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The Glory of Video Games! (finger-pointing is not the way!)

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conflicttFTW's Avatar conflicttFTW
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
-------------------- Hey everybody, Con here!

-------------------- Video Games are allways getting a lot of hate and praise from the world- Some say it makes kids more violent, some say its just fun, a good way to relieve stress. I guess both are right in their own cases, but what is really ignored a lot is just how amazing they are, how far they have come in so few years.

----------------- One of the first video games ever was, Pong. It was litterally 2 walls, you contoled one, a computer controlled the other, and you bounced a ball back and forth between them. It was pixelated, really simple, and a HUUUGE hit. Present day, video games are freaking amazing. Look at what we have. MMORPG's, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, Battle Front 3 (coming soon), Halo, even mobil games such as Graal and Clash of Clans! 

---------------- The true glory of video games comes not from HD graphics, or good story, or even a massive world. Its what they allow you to do. Its like the Immortal System. If you could not die, or you 'respawned' after death, what would you do? What could you do? Anything! You could see what lava tastes like, you could fix a neclear reactor without fear of radiation, whatever you had ever wanted to do, you could. The same applies to video games. When in reallity are you ever going to get the chance to fight dinosaurs, survive a zombie apocolypse, work on the border of an ex-russian province, build a town, win the unger games, ride a dragon- I could go on forever!

-------------- But still, video games get hate. Why? Violence. People whom have done no research, whom are basing everything they say on a steriotype and a stupid fear that video games cause us to kill. Just because I stab someone in the eye with a fork in a video game, what the hell makes you think I will do that in real life!?! If a kid does go and do that because he/she did it in a game, that kid was allready so screwed up he/she would have done it eventually anyway. 

------------- Granted, kids do some freaking messed up things. So does all of humanity. We have people raping and murdering innocents every day. A mother strangles her new born to death, a father chops his son to bits, another school shooting. Humanity is broken anyway. You cant blaim all of this on games that wernt even around when these nutters were kids! Hell, the worst I have found that had much of anything to do with games.... (I am writing this off memory, so the ages may be wrong, but if so they are only off by a year at most). There was a 14 year old kid who watched Porn on his X-Box and decided he wanted to try that out- on his little sister, whom was only like 10. Yea. People, we are messed up enough, and we are ALWAYS trying to find an excuse for it. We are so scared, terrified, that it may just be a flaw in humanity itself, which in my opinion it is, that we point fingers at everything else we possibly can. Anything to make it not our fault. Its the same as the Witch Trials. Something was wrong, we look for any source other than ourselfs.

-------------- But, back on topic. We have been blaming things through out existance on magic, and demons, and fates, and monsters, and witches... and video games.....

------------- Stop the finger pointing! Even if a video game did put the idea into a kid's head, that fact that he/she would follow through with such an act as murder, or rape... That child was messed up to begin with. Even without the games, he/she would have found out about it eventually- thats growing up. He/she would have become psycotic eventually, with or without the games....

-------------- If you enjoyed this kind of ranty blog, please be sure to dropa fav and a diamond! And comment below! I want to see what you think of all this! I Say now however, that any comments that curse, or just call this stupid without an explanation WILL BE REMOVED! Got it? If you want to argue with me, go for it, I love a good discussion, but make it constructive, not just "Faawk u y u so stpid u dumb bru". 


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02/19/2015 10:55 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
I have an addiction to Minecraft, the computer in general. So Video games aren't always good. I know there's probably thousands or millions of people who have become addicted everyday to play games and they waste their life away. 1-3 hours a day is fine, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Also video games are not exactly productive.
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