This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Revivable Fossils

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TheTerraSnapper's Avatar TheTerraSnapper
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Alright so my entry is simple: Revivable Fossils. You, the Minecrafter can be digging around and come upon a strange material. It's not an ore, so what could it be? A Velociraptor Head fossil! You dash back to your house and build an incubator, where you put the fossil in. You dig around the area where you found the fossil to find the legs, bods, and arms. You build a reviver, put the fossils in, and put blue dye in (you hope the dino will turn out blue).
The machine activates and BAM you've got yourself a dinosaur!

An update including dinosaurs will be cool. You could find the dinos, revive the dinos, and use the dinos.
The type of dinos I would want
Velociraptor: You can climb on and control one of these badboys

Tyrannosaurus Rex: You can ride these and destroy blocks and mobs!
Stegosaurus: A beast that can knock down tree so you can collect the wood
Triceratops: Controlable tank. Creepers better watch out
Last but not least, the most rare of the rest, this is one powerful foe
Also, there could be extras like
  • Nether fossils- similar looking dinosaurs

  • Changeable colors
  • Hostile mobs

That's it for now. If you like this idea, please diamond, comment, and subscribe for more!

And who knows? Maybe I'll make a mod for this...
CreditFamous Cutouts, Kuban's Paluxy website, The Cosmos News, Fanpop, and Kids Dinos

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02/13/2013 8:59 pm
Level 21 : Expert Warrior
Spartan_Cow's Avatar
Sounds Awesome
