Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to get insane render distance in Minecraft PE (Android)

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CreeperSting's Avatar CreeperSting
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
Has the super short 128 block render distance really made you wonder 'why can't this be further?' Well do not worry, because I will teach you how to get higher render distanse on your Andriod Device. First you need to download an app called File Manager. Go into Games, then Com.mojang then go into the folder labeled Minecraftpe. go into Options.txt and use Text Editor. Find the line labeled gfx_renderdistance_new. Change the number in that line to your new render distance. Be sure to save your changes. Exit out of file manager and start up Minecraft PE. (Do not move your In-game render distance slider or else the game will revert back to the original render distance) Make sure that the render distance is a multiple of 16, or else it will not work :(

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