This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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More Enchantments, Blocks, Plants, And Effects! ~ Mud's Ideas! [Minedeas Contest Blog!]

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mudkipchow's Avatar mudkipchow
Level 16 : Journeyman Pokemon

~ My Perspective Of Minecraft And Its Ideas ~

Minecraft is filled with many wonderful things.

What I really think is, that Minecraft can fit into nearly any category from any mod.

It can go from Futuristic Sc-fi, Modern Engineering, And Past time Medieval.
But I love mods that add addons to Vanilla Minecraft. Here are my basic addons that I'd hope and love to see someday! :D

Basic Addons [Blocks, Items, Tools, Etc.]

note: All textures are by me, so don't ask if I stole them.

Enderdoors - Enderdoors are pretty basic, and the name shows what it's going to be.
~ Main Features ~
- Unlike most doors, Enderdoors don't open with redstone physics.

- Once a player enters through a door, they'll find themselves in another room.
~ Basic Features ~
- Enderdoors are required to connect with other doors to work.
(I'd prefer if they connected with dyes)
- Enderdoors glow like a enderchest.
- Enderdoors are blastproof.

Slime Pads - Slimey covers that have many uses!
~ Main Features ~
- Prevents players from fall damage depending on drop height.
- Slows down or sinks player down like soul sand when walked on.
- When jumped on you have a 50% chance of either jumping low or high!
~ Basic Features ~
- The same size as snow and repeaters.
- Isn't water proof, and similar to snow covers they drop slime balls when mined or watered on.
- Huge Slimes have a %5 chance of placing a Slime Pad every 20 lands from a jump.
Ender Door
Slime Pad

Recipies -

More Plant Life -
Many different categories and ideas, but I didn't make textures for the plants.
Sea Weed
- Grows in ocean biomes.
- Grows in bunches or groups of 3 - 9 in a Sea Weed Patch.
- Can be farmed and grows only on dirt and when surrounded by water.
- Sea Weed can be found randomly onshore of beaches during random times.

Coral And Sea Flowers

- Can be found in oceans and are widely found in beach biomes.
- Used to craft dyes, brewing potions, and decoration.
~ Suggestion ~
- Some Coral can be used as fuel.

~ Plant Structures and Blocks ~
Bushes [Structure] -
- New tree shaping.

- When leaves are mined, you have a wider chance of getting fruits. (Apples)
- Can be grown at a %15 chance rate when a Oak Wood Sapling grows.

Swampwood logs/planks -
- New tree type.
- A more shadier and mossier version of oakwood.
- Swamps are now filled with 75% Swampwood Trees and 25% Oakwood.
- Planks are a bit more green and a shadier blue.

Maple And Sap -
- 5% of all trees in a taiga biome produce sap or maple.

- Adds new features to Brewing potions.
- Can be used to craft new food!

New Enchantments and Beacon Effects!

The finale of my ideas!
Enchantments for Weapons
Bow Enchantments -
Widespread - multi-shot arrows!
- Goes up to 2 stages.
- [First stage: Shoots 2 arrows at one shot.]

- [Second stage: Shoots 3 arrows at one shot.]
- Levels to gain for stage 1: 25 through 29

- Levels to gain for stage 2: 30
- Cannot be enchanted with Infinity.

Toxic Drip - poisonous arrows!
- Goes up to 3 stages.
- [First stage: 5 seconds of Poison 1 | 30% chance of poisoning when shot.]
- [Second stage: 15 seconds of Poison 1 | 50% chance of poisoning when shot.]

- [Third stage: 10 seconds of Poison 2 | 55% chance of poisoning when shot.]
- Levels to gain for stage 1: 10 - 15
- Levels to gain for stage 2: 15 - 25
- Levels to gain for stage 3: 23 - 30
- Cannot be enchanted with Flame or Power.

Sword Enchantments -

Leech - Stealing your life! >:D
- Goes up to 2 stages.
- [First stage: 20% chance of gaining 1 heart when hitting with leech.
Deals less damage when landing a leech hit.]
- [Second stage: 30% chance of gaining 1 and 1/2 heart when hitting with leech.]
- Levels to gain for stage 1: 9 - 15
- Levels to gain for stage 2: 15 - 30

Shield - Block and reduce damage!
- Goes up to 4 stages
- The higher the stage the more chances you have to reduce damage and block.
- Activates when you block with a sword with shield enchantment.

Beacon Effects
Hawk Eye -
- Can be activated through beacons.
- Zooms in as the bow draws its arrow.
- At max stage [Stage 4] It gains homing shots.

Stomp -
- Can be activated through beacons. (Lasts longer than 8 seconds.)
- The player can break blocks and does damage to the surroundings,
when they drop from the air.
- The higher the stage, it widens and increases the surrounding damage.

Thanks For Reading!
Come Support me!
Donate A Diamond!
Give A Heart!

Make sure to watch my livestreams!

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12/16/2012 10:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Skep's Avatar
I like the ender door idea.
12/16/2012 3:21 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pokemon
mudkipchow's Avatar
Thanks xD it seems like the most popular idea out of all the other ones!
12/12/2012 9:27 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
+_O's Avatar
These are some nice ideas! I'd love to have the ender door in vanilla. (Personally, I'd make the recipe use an eye of ender instead of an ender pearl, same as the ender chest.)
12/16/2012 3:21 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pokemon
mudkipchow's Avatar
xD Sorry for the late reply but thanks! The ender door idea is one of my top favorites out of most of my ideas.
12/11/2012 9:39 am
Level 39 : Artisan Grump
iminer978's Avatar
Nice! It's not too outlandish,,, it's just right!
12/11/2012 7:47 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pokemon
mudkipchow's Avatar
thanks miner xD really enjoy the support you always give!
12/11/2012 11:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Grump
iminer978's Avatar
No problem! It's what I do :)
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