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The Essence of Gaming

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OliverFrenchie's Avatar OliverFrenchie
Retired Moderator
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe


A local newspaper approached me recently and asked me to write an article on the true meaning of gaming in today's society. They allowed me to use snippets of the article to compose this blog. A lot of you may find this very similar to my Stereotyping Gamers blog and it is in a lot of ways but it makes a few more points. I'll be updating this over the next few days most likely too.


Technology is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives. We all use it, we all know it but many of us ignore huge aspects of it. Video games are one of the biggest industries technology has and they play a big part in (primarily) a teenagero s life. They now make up a large percentage of the market but not only from sales; they also impact hugely on websites like YouTube where o gamerso create their own video content based on the game that they are playing. I am one of those o gamerso , now with an audience surpassing 1,000 subscribers and 220,000 total video views, Io ve come to know the different types of games and how they affect the way our mind works.

Many people (mainly the older generations) disagree with video games as a whole as they are a o breeding ground for violence and hatredo or o filled with sex and drugso . What they dono t know however is how intricate and important each aspect of a game is. Games like Call of Duty and Halo aim to provide gamers with a soldier experience, admittedly, they may be unrealistic in that respect but you still come to know the various gun types, weaponry, etc... On the other end of the scale, we have fantasy games like Fable or World of Warcraft whereby the player enjoys and experiences what can only be seen in films or read in books. Some people, including myself, find it difficult to o imagineo the world around them as they read books and watch films, video games provide a more immersive experience as they play a character or characters in a foreign world.

Games such as World of Warcraft are often branded by the current generation as o nerdy gameso that people spend hours upon hours playing. These people aren't any different to those gamers who play Call of Duty or Fifa every living moment of their lives either. They even stereotype any person who plays the game, usually as overweight, lazy and dirty individuals. Yes, some of them might be like that, but that is their life choice and ito s none of our business to intrude or criticise it. The majority of players who play these games are intelligent, sociable and well-coordinated people, who have the stress of juggling a number of skills and weapons when combatting an enemy force. They have to make on-the-spot decisions as to which skill should they use to attack or which potion should they take to give them the advantage. Their ability to do so many things and to think of so many things renders them a logical and reliable group of individuals. The same applies to any other game whereby multitasking and immediate decisions are required.

This frustrates me right through to the core as the general public are accusing and branding gamers as negatively having an impact on people. Gamers are accused of being unsociable more than anything. This couldno t be further from the truth as the gaming community is one of the most, if not the most, sociable communities you can find on this planet. The fact that on multiplayer games youo re conversing and discussing what to do next, how to do it, etc shows us how untrue that statement is. I myself, speak to around 10 people a day discussing projects, 60 people a day in chat rooms conversing about all things gaming and 20 people on a game that Io ll be playing. If my maths serves me well, thats over 90 people a day that I talk to purely through gaming. That seems to be a fairly sociable community if you ask me.

The driving force behind the success of games in any case, is the community. If the community didno t exist and friendships wereno t being made then the gaming industry would collapse. People need to understand how important gaming is and how utterly sociable it is too. I hope this has enlightened those of you who thought that gaming was just a o breeding ground for violence and hatredo , where realistically, it isno t. Ito s a bustling community of intelligent individuals who are purely enjoying what they do, because they can. Maybe not all, but most.

Thanks a lot for reading and I'll see you in the next blog!


1 Update Logs

Updated Thumbnail : by OliverFrenchie 11/18/2012 4:59:12 pmNov 18th, 2012

Changed the thumbnail for reel-friendly viewing.

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12/06/2012 12:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Dimentioze's Avatar
Thanks for being a voice for us. I personally hate sounding nerdy or being stereotyped.
11/24/2012 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
snipamachine10's Avatar
hey can you ban me for 2 days in my real account. Heres my link to the real one:
Dont ban this account for 2 days my real one above. I got banned for posting a blog about me getting 60 subscribers. On my real account I got banned for 6 days. 2 days should be fair if its part of the rules.
11/24/2012 5:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
snipamachine10's Avatar
I've seen others do blogs about getting subscribers! thats no fair!
11/21/2012 10:48 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
Very good blog. I subbed a while ago so.. :D
11/21/2012 1:17 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Wolf
tobbiusness's Avatar
been playing halo since i was 4, and i turned out a normal person, still living life as best i can :) true blog
11/20/2012 4:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Ender_Master's Avatar
Another great job Oliver! I totally agree with everything on there. Thanks for the pm btw! :D
11/20/2012 11:29 am
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
terreen's Avatar
Meh I dissagree with this entirely but nice job!
Pancake slayer
11/20/2012 1:52 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Pancake slayer's Avatar
how so?
11/20/2012 3:20 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Skinner
terreen's Avatar
more along the lines of people not getting a lot of exercise and stuff due to this being a distraction
Pancake slayer
11/20/2012 4:24 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Pancake slayer's Avatar
thats just choices that some people make, not everyone.
