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Not Alone (A Daemonic Games FPS)

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goboy3133's Avatar goboy3133
Level 40 : Master Modder
Ok guys, so I changed my mind (http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/not-alone-a-new-video-game-plz-support/) And decided to post the story instead of PMing it to people. Your comments on the story and your thoughts are much appreciated. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... I PRESENT TO YOU... A DAEMONIC GAMES FPS STORY IN PROGRESS... NOT ALONE!!!


Not Alone Story


The world is an interesting place. You almost never know when something is going to happen. Well, natural anyways. But sometimes, you can predict something thato s going to happen but rarely when ito s going to happen. We all know that there is going to be war, but we dono t know when, or against whom. But what is war really? Is it two countries fighting for their country, or even two different sides of the world fighting to protect each other? No. War is a brutal, horrific, simple way to settle an argument, or even to gain new territory. Regardless the wars, we almost always fought each other. I should know. I say sometimes for one reason. We didno t always fight each other though. Sometimes, out of no-where, a common enemy appears, like the swine flu, or the long extinct small pox. But this common enemy wasno t a disease. It was something different altogether. This was a threat to humanity. One we had feared since the dawn of time. But let me tell you how it all began. Let me tell you my storyo ¦

I am an Australian, and proud of it. The year was 2011. I was in the outback, doing some training for the Military. I had recently signed up, being young and naive, not knowing what to expect. I wanted to serve my country. I was being trained by Lieutenant John Anderson. I was still a Private back then, still unable to wield a gun. Well, properly anyway.

LT. Anderson had started to lecture me. o Do you know why we are here today private?o I stood at attention and saluted my commanding officer in response. o We are here to properly use and maintain artillery and to test out new weaponry, Sir!o

o Affirmative, Private!o was his response. He told me to grab a weapon from the table directly behind me and started to show me how to use it and how easy it is to grab out my pistol. After he had done that, he told me to grab a grenade launcher, which had the look of an assault rifle.

o Captain, this weapon is new to me, and ito s not like anything Io ve used before. How does it work?o

o Glad you asked, Private! This is a PGL-1. Ito s rare, and very expensive. Only three or four have ever been built to date, but it should be fully operational within the next few years. This weapon has two modes, Remote detonation and Auto detonation. There is a switch above the trigger which changes modes.o

I had a look at the PGL-1 and sure enough, there was the switch. I switched it from auto to remote, and then informed the captain about the switch.

o For remote detonation, you need to hold the trigger down, then release when you want it to explode. Auto detonation will explode shortly after launching the grenade. Show me how ito s done, private!o

I walked up to the firing range and shot the PGL-1 in Auto Detonate mode, but when I released, it didno t trigger the explosion. I called out to Lt. Anderson. o Uh, Lieutenant? The grenade didno t detonate.o

LT. Anderson looked at me, showing a slight hint of shock in his face. o Are you sure, Private? The transmission might have justo ¦o LT. Anderson was cut short to the sound of an explosion on the firing range. We both ducked for cover and looked in the direction of the sound to see a cloud of smoke from a grenade explosion of the PGL-1 grenade. o o ¦Never mind! I did mention it was just a prototype. Back to your stations private! There are some bugs the technicians need to look at.o

I put down the PGL-1 back on the table and started to walk out of the firing range when LT. Anderson stoped me. o Report back here at 0800, Private!o he told me.

o Understood; Captain!o I replied. I walked towards the barracks to await my next orders when I saw my best mate, Pvt. Alexander Reemen. I called out to him and ran up to him.

o Go day, Alex! How was the o courseo ? I heard hardly any Privates made it out under par time.o

The course was an obstacle training course designed to be a challenge for even the most battle hardened soldiers. The current best time on it was set by Lt. Arthur Harvey, setting the all-time record of 32.24 seconds. I did it in 1.30.57 minutes. I was sure Alex wouldno t do better.

o Man, ito s a difficult course, mate! I JUST managed to get under a minute. Clocked 58.47 seconds. Corporal said that I might just be one of the best in the squad.o He said.

As soon as he said that, I almost yelled out in surprise! It was amazing how well he did in the course, but to beat me when no one else in the squad could is impressive. I was actually kind of jealous that I had to run the course again!

o Howo s the wife and kid Josh?o Alex had asked. I had almost forgotten that I talked to my wife earlier that day. o Sheo s doing fine. Struggling a bit, but sheo s doing fine.o I was worried about her, but I didno t want Alex to know. She had recently lost her job, and was finding it difficult to find a backup job, especially seeing how we had a young son, and she didno t know where to put him when she went to work. She was fired because she took too much time off to take care of him.

o Well, weo ll get home sooner rather than later. I think weo re only here for a few more weeks.o

o Yeaho ¦ Well Io ve got to go Alex. Lieutenant Jacobs is probably looking for me. Io ll talk to you later.o

I lied. I really wanted to have a break but I thought it would be best to try and have a crack at the o courseo again. I would have liked to take my mind off Katherine for the moment, but thato s not what happened. As I started walking a picture fell out of my pocket. The wind had started to pick up and it made it difficult to get the photo. It was something I desperately wanted to keep. It was a photo of my parents with Katherine after our son, Jackson, was born. My parents had died in a house fire, so the photo was all I had left. I Jumped and landed on my stomach and was just able to get the photo before it blew into the desert. I had got up, brushed off the dust and sand and walked back to the o courseo , with my hand in the pocket the photo was in. Standing at a desk was Lieutenant Jacobs and was a bit surprised to see me.

o Private, do you want something?o he asked me.

o Sir; Request the permission to re-run the course today!o

o Youo ve already done it this week Privateo ¦ but Io ll make an exception. Run the course today and if it is better than your last run, it will be marked down over your previous one. Get into position when you are ready.o

I walked to the position, grabbed some concussion grenades, and picked up the rifle, then started the course. When I was finished, I put the remaining grenades back, as well as the rifle, and then headed to Lt. Jacobs.

o Very good work Private. You beat your previous time, and by a lot too! And; o ¦it looks like you just beat Private Reemeno s score. Good work private!o

o Thank you, Sir!o

As I started to walk out, Lt. Jacobs told me to wait.

o Before you finish up for the day, can you please inform Lieutenant Anderson that the Firing range is going to be blocked off tomorrow, at 0500 for some repairs. It seems some of the targets are not functioning properly.o

o Yes Sir!o

I walked out and headed to LT. Anderson. When I got there, it looked like he was beginning to pack up.

o Lieutenant Anderson. Lieutenant Jacobs wanted me to inform you that the firing range will beo ¦o

Before I could finish my sentence, something large, and on fire came crashing down about half a click from the base. It hit the ground so hard, everyone felt it. There were some things falling over as well. I saw Lt. Jacobs go and investigate, and then we heard screams. Before we knew it, the base was being overrun byo ¦ I couldno t tell you what they were, but I can tell you they were extra-terrestrial. These aliens didno t look to friendly. Some of the other privates started shooting at them, but we had no chance. Lt. Anderson was already out in the fight, and I was standing at the firing range. I didno t know what to do, and then I saw that Lt. Anderson hadno t put away the PGL-1. I picked it up and started to pray to god in my head.

o Please dono t screw up on me!o I said to myself.

I fired the grenade, on Manual detonate. The aliens were packed together in a group, but the grenade didno t go off. I shot another one on Auto detonate, and then it landed, both grenades exploded, blasting the aliens to smithereens, but at a cost. At least ¾ of the men were killed and the base was so destroyed that we had to relocate. Lt. Anderson was still alive, and was commanding all of us to get into the Humvees, and get out of here. I was on the first one that left, and never saw the base again.

Chapter 1

Years later, after the devastation of Military Base D-Alpha Sierra, Pvt. Joshua was swiftly promoted to Staff Sergeant. For his daring acts to protect his squadron that day, he was awarded the Commendation for Gallantry. Not long after, Josh decided to settle down and help his wife, Katherine, and their son, Jackson. Josh left the army in search of a new job; one safer, but one that would settle that itch to protect the greater good, so he joined the Police Academy, and graduated becoming a police officer. Katherine on the other hand found a new job as the Chief reporter for Channel 4 Studios.

January 7th, 2028; one week from Joshuao s 48th birthday. Nothing was out of the ordinary. No one had spoken to Joshua about what happened at the base, but thato s what Josh knew.

6:30 am. Josh walks down stairs, grabs the milk and cereal and eats his breakfast. He sits there, in his freshly cleaned police uniform, with the badge recently cleaned as well. He pulls out a newspaper and looks at the headline. He sat there and stared at the cover of the paper, with a worried look growing on his face. Something triggered the memory of the past. The headline read, o Larger than life. The scheduled meteor shower predicted to occur tonight is in fact not rocks at all. o While researching the meteors that should be occurring soon, I discovered that in fact they were not rocks, but in fact large chunks of metal, drifting towards Earth,o Astrologist Professor Jacobs told reporters. o The thing that worries me is that the chunks are larger than anything that has ever travelled to Earth before. At this rate, the collision with Earth will be in a mere few days. The abnormally large chunks, although unnaturally large, is not something that should be feared. They will burn up in the Eartho s atmosphere before landing, causing bare minimum damage.o

He sat there eating his cereal in awe. He put down the paper, closed it and finished eating breakfast. Not long after finishing his meal, Jackson came down stairs, fully clothed in his pyjamas. Josh, noticing him coming downstairs from the noise Jackson made, turned around to see what was going on. o Good morning Jackson. How come you are up so early?o Josh had asked.

o I couldno t sleep properly. Mum told me about the meteor shower thato s happening soon, and I cano t stop thinking about it.o Jackson rubbed his eyes. From what Josh could see, he was half dazed, and still exhausted. o Well, seeing youo re already awake, Io ll make you some breakfast. You dono t need to be up for a while. Ito s Thursday after all. Youo ve got your off day from university today.o Josh got up to grab another bowl from the cupboard and poured another bowl of cereal.

o Dad,o Jackson yawns while he talks. o Is what theyo re saying about the meteor shower true?o Josh, not sure what to say, sits there thinking, until he then speaks. o Yah Jackson. Dono t worry. I know for a fact that they areno t going to be in the atmosphere to long.o He gets up and starts walking upstairs.

Upstairs, in his room, Katherine is sound asleep, lying in bed. Josh quickly and silently goes and gets his belt with his gun attached to it and heads back downstairs. Just as he reaches for the door, Jackson holds his shoulder and stops him.

o Hey dad, before you go, there was something I wanted to ask you. You remember how you used to be in the Military, protecting Australia?o

o Yes Jackson. What about it?o

o Io ve been thinking. If my Dad protected my country for the greater good, then why cano t I? So I was thinking... Dad, am I allowed to apply for the Army?o

Josh turned around and looked at Jackson with a strong look. He didno t look menacing, but he had a stern look about him.

o No. Jackson, Io m not letting you risk your life in the military. Io ve seen and done things that I regret and would never you want to get involved in, so my answer is no.o

o But Dad!o

o No Jackson! Io ll talk about it at home with your mother tonight. That is final.o

Josh walked out of the house and walked to his car. He stared up the engine and drove off to the police station. He started changing the channels on the radio until all of the stations when static. He changed the channels back to see if they were back to normal but still static.

"That's odd... Isn't very often the radio dies..."

All of a sudden, while still in static, slurred words are just audible.


The words kept repeating themselves until, after about hearing the words about 20 or more time, the radio went back to normal. Josh, staring straight towards the road in extreme fear, continued driving. He started to sweat, the days of the Training Base flooding back into his memory. About another five minutes of driving, his phone starts ringing. It kept ringing and ringing, but he didn't answer, still starring in fear. Realising it was ringing, he shook his head to refocus, and quickly grabbed the phone.


After a few seconds of silence, an old man spoke

"Staff Sergeant Joshua?"

When the man had said his military rank, Josh instantly knew who he was talking to.

"Lieutenant Anderson?"

"Io m no longer Lieutenant. Captain. My reason for the call is of up most confidentiality. I need you to head to the airport. Corporal Reemen will be eating for you there. Head there ASAP. This is a matter of Planetary Security"

When Josh heard that it was a Planetary Security, he knew the horrifying truth. The meteor shower, the radio and now this could mean one thing.

"Sir, I'm sorry to let you know, but I retired from the military not long after the..."

He stopped there. The thought of the day at the base was too much to bear.

"I understand that, Staff Sergeant, but I have orders from both the Prime Minister and the President of the United States for you to provide your presence here. It is nonnegotiable, unfortunately."

Requesting presence from the Prime Minister and the President made things worse.

"Sir, May I ask what this is all about?"

He already knew the answer to his question, be had to know for sure.

"Get here and you will be briefed."

o Sir, Io ve already told you. Io m no longer in the Military.o

o Staff Sergeant; consider this as a conscription. I will see you at the airport by 1400.o

Captain Anderson hung up the phone. Josh was sitting in the car seat, parked by the street, trying to comprehend what just happened. First the paper, the Radio and now being conscripted back into the military? It was just too much for Josh to handle. He couldno t just leave Katherine and Jackson and go back to the military! What was Katherine going to say about this? He thought to himself that the irony of all of this is that he told Jackson he wasno t allowed to join the military, and now heo s back in it. Josh chuckled to himself a bit. He couldno t just step out of his police work. Josh started up the car and headed back home. About 2.5km from his house, he could see a few o meteorso on their way to earth. When he got home, he parked the car in the driveway and hopped out. He checked his watch to see what time it was; only 8:07am. Katherine wouldno t have gone to work yet; she starts work at around 10am. She surely would wonder what Josh was doing home at that time, but he had to tell her the truth. She knew about what happened at the base, although it was meant to be one of the worldo s best kept secrets. She hadno t told anyone though. Josh locked the car and walked towards the front door. Katherine was at the table, eating breakfast, still in her pyjamas.

o Josh? What are you doing home? I thought you had to go to work?o

Josh tried to find the right words to explain what had happened in the car, for he knew that Katherine didno t want him back in the army. He didno t want to go back into the army either! But it wasno t Katherine or his decision.

o Katherineo ¦o

As Josh struggled to say what he wanted, Katherine started to worry what he wanted to ask

o Honey, is everything alright?o

The tension grew in the air as Katherine, still somewhat confused, didno t know what was going on. Josh had to figure out how to tell her that he was being forced back into the military against his own will, but at that same time, tell her how Jackson wanted to join.

o Katherineo ¦ Remember when I told you what happened at the training base, around 10 years ago? And how I promised you that I wouldno t go back to the military and stay here with you?o

Katherine looked more worried that before.

o What is this all about?o

Josh knew he had to finally tell her, straight up.

o Katherine, Io ve been conscripted back into the Army. I know what youo re going to say, and I dono t like it either, but I have no choice. Io ve been requested to make an audience for the Prime Minister and the President of the United States. I have to catch a plane at 2 Oo clocko ¦ And I dono t want to go aloneo

Katherine stood in shock at the idea.

o You want me and Jackson to go to, gods knows where, and stay with you? Josh, I have a job, Jackson has University. I cano t just go and leave everything behind! It might be easy for you, but if ito s for the reason I think it is, and I know it is, Io m not risking it.o

Josh moved closer to Katherine just as both of them hear footsteps run upstairs. Katherine knew who it was.

o Ito s Jackson. Josho ¦o

o Dono t worry Katherine. Io ve got this.o

Josh moves away from Katherine and heads upstairs to see whato s wrong with Jackson. His bedroom was shut and locked, restricting access from Katherine and Josh. Josh knocks on the door to let Jackson know he was there.

o Jackson? Can I come in?o

Josh knocks at the door again to see if Jackson is there, until he hears the sound of a pillow banning against the door.

o No! Go away Dad! I dono t want to talk about it!o

o Jackson, you do know I can get in there if you keep me locked out right?o

o Go away Dad!o

Josh knew that that was is o invitationo to find another way into Jacksono s room. He had to deal with this too many times to know his route into his room. Josh headed back downstairs, where Katherine stopped him.

o Whato s wrong with Jackson?o

Josh gave her a cheeky smile.

o I dono t know. Io m heading through the o backdooro .o

Katherine laughed at the thought. She knew the backdoor was the window, because Josh had gone through there far too many times. In the backyard, Josh looked for the fencing right next to Jacksono s room and climbed up. When he was just up to the window, Jackson was still lying on his bed, staring at the roof. Josh, being slow and careful not to make a sound, opened the window and jumped in. He pulled up a chair and sat next to Jacksono s bed.

o Whato s wrong Jackson?o

o Dad, you said to me before you left that I couldno t join the military becauseo ¦o

Jackson starts impersonating his dad with sarcasm in his voice.

o o ¦You saw and did things that you regrettedo ¦o

He talks in his normal voice once again.

o And yeto ¦ you still go back to the military? Why Dad? Just, why?o

Josh knew that it would be harder to explain to Jackson then it would be to explain to Katherine, because Jackson never knew about the training base.

o Jacksono ¦o

He stopped to collect his thoughts.

o Jackson. I never told you this, but I never re-joined the army for one reason, and that reason alone. Over 10 years ago, I was training with my platoon, including Alex Reemen.o

o Is he the same Alex Reemen who is my Godfather?o

o Exactly the same person. I met him while during my time at cadet school. We went into the same platoon ando ¦ Io m getting off track. I was testing out a grenade launcher, the PGL-1. The training was going all to plan, and I had finished up and headed back to the barracks, when we were attacked.o

o Who by?o

o Not who Jackson, but what. A meteor crash landed not too far from the base. We all thought nothing of it, until one of us went to check it out. I heard the sounds of his screaming and we all turned around to see what the commotion was all about, and we saw a whole group of Aliens coming at us. They looked like floating squid things, but we had to act fast. We were no match however, and lost over half of our platoon. I was still dazed at the fact that we were under attack by aliens. I refocused on what was happening now and had to act fast. The PGL-1 was still at the firing range, so I ran over, grabbed it and fired two shots. I managed to kill the aliens, and save what was remaining of my platoon. I was awarded the Commendation for Gallantry. After that, I stayed here with your mother until she got her job at Channel 4 Studios. I got a phone call on the way to work, from my old CO. I have been asked to make an audience for the Prime Minister and the President of the United States. I catch a plane at 2.o

Jackson sat there, collecting his thoughts. He remembered talking to Josh about the meteor shower.

o Dad, I just remembered. Could the meteor shower beo ¦?o

o I dono t know, mate. I guess Io ll find out when I meet the President.o

Josh gets up out of the seat and stands up.

o Well, I have to go pack. Io ll talk to you about it later Jackson.o

Josh gives Jackson a hug before he walks out. Josh heads towards his room when Katherine walks upstairs. She stops Josh and spins him around, facing her.

o Josh, I was thinking. You cano t go alone. Jackson and I are coming with you.o

o Katherine, are you sure about this?o

Katherine looked Josh straight in his eyes; give her the look as if sheo s already done it.

o Alright Katherine; you need to pack up, only the essentials. Weo re heading to USA; well, at least I thinko ¦o

Katherine, a bit shocked at Josh, steps back a bit.

o Wait, you dono t know where we are going?o

o No. I dono t. I was just called up my Captain Anderson and told to meet Alex at the airport.o

o Alright. Io ll pack Jacksono s bag for him as well. Let me get dressed thought. Weo ll need to head out straight away.o

Josh and Katherine walked into their room; Katherine heading off to get dressed in the walk in closet, and Josh packing his bag. Jackson had already started to pack his bag when Josh left the room. Just before Josh started packing his bag, and Katherine managed to walk into the walk-in closet, Josh received another phone call. Katherine was in the room at the time and heard it ring as well.

o Answer it. Ito s probably Capt. Anderson.o

Josh answered the phone, knowing it was Anderson. He waited to hear Andersono s before talking

o Staff Sergeant; you must get here sooner.o

o Why? Whato s happened, Captain?o

o Did you read the paper this morning, Josh?o

The newspaper; it was still sitting on the table, but he didno t stop thinking about the meteor shower since he walked out of the door.

o Yes. Is it what I think it is, Sir?o

The Captain had a very worried sound in his voice.

o Unfortunately so, Staff Sergeant; theyo re spread out so much that weo ll be on a collision course with them. I need you to kit up with any weaponry you have; pistols, rifles, grenades, anything.o

Josh stood in fear.

o What about Katherine; and Jackson?o

Anderson did a sort of spit-take over the phone. He almost yelled at Josh.

o Why are you brining Katherine and Jackson? Dono t you know the risks you put them in by taking them with you?o

Katherine overheard what Anderson had said.

o Captain; you yourself have a wife and family; and you understand the need to keep them safe. I know where they are bound to land first, and Io m more than certain that that is nowhere near where are going.o

Anderson was silent for a moment, thinking about his family; his wife, still living with him, and his son, living with his wife, and their baby. The thoughts of losing them came rushing in, and he couldno t hold back tears.

o I know what you are trying to say, Staff Sergeant. Bring them with you, but keep them under wraps. If anything were to happen to themo ¦o

Josh cut him off; knowing that he didno t want anything to do with his family is anything were to happen to them.

o I understand Captain; my family, my hands. When do you want us there?o

The Captain had a very stern sound in his voice.

o ASAP, Staff Sergeant; it would be best to beat the meteor shower.o

Anderson hung up the phone, and Josh put his back in his pocket. Katherine, still yet to get changed, heard the entire conversation and had a worried look on her face. She started to feel emotional about what was to come, and started to tear up. She began to cry, and then she fell into Josho s arms, for comfort. After a short while in Josho s arms, she got up and looked at him, straight in the eyes.

o Keep us safe, honeyo ¦o

As she looked down, she started to cry some more.

o Katherineo ¦ Dono t worryo ¦o

She looked up at him, and then spoke.

o Io ¦o

She didno t know what to say, then realised she was still in her pyjamas.

o I think I should get changedo ¦o

As she left Josho s arms, Katherine walked into the walk-in closet and closed the door to get changed. Jackson, who had already finished packing his back, stood at the door; listening to the whole conversation. Jackson didno t want to say a word, so he just walked up to Josh, and hugged him, then walked back into his room. After Josh started to pack his bag, Katherine walked out of the walk-in closed, fully clothed. She looked at Josh and laughed a bit.

o Honey, are you seriously going in your police uniform?o

Josh looked down and realised that he was in fact still in his uniform. He smirked and chuckled. It hadno t crossed his mind to change cloths at all, with everything that had happened that morning.

o Oh! Your right; I completely forgot that I was still wearing it.o

Josh exchanged places with Katherine and waked into the walk-in closet to get changed. He knew exactly what to wear. In the top shelf, there was a dusty, old box. He pulled the box down, put it on the floor, and opened it. He hoped that he never had to reach for the box again. In the box was his old military uniform. He took it out of the box and put it on. It fit, almost as snug as it did 10 years ago, mind you, he hadno t grown much since then, and kept his weight down. The medals, which he earned, were all there, and the uniform looked only as if it were worn only a few times. There was also more in the box. Not only the uniform, but a small key which was for a safe under the stairs was also in the box. He walked out of the closet, and was complemented by Katherine.

o As much as I never wanted to say it while you wore that; you look handsomeo

He walked out of their room and down the stairs, where Jackson had just rested his bag on the wall near the door. He saw Josh in his uniform and saluted, for a laugh. Josh saluted back, knowing that he had to at least have a laugh before they leave their home. Josh walked into the room under the stairs, which looked more like a basement then a room. In the back, there was a safe that required two keys to unlock; one of the keys was in the box, which was now in his hand, and the other key was, and had always been, around his neck, if ever something was to ever happen. Josh took the key from around his neck and put it in the lock, as well as the key from the box, and opened the safe. Inside was a small pistol, but a specially made pistol; Josh, without Katherine or Jackson knowing, had kept and modified one of the pistols that he had when he was originally in the army, and kept it in the safe if something like this were ever to happen.

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04/07/2012 6:08 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
dropbearownage's Avatar
hehehheheheh im aussie :P
04/07/2012 5:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mrownnoobs's Avatar
wow that's big!
04/07/2012 5:39 am
Level 40 : Master Modder
goboy3133's Avatar
Told you! :P
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