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My bud's Herobrine encounter

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akatsuki boy's Avatar akatsuki boy
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
So,I was at school with my friend and we were talking about minecraft,when I came and asked him: "Hey,have you ever encountered Herobrine"? He said yes. Then I asked him HOW he met him: This is his story:

"I was just wandering my world when I suddenly heard a strange song. I turn around and saw nothing.I look up and saw a jukebox. I IMEDIATLY grabed my diamond sword in case I saw "HIM". I just kept wandering my world and chopping wood. When I suddenly come across a strange tree with a picture of Herobrine. I started getting worried,when I look around and see a sheep - WITH NO PUPILS(Like Herobrine). I got scared. I turned my render distance up to far, and suddenly....everything went back to normal! The herobrine sheep-gone,the picture on the tree-also gone.Thats all he told me,but he never saw anything like it again.

Now,this is NOT fake.My friend never lies. Now,I honestly never encountered Herobrine, AND NEVER WANT TO!!!!!!!!! :( Now,what do YOU think? plz tell me in the comments Diamonds are appreciated!!!!!
(srry he never gave me pictures) ARMAGEDON50 is my friend's name(yes the one who gave me the story)

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03/18/2013 11:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JWCamp's Avatar
"My friend never lies." Yea right. That's what all liars say when telling a story.
akatsuki boy
03/24/2013 1:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
akatsuki boy's Avatar
I don't care what you think. I'm just sharing with you what he told me. Don't believe me? Don't care.
09/16/2012 11:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
ReaCraft's Avatar
Key To My Soul
09/15/2012 6:30 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
Key To My Soul's Avatar
Herobrine is a hacker he is a mysterious person always hacking and scaring the stuff out of you
09/15/2012 6:20 am
Level 30 : Artisan Bunny
Typhlosionboy's Avatar
Your Friend was telling a lie, Herobrine does not exist and has never existed
09/15/2012 1:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Brickyboy99's Avatar
Look,I don't believe in herobrine, but I find the stories just plain funny XD

Maybe im just plain goddamn evil?
09/15/2012 1:00 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
GoldAmneisa's Avatar
herobrine is just a dumb rumor
09/15/2012 12:05 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
EruoBeatEndemen's Avatar
Dude I Belive U One Time I Was Walking in a Jungle Just Started The World Then I Saw a steve i Thought it was mah freind on the lan server i looked closer i say no puples. i thought he was using a plugin. but i realiesed i had no plugins. And he had no name tag Then I Runned Away Thinking he will be gone. next day i went on and i say him by my window. the game froze. i now have night mares. im scared. i hope i never see him again.
09/15/2012 7:53 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
Nate123abcs's Avatar
dude herobrine isnt real and you put runned in stead of ran and you said i say no pupils
09/14/2012 10:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XGamerProX9's Avatar
Dude, you take us as idiots. Herobrine,and herosheep are not real they aren't in the coding. Go into the files. Stop posting these stories about herobrine we know they are ALL fake. Herorbine isn't real and will never be.
