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Mikee's guide to starting a server (bukkit)

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mikee3468's Avatar mikee3468
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
So are you thinking about starting a server? Well it may seem easy but there is a lot of setup and work that needs to go into it to make it all happen.

1. Distinguish the type of server you are gonna have. *(tip) go for a less common server type

2. Identify which permissions plugin you are gonna use *(tip) try coding a document for Groupmanager and one for PermissionsEX then decide which one you like more. (I use PermissionsEX)

3. Decide what other plugins you really need before you get the fun ones. Example: get WorldGuard and WorldEdit before getting MobArena.

4. Decide what ranks you are gonna have on your server and code the YML document for the permissions plugin. You can always add more permissions for other plugins later and it will be easier.

5. Get a small team of people you can trust to help start with the building. *(tip) If you can run a small Hamachi server to save money while the server is built

6. Buy the server and upload all the files. Test everything and make sure it runs smoothly. *(tip) don't go crazy on the slots 15-20 is fine

7. Get the rest of the plugins that you want on the server and set them up in the permissions.

Optional: Setup donations I suggest BuyCraft

Optional: Get a website

8. Start to recruit staff make sure to make a very demanding application

9. Double check that all of your ranks work, all the plugins work, and there are no errors in your console.

10. Open the server to the public

Optional: Advertise on as many sites as you can

Optional: Setup votifier

And that is how you setup your basic server, if done right the server should be good if this all takes place in 2-4 weeks.

If I get good feedback on this I will release another blog on how to maintain a server (updating)

You can always ask me for help I have setup almost ten servers so I know a lot just ask.

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