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Stylized Circus Baby! 🎪🍦

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llPettyCandlesll's Avatar llPettyCandlesll
Level 58 : Grandmaster Artist

I finally finished this art piece! Its a stylized Circus Baby in my style!🤡🎪

I will definitely be making the skin of this afterwards, but for now, here is a drawing version of it. I slept on this drawing for days before deciding to give myself a migraine by finishing this all in one sitting.

With that out of the way, let's talk about the style choices I made for Baby.

I focused on aspects of the game that corresponding to the game lore/story, so I made Baby as sweet as Icecream! I gave her icecream twin tails with cherries on the ends of them, its hard to see because of the curtain, but I made it a tad bit see through to capture the small details. Her shoes now have yellow velcro straps on them to match her stomach hatch!

adding on to the icecream theme, I turned her microphone into a full on cone! So everytime she sings, it looks like she's enjoying an iceream cone! I thought that sounded fun!

There is a consistent theme of reds and green to contrast with the red cherry colors, red berry, green stem. I'm also a big fan of cherries, so I added a lot of them! If you pay close attention, you can see i big one painted on the wall behind her!

I'm trying to get better at adding effects in the foreground and background, I tried to add some fog as if she was about to perform on stage! Its hard to really see the effect all the much. It just looks like glow more than fog, but I managed to get the point across in which I could agree with. It ain't the best, but its good enough! 😊🤟

If you would also take another good look, you'll notice she has fingers...but no finger tips? Yes this is true, she doesn't have finger tips in this version, but that's to enhance her balloon making feature! More space to create different shapes, colors and patterns! 🎈🎈🎈

In this redesign of Baby, she has a slimmer cut than the original. She is still massive and can capture children(sounds weird and creepy out of context), but she's thinner to allow more movement and have more mobility with less weight in metal. Granted, she still is heavyweight to carry, she can move around more life like this way.

Another small detail before I stop talking, I made her eyes in a special way that also relates to the game! Her eyes are both a mix of blue and green! The blue being the smaller bottom color, and green being the top more dominant color to resemble Elizabeth! (Yes, I pay attention to lore....sometimes-)

Thats about all I can say about this artwork for now, I might add some things later after I come back from a good rest. But I'm done, I'm tired, I'm proud of myself, and I'm curious to see how much attention this one with get!👁👁

Thanks for reading!


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