Minecraft Blogs / Review

Sideways logs - AGGGGGHHHH!!!!

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Hazra's Avatar Hazra
Level 16 : Journeyman Ranger
It all started with these updates from 'Jeb'. Am I the only one who finds sideways logs more of a bother than a use? They pop up when you DON'T want them and don't even look good. You can jump and do everything right but STILL you cannot place a log like you want. I am trying to build a medieval city and, as you know, they used to have a lot of wood. How do I make it look good if there is a sideways log in the midst of normal logs! I miss the old logs. * Reminisces about update 1.7 and the good old days *.

That is all

*UPDATE* 23/09/12, 12:07

So after lots of replies on the forums (very few of them actually being nice o_O), I thought it would be best for me to reword this blog. Like a lot of people said on the forum sideways logs don't look bad but it is the way they are placed that is the unfortunate thing. Also, like people on this PMC blog have said (I can confirm that everyone on PMC is nicer than on the Minecraft forum) it would be best if you could have a key you can press to change orientation (eg. CTRL + right click) or, the idea I like more, a certain tool that can turn logs. I think a logging hook would be a great tool, which can be made from one stick and two iron ingots (stick = bottom middle, iron ingot = middle and other iron ingot = top left). This is just an idea, leave feedback is you like this or have an idea of your own. Happy building!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Hazra 09/23/2012 6:13:31 amSep 23rd, 2012

Added a whole new chunk to the blog

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09/23/2012 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yogosgo's Avatar
it doesnt... shouldve known.

but yes i absolutely HATE sidewways logs they a pain in the butt
09/23/2012 7:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yogosgo's Avatar
o o o o o o o o
SWEET! I just got a free Minecraft card code at (Ad link removed); o o o o o o o

just wanted to see if this worked.....
09/08/2012 3:06 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Caveman
Rit957's Avatar
I made big ben in minecraft i know how you feel
09/08/2012 10:36 am
Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn
samsor10's Avatar
I dont like so much the side way logs ehter :(
09/05/2012 6:26 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Bazmuz80's Avatar
I like them but they are time consuming to place maybe Jeb could add an option in the menu to turn sideways logs on/off in the next update.
09/05/2012 9:54 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Asekhon's Avatar
Bazmuz80 you have a realy good idea maybe i could further interpretate that idea maybe if you place a log it would be like the norml 1.2.5 days but if you were to right click it it would turn sideways? plz reply! if you like my idea
09/05/2012 6:44 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Bazmuz80's Avatar
Yep that's the great idea makes you wonder why they didn't just do that in the first place :) hey while their at it they could add right clicking for the art too so you don't have to keep breaking and replacing just to find the picture you want.
09/15/2012 11:58 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Asekhon's Avatar
Wow thx for he reat reply i was also thiking you could only turn wood sidewards th somesort of device maybe wood itself?

09/05/2012 6:14 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
zJammy's Avatar
You've got a point. I find them really annoying, too. Unwanted.
09/05/2012 6:01 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc449001's Avatar
