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Server Review Mc.Endercraftbuild.net

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MitchWhitespine's Avatar MitchWhitespine
Level 1 : New Miner
This story begins with myself, my little brother (who suffers from aspergers) and my fiance. It began with us trying to find a very friendly server that we could build in, (as my little brother needs peaceful environments) we all agreed to try mc.endercraftbuild.net and to be honest we where greeted warmly by the community and by admins. We where excited to begin and get started, we spent the entire first week gathering resources and preparing to make a fantastic build to share with everyone.

We loved it, I even went so far as to donate a little to the server (as many of us do) just to give them a little added pat on the back for a job well done. After they received my money however. Things began to change, small issues I had with warps, being unable to enter the nether, another player who had made a small hut outside our home who killed us... repeatedly... for days on end.

I reached out to the admins and attempted to explain that where being killed is fine and dandy... this other player was really just harassing my little brother. (getting a rise out of the small child with aspergers. And mocking us in local) after about three days the player was given a warning. We still had issues with warps, the nether, and we apparently are bribed into voting for the servers for diamonds...

we still attempted to get assistance with these problems, we where ignored. So we made the best of it and began a farm and began feeding and sharing resources with the other local builders. After all the more we gave to other players. The more friends we made. This was a great thing! And we thought perhaps that in the end. Even though things where NOT perfect. We could still make the best of it.

The same player again began his relentless attacks on us after a few days. We reached out for help once again and where ignored. Even after the other player set their home location inside our homes and killed us over and over and over. The admins ignored us. This was becoming a HUGE issue. My little brother (who has aspergers) was unable to grasp the concept of why he was being killed and tried and tried and tried to befriend this new found bully. It got to the point where my little brother (age 9) was in tears thinking he had done something wrong and was thinking badly of himself. I reached out to admins again for help. Again... we where ignored.

I had to do something, I told the admins in game I would start fighting back if this did not end their reply was o meho to try and make my little brother feel better I removed the 5x5 box that this greifing player used to store his gear to harass us. It was prolly not the best idea but we had exhausted all our efforts to talk to admins in game.

The attack continued, we where forced to move we gathered our things and went deep into the map. Far far away from other players. Along the way we found ruined structures that where left in shambles. I had asked about them to the other players, asked admins if we could salvage parts along the way. We where given a o whatever.o (as players homes are protected with diamonds in a 44x44 square making it so others cannot take or add to or from their builds) we grabbed some of this and that after asking and we found a nice big open area to set up our home. We began at once and worked through the night to get everything ready. Finally we had gotten away from our bully we had found. After all if we could not get help... we would leave.

The next day I was banned (for greifing) I reached out on the forums to try and understand what had happened. Was it the hut we took down after a week of harassment? Was it something else?

They uploaded a screenshot of the resources we asked permission to take. And used it as o evidenceo to get rid of us. And told us we should have reached out to admins... which we had done many many times, only to be ignored. Or told o whatever.o

we gave to the community. Gave to fellow players, never took a single brick of dirt without asking. And we where called greifers and banned. After all the spawn issues, nether issues, and greifer issues where all ignored.

In short I feel we where given sub par service. Admins where helpful up to the moment they had our money. Then we no longer mattered. I will be honest and say I am offended by it all. for being flashy and promising fun on the outside, and then neglecting and turning on players once inside. (not to mention spikes of severe lag)

Final rating 3/10 o would NOT recommend

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08/17/2012 5:53 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Amethystx87's Avatar
Aw I'm so sorry to hear about that =( That's just awful. I hope you and your little brother can find a server where people are helpful to you. I know I'd never let that go on in my server...
08/17/2012 5:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MitchWhitespine's Avatar
It just so happens we are searching for a new server. what type of server are you running? the three of us are looking for a place to build again.
08/17/2012 10:04 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Amethystx87's Avatar
The opening of the server is tomorrow actually ^^ It's going to be a tekkit server, a few mods, but you can download the launcher for tekkit from www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ We'd love if you gave us a try, we're a towny server, no grief, and the pvp is optional if you stay within the safe zones. =) If you're interested, I'll be posting a server post here on PMC tomorrow.
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