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My theory of why people like minecraft!

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xxxsasukunxxx's Avatar xxxsasukunxxx
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
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Everywhere in the world people are sitting by their computers playing, WOW, LOL, GAIA, DIABLO and so forth, but one game that has really taken the world by storm is the game Minecraft! Statistics show that 7/10 teenagers has bought, tried or heard of Minecraft, but what has made the game so popular in virtually one day.

If you ask non-gamers they would probably say that gaming makes you slow and dull/stupid, but very few people that play video/computer games become either dull of retarded. On the contrary, people that play games are quite intelligent and fast learning. Games like WOW, LOL, GAIA, Diablo and minecraft are created by intelligent people with a high IQ thanks to playing games.

If you ask me games like that make people smart in a unpractical way according to folks around us. We are anti-social, eat unhealthy, are lazy, hate going outside and working out. Research shows that these people are wrong! Not to get off topic, but to understand why minecraft is so popular we have to cover the basics of the game.

Minecraft has some sort of cube graphic that makes the game rather unrealistic, but at the same time is a mix between the new and old graphics. To make game references and comparisons I would have to pick one old and one new game. The old game would be Nintendo 64 Mario. The cubes looks a lot like the inspiration of Minecraft. The newer game would have to be amnesia, not only for the 3d graphic in Minecraft, but also because the surreal game play.

I remember when I was a kid I had Mario to Nintendo 64 and I loved playing it. Surviving, gathering and act smart. Amnesia is a newly purchased game of mine and I honestly love the game. It reminds me of Minecraft in one way!

The game minecraft is popular because it's such a groundbreaking game. You, the player, get to decide which way you want to play, and is not restricted to quests or to a real higher meaning. You get to decide what to craft, make, dye, and most important of all what to do.

The game brings back childhood memories as well as makes you look to the future. And it states the laws of nature, you're born, you survive, you die. But in between you have fun by creating or take part of other peoples creation. It's that simple.

Now a days Minecraft is not restricted to Vanilla, it's modifiable. Even computers can be used in minecraft with a certain mod. As a game minecraft is probably one of the greatest games ever made.

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PHOTO! : by xxxsasukunxxx 09/12/2012 8:59:38 amSep 12th, 2012

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09/12/2012 9:57 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
tonytwo's Avatar
Thanks for getting that out there! diamond
09/12/2012 10:36 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
xxxsasukunxxx's Avatar
You're welcome ^^
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