Minecraft Blogs / Review

Mod Review Monday #1: SnowSlide (5/14/12)

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Hello! Today I do a review for the mod Snowfall found here. This mod allows you to play as a snow golem! The story goes that you were built and abandoned by your owners and were mistreated/abused by humans and mobs.

This mod adds a few new little things on top of simply being a snow man.

1. You can create snowballs from your body at the cost of health by pressing "x" (great way to build a first night shelter.

2. New mob: human. Hostile!

3. Jungle/desert biomes hurt you!

4. Water hurts you! (This makes for a challenge!)

5. Snowballs do half a heart of damange, making for a good starting weapon!

Official Forum Post!
CreditNiceonegunit - Mod Creator

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05/15/2012 8:31 am
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Oooo!Mod review Monday :D
05/15/2012 10:55 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
haha up
