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[Ranks]Who to promote and what not to do. {Message to all Server owners}

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onitrix3's Avatar onitrix3
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian

This blog is mainly about how to pick worthy staff and see who actually isn't trustable for having a staff spot. The problem i see alot on almost every server i went on is that all the staff is actually playing and trolling and even sometimes griefing.Now the problem lays at the server owner not the staff in general(How to prevent abusing staff). Griefing and trolling staff are a very bad image of the server. The only people you will lure to the server are griefers , trollers and hackers since the staff does it on their own and Oblivious they think that the staff will not ban as fast then they do on any other server. Now before i start writing how to fix these problems i will setup a table of what we are going to talk about today.

  • How to pick staff.
  • What the staff team's Job is.
  • Wich type of people not to accept.
  • How to prevent abusing staff.
  • You're job as a server owner

How to Pick staff?

Now the problem i see the most is staff that are close friends to the server owner. This is either a good idea or a bad idea. You see when you pick friends that never played on a server before they will test out all commands and see what they are capable off, And mostly the commands are to ruin the server if you use it in a bad way. There will be friends that are proffesional towards the server and that will not grief and know what they have to do to become a succesful staff member. If none of you're actual in-real life friends are staff on your server they might get pissed at you for not picking them as a staff member, But you have to be hard and not allow them. If you fixed this problem you can start to become a succesful server owner. If you pick staff from people all over the world they might obey a bit more but not as fully as you want. If you want to select a trusty staff member make sure he is active , Helpful and mostly needed for the server. If you run a Small to Medium server you only need about 3 -4 Staff members ( When having an average of 20 people online ). This peoblem i see alot on server is that more then the half on the online players are actually staff and then you can't control who does what and they have nothing to do since there are to many. To fix this wipe out all staff that is unactive and not doing hes/her job at all time. Now as conclusion how to pick staff: You need to pick out the most Trustful , Active and addicted player as a staff member and not just any random person even if it is your friend.

What does the Staff team has to do?

The staff team is responsible for anything that happends on the server when they are online. The staff team has to make sure the server is grief-free ( Except grief servers) , friendly and Peaceful. Now for example you have 3 moderators online and someone is Spamming and hacking at all time. You will have 3 people yelling and telling him to stop but this is not a good organisation. Instead of having Moderators consider getting Curators that control one piece of the server where they are responsible for. For example you have a Curator of defence, This curator is responsible for the security of the server. He will protect the server from griefs, DDos and hackers. If you have a curator for every piece you need on the server you are more organised and problems will be solved more quickly then having 3 moderators doing all the work. Players are often Lazy and don't want to fix every little problem that is on their way so having a taskmanagement will increase workflow.

What people not to get as Staff.

The second biggest problem is picking the wrong staff. You can see if people are not worthy as staff member if they grief, be disrespectful, Inactive and Swearing at all time. Or just silent hackers who spend time on the server to become a staff member and then grief. To make sure you do not pick any of these staff make sure to have Mcbans installed and see if he has been banned before. If so please do not consider taking him / her as a staff member, There are alot of more worthy staff out there but are just playing to have fun and just trying to be a good member.
So as conclusion: Do not take Untrustful, Disrespectful,
inactive players as a staff as they might break you're server.

How to prevent Abusing Staff

This part is hard to follow as you will need to be a bit harsh towards you're staff. Whatever you do on the server the staff team will copy as they think it is allowed. If you set-up rules make sure to follow them else the entire staff team will become corrupt and starting to abuse. If you allow anything a staff member does they will evantually get more control of the server then you do. This is the tricky part to make sure it not happends, At the very begin of my server i had the exact same problem. I allowed everyone to do anything making me loose all members and my world being completely deleted, This is something that may not happen. I learned alot from those problems so i am passing over knowledge to make sure it doesn't happen to other servers. So as conslusion: Be Harsh and don't do anything yourself that you don't want to see happen at you're server.

You're Job as a server owner

As a server owner you don't expect anyone to be active unless you are active aswell. I see alot of server going down beceause they don't have players and when i ask them why did you go down they said i was barely online and no one was palying anymore. The second task is to make sure the staff does not abuse, If they do so people will stop playing and evantually the server will go down aswell. The Third task is to look for donations, Alot of servers go down beceause they don't get any donations even though they tried ( I might make a blog about this ).

If there are any more question please do not hesitate to ask, I will respond as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,
Damy Peeters


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by onitrix3 10/28/2013 1:13:46 pmOct 28th, 2013

Going to update this in the near future.

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03/03/2013 5:23 pm
Level 1 : New Dolphin
grantanddylan's Avatar
Very good blog! Unfortunately when I started my server I had to learn all these lessons the hard way. I wish I could of read this blog when I first started. I would also like to say that this is one of the best blogs to follow when picking server staff. I know this because I use some of the same strategies written in this blog on my own servers. Thanks for this blog and I hope it will help many more people! I am looking forward to seeing more successful servers.

- Yours truly Grant Owner of Mc Crafters
03/04/2013 6:07 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Egyptian
onitrix3's Avatar
Oh thanks grant, Good to see you again aswell it's been a long while and i'm happy that your server is progressive. If there is any more advice about something needed don't hesitate to ask i'll find a solution for you :)
01/09/2013 2:39 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
Herobrine lord
Herobrine lord's Avatar
Dam it if i could of read this before that *** **** **** ***** came to my server well who knows what would of happened
so thank you for passing on knowledge so bad **** doesn't happen to server owner s ;)
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