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Mob Genders Solved & Unsolved

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RedOakLumberZ's Avatar RedOakLumberZ
Level 43 : Master Lumberjack
This Blog is to determine the real gender of the mobs, I know that Mojang said that all mobs are Bi-Gender but the textures and model to some mobs kinda show they do have gender and that is where the findings will be based off of.

: Humanoids :

Steve: Long time favourite good old Stevie boy.

Alex: When the Alex Model came out all of the people called it the Female Model so that's what I'm going with.

Villagers: Are know by the community to be Male only and until an update brings along Females they are going to be labelled Male.

Illagers: Evokers, Illusionists, Vindicators and Pillagers are all based on Villagers

Witch: On the other hand the Witch is a Female Hostile NPC which kinda balances out NPCs. Witch|f|=Wizard|m

: Passive :

Note - Even though you do need to breed two to get a baby it does not really make a difference, one time you breed two animals the baby will pop out of one, next time you breed the same two it pops out the other, this is based on their models and designs, not the mechanics.

Cow/Mooshrooms: Do to the fact that Bulls|m| have longer horns and do not have Udders and Cows|f| have Udders makes the Minecraft Cow a Female.

Chicken: Do to the fact it lays eggs makes it a Bi-Gender Mobs for Hens|f| lay Eggs.

Pigs: Boars|m| are Male Pigs and they normally have Tusks but do to the fact that the Minecraft Pig does not have Tusks that makes the Pig a Female.

Sheep: Rams|m| are Male Sheep and just like the Pigs, Rams have Horns and do to the fact that the Sheep has no horns that make them Female.

*Goats*: Yet to come.

Squids: I have no ability to determine

Bats: I have no ability to determine

Dogs: I have no ability to determine

Cats: I have no ability to determine

Horse: I have no ability to determine

Rabbits: I have no ability to determine

Parrots: I have no ability to determine

Pandas: I have no ability to determine

Dolphins: I have no ability to determine

Turtles: Yes even though you due need to breed them it does not matter which lays the eggs this time, the fact that any of them can lay the eggs means they are most likely females

Fish: Too many variations to bother with, but the majority of some species are Male with a single Female in their school

: Neutral :

Polar Bears: I have no ability to determine

Enderman: Until an update happens that adds in another version they are more seen as Males.

: Hostile :
Zombie Villagers: Are know by the community to be Male only and until an update brings along Females they are going to be labelled Male.|

Zombie/Husk/Drown: - Husk: Until an Alex Zombie comes out the Zombie is Male for its based on the Steve Skin just decayed.

Skeleton/Stray/WitherSkeleton: Due to the addition of Alex Model This can not be determined

Cave/Spider: In the real world there are a lot more Female spiders do to the fact that the Males get eaten by the Females before laying the eggs so the Minecraft Spider is Female likely the majority of the time.

Piglins: Due to the fact they wear a full outfit it can not be properly determined but seeing the Zombie Piglins are mainly Male my guess is Piglins are Male or are the Females who survived the zombie outbreak but that does not explain them turning into a Zombie Piglin in the overworld so this is still on the table.

Zombie Piglins: They wear a loincloth covering the private are down below but they do not cover there chest even thou they are Pigs this fact would seem pointless but the Zombie Pigmen are still Male ever the less.

Hoglin: Due to their similarities to Overworld pigs I will be basing what I know on that. They are much more like Warthogs, while both Male and Females do have tusks Males are known to have longer tusks, unfortunately, they don't spawn with multiple tusk sizes but I'm going to label them as more likely to be Male

Zoglin: Zoglins are the result of a Hoglins exposed to the overworld environment until further evidence or an additional variation I'm going to base them off the Gender I think Hoglins are.

MagmaCubes/Slimes: I have no ability to determine

Blazes: I have no ability to determine

Ghasts: I have no ability to determine

Endermites: I have no ability to determine

SilverFish: I have no ability to determine

Elder/Guardians: I have no ability to determine

Shulkers: I have no ability to determine

Phantoms: I have no ability to determine

: Utility Mobs :
Iron Golems: Being based after the NPCs that makes them Male even thou they are a "Machine"

Snow Golems: I do not solve this for snow can be packed in many forms so gender is optional if not controlled.

: Boss Mobs :
EnderDragon: Everyone thinks its a Guy when really if you don't see the god damn egg then there is something wrong with you for the Dragons a Girl because she Drops an egg on death. Female.

Wither King: Due to when it was the first release he was called a Wither King so I'm basing it off that which makes a lot of sense because you also need Wither Skeleton skulls to create him and they are male that means the Wither is a Male.

: Unresolved w/Reasons :
Creeper: According to Notch Creepers have a Leafy texture and [Game Theorists]have found a plant that has similar characteristics to a creeper besides walking. So because of that, I can not give it a gender label.

- Final Info -
If you have any research to help with the undetermined mobs that would be helpful.
This post will update once new mobs are added: Note this blog will likely be based around PC Mobs.

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10/29/2014 1:09 am
Level 43 : Master Lumberjack
RedOakLumberZ's Avatar
10/29/2014 2:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
10/28/2014 8:36 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Big_Dish's Avatar
The logic failures behind this hurts my brain. All mobs are genderless, that is what notch said and that is what makes the most sense.
10/29/2014 12:56 am
Level 43 : Master Lumberjack
RedOakLumberZ's Avatar
Yes that is what Notch said. But the textures of the mobs do show Gender dispit what Notch said. Besides he said that Passive mobs are genderless which most of them are (or I cant tell if they are). That and if every mob is genderless then Steve and Alex do not diserve to have Gendered names.
12/28/2016 12:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
skyblade57's Avatar
actually, "Alex" can be a name for both genders.
01/12/2017 2:20 pm
Level 43 : Master Lumberjack
RedOakLumberZ's Avatar
Yes that is true, but Mojang has stated that Alex is a Female, yet when it came to Steve back when it was questioned they said Steve was the gender of the person playing him which is true but his texture does not represent that person.
10/28/2014 4:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
In fact, the male counterpart to a which would be a whitcher, not a wizard. I can't tell you the difference because I forgot about it, but there is one.
10/29/2014 12:59 am
Level 43 : Master Lumberjack
RedOakLumberZ's Avatar
Whitcher, Warlock, Wizard are all Male titles while Witch is the only known title (To me atleast) that is for Female.
10/29/2014 2:05 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
DragonsForce's Avatar
True, but the titles Whitcher, Warlock, Wizard are not identical.
