playing: 13"
inside the chat, with a pink color (you can change the §d to any other
color code you want, also). As I said before, this is all client side,
and no-one else will be able to see this text. The "$${" and "}$$" are
simply enclosing the scripts, so it won't send them as chat. The "|" is
there to separate the scripts.


Pros and Cons


  • You will save a diamond!
  • You won't need to collect or buy any records!
  • You are able to hear the music, anywhere you are in the world!
  • The volume doesn't lower as if you were moving away from the jukebox!
  • This is client-side, so it will work on any server!


  • There are none!

Custom music


You can use your own custom music by
making a resource pack that replaces the default records with any music
you want. Just follow these steps:


1 - Open notepad, and paste this text inside, and save it as pack.mcmeta:



"pack": { "pack_format": 1, "description": "Custom Music Pack"




2 - Besides the pack.mcmeta, make a
folder called "assets". Inside that, make another one called
"minecraft". Then, inside that one, make another called "sounds", and
finally, inside that one, make one called "records".


3 - Grab some of your favorite songs (12
max, one for each record), and using a sound converter, convert them to
the .ogg format.


4 - Put those songs inside the records
folder, and rename them to the names of the discs (13, cat, blocks,
chirp, far, mall, mellohi, stal, strad, ward, 11 and wait). I recommend
making a text file so you know what each song each file is.


5 - Select both assets, pack.mcmeta and pack.png (you can grab this one from the game's .jar), and put them all inside a .zip


6 - Copy the zip onto .minecraft/resourcepacks


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Have fun!  :D

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07/22/2016 10:54 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
-M7-'s Avatar
not lazy enough to make the buttons myself and put the script on each one, to avoid the loss of my config
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