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1.8 & Older - Mob Mayhem- How to Summon Custom Mobs

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oOpunchwoodOo01's Avatar oOpunchwoodOo01
Level 49 : Master Explorer
This is a blog that tells how to make custom mobs using the /summon command

1. First you need to know how to use the /summon command. Simply type /summon and then the mob you want to summon. Example: /summon Creeper.
You can also tab after typling /summon to see a list of entities that can be summoned.

2. Now for modifying mobs. The creeper has 4 things that can be modified. To summon a charged creeper type:

/summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1}.

Typing /summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:0} would summon a normal creeper that is not charged. 1 often means true and 0 false. Another thing that can be modified on creepers is the explosion radius. The explosion radius is how big of a hole the creeper makes. The higher the number you put the larger the hole.

Example: /summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionRadius:9}

This would summon a creeper that makes a hole three times bigger than a normal creeper. The default number is three. Creepers also have these two modifiers:
Fuse: How many ticks it take for the creeper to explode
ignited: wheter or not the creeper has been lit with flint and steel

3. Now say you wanted a charged creeper that took ten times as long to explode. You would type:

/summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {powered:1,Fuse:300}

You simply put a comma between the two modifiers. These are very simple commands.

Other Modifiers for Mobs:

4. Ghasts
ExplosionPower: the radius of the ghast's fireball explosion

5. Ocelots
CatType: the type of cat it is. Can be 0-3

6. Pigs
Saddle: whether or not it is saddled

7. Sheep
Sheared: whether or not the sheep is sheared
Color: the color of the sheep. Can be 0-15

8. Chicken
IsChickenJockey: wheter or not it is a chicken jockey
EggLayTime: number of ticks until the chicken will lay an egg.

9. Bat
BatFlags: whether or not it is hanging from a block

10. Skeleton
SkeletonType: 0 for normal and 1 for wither skeleton

11. Slime and Magma Cube
Size: the size of it. Sizes 1, 2, and 3 spawn naturally.

12. Wolf
Angry: whether or not it is angry
CollarColor: the color of the dogs collar. Can be 0-15

13. Iron Golem
PlayerCreated: Whether or not it was created by a player

14. Zombie Pigmen
Anger: the anger level of the pigmen

carried: id of block being carried by an enderman
carriedData: any additional information about the block being held by the enderman

16. Endermite
Lifetime: number of ticks it has existed
PlayerSpawned: if true, endermen will attack it

Elder: whether or not the guardian is an elder guardian

IsVillager: whether or not it is a zombie villager
IsBaby: whether or not it is a baby
ConversionTime: number of ticks until the zombie villager turns back into a normal villager
CanBreakDoors: whether or not the zombie can break doors

RabbitType: color of the rabbit. It can be 0-5 or 99.

The Things in this next list apply to all mobs:

Equipment is used to equip a mob. It's used if you want to put armor on a zombie or some other mob. Now here's the command:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:56},{},{},{},{id:78}]}

Pretty simple right? The id you put in set of the curly bracets will equip the mob with that. Leave the curly brackets empty if you want nothing to be there as shown above. The first set of curly brackets will be the id for what is held in the hand. This can be a block or item id. Next is the boots, then leggings, then chestplate. These have to be item id's for armor. The last one is for the helmet. This can be an item or block id. Have you ever wondered what an American football player would look like in minecraft? Here's the command for one:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:414},{},{},{},{id:52}]}

Try it out. Although the id 414 is rabbit's foot so be sure you're in snapshot 14w27a or higher.

For a list of block and item id's click here.
Also note that on many mobs, the armor and held item may not render.
2. Riding
Riding is used to make one mob ride another. Here's the command to make a spider jockey:

/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Spider}}

Easy huh? But what if you want more stuff to happen to the mob that is being ridden? Let's say a pig is riding a charged creeper. This would be the command:

/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Creeper,powered:1}}

To add more attributes to the mob being ridden you simply put a comma and type what you want to be different as shown above.

3. PersistenceRequired
This is used if a mob must not despawn. It is used just like the simple commands at the top. Example:

/summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {PersitenceRequired:1}

This will summon a creeper that will not despawn.

Villagers can be very complex sometimes so I decided to put them underneath their own category. Here are their modifiers:

1. Profession: Color of the villager's robe.
2.Career: Works with profession. If you summon a villager with the Farmer profession, then you can choose which of the four careers of Farmer the vilager will be. There are several careers under each profession. Here are what they are and their ID's:






Brown Robe





White Robe





Purple Robe





Black Apron



Weapon Smith
Tool Smith


White Apron





Here is an example of Profession and Career working together:
/summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {Profession:4,Career:2}
This command will summon a villager that has a white apron (Profession: Butcher) that is a leatherworker. Note that Careers will only work with their professions as seen in the chart above.

3. Willing: Whether or not the villager is willing to breed.
4. Offers: This is the beginning data tag of making custom trades. This has many things that can be modified underneath it. Ready?
1. To start the command for a custom trade type: /summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {Offers:
2. The next thing under offers is recipes. The command lengthens to: /summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {Offers:{Recipes:{
3. Now there are many things that can go after Recipes. Here they are:
1. rewardExp: if true, trades with the villager will give you XP
2. maxUses: the maximum number of times that the trade can be used.
3. uses: the number of times that the trade has been used. If it is greater than or equal to
the maxUses, then the trade will be disabled.
4.buy: this is what the villager is buying from you. It works like this: /summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {Offers:{Recipes:{buy:[id:414]}}}
This will give you a villager that buys rabbit foot.
5. buyB: this is optional. It is a second thing that the villager buys with the first thing. It
works the same way as buy.
6. sell: what the villager gives you. It works the same way as buy.

That's all for now! Please comment and tell me if this was helpful! Are there ways I can improve this? Is there something you want to see on here? Please let me know!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by oOpunchwoodOo01 03/29/2015 8:21:54 amMar 29th, 2015

Added data tags for chicken, enderman, endermite, guardian, zombie, and rabbit

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10/17/2017 12:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TRIGGERHAPY15331's Avatar
My creepers won't go above 100 blast radius! Help!
06/27/2016 7:56 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
El Scipio
El Scipio's Avatar
Is there a way to make custom mob drops?
12/19/2015 2:45 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
inactiveguy's Avatar
Is there a data tag for a normally hostile mob to become peaceful? For example, /summon LavaSlime ~ ~ ~
{Invulnerable:1,Riding:{id:Chicken,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Duration:99999,Amplifier:1}]}}. I just need to know how to make the magma cube 'peaceful' so it won't attack me.
12/19/2015 4:44 pm
Level 49 : Master Explorer
oOpunchwoodOo01's Avatar
I don't think there is a data tag for it, but in the 1.9 snapshots, when you use the scoreboard command to add a hostile mob to a team, it will not attack anyone else who is also on that team. It will only attack those not on its team.
12/21/2015 6:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
inactiveguy's Avatar
ah ok, thanks! Maybe the {NoAI:1} command will work instead
07/11/2014 6:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Cr4zyTayl3R's Avatar
07/11/2014 7:16 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Very helpful. Thank you for making this.
07/11/2014 6:37 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Virdex's Avatar
My pc hasn't the waved hyphen, how i can summon a giant slime without it?
07/11/2014 9:40 am
Level 49 : Master Explorer
oOpunchwoodOo01's Avatar
The ~ is just a replacement for cooridnates. If you do ~ ~ ~ then it will summon the mob right where you are. If instead you do say: /summon Creeper 20 68 -45, then it will be summoned at those coordinates.
07/11/2014 1:21 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Virdex's Avatar
Ok, thank you!:D
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