Minecraft Blogs / Other

The Diamond Blog V2

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MCDiamondMiner's Avatar MCDiamondMiner
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
Basically for the new picture. The original on my account page. Remember to go check it out! (but that one has downvotes) I would rather like to say we discuss the diamond tools and sword here. Only the tools. The pick says hello. The shovel says hello. The hoe says hello. The axe says hello.The sword says ATTACK THE ZOMBIES! o wait hi. You say (Post in comments.)
CreditMinecraft Wallpapers for the picture.

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09/05/2011 12:09 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
MCDiamondMiner's Avatar
Here we discuss the tools and what we say if we were a diamond tool or weapon.
