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The Joy of Christmas (Or Not)

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Chris-Jersey's Avatar Chris-Jersey
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
The Joy Of Christmas (Or Not)

Christmas is supposed to be a time of Joy But Is It?

The Presents

Ever since the start of the announcement of the Elgato 60 HD* You have wanted it and you have been saying to your parents, "This Christmas I want to get a Elgato 60 HD*" and your parents say something along the lines of "I will see what I can do" or if you are younger "We will see what Santa gets you!" and then its Christmas eve and you are thinking "Yes! I am getting the Elgato * tommorow" Then you wake up that Christmas morning and your dreams of getting the Elgato* are shattered because "They were out of stock" or "Santa must not of got the letter we sent" or you are either pleased that your parents (Or Santa) got you what you wanted. You then find out that you do not have enough slots to plug it in and you have to wait around a whole week to get a extension lead for a usb or a HDMI

The Christmas Dinner (Yummy)

After you are done recording or Sitting around dissapointed that you did not have enough slots with your Elgato* you get told that Christmas Dinner is about to be served. You are now sitting around the table and you are waiting for everyone to sit down so you can start to eat, You eventually begin to eat and you get bored of your parents chatting to the relatives that have came around for Christmas and you are wishing  that you could play with your other Christmas presents or watch that DVD that you got! Your parents then say that you can be excused whilst they wash up for desert. You play some more with some Christmas presents and you get called back to the desert table to possibly have some Cheese or some Christmas pudding. 

Boxing Day

It's boxing day and you are already now starting to get bored of your presents and waiting for your birthday to come up so you can get some more things you want but you did not get. Your relatives are still around  so you play with your cousin on the game that you both got somehow!!! Maybe Santa knew that you both enjoyed Pokemon! Or the more realistic fact that your Mum and Dad talked to your Aunty and Uncle about getting your cousin & you the same gift, So you could play it together.
*Elgato HD was a example! It could be that other present you wanted!

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01/20/2015 11:45 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
I think you used like the biggest font, it's hard to read efficiently with all these big words covering the page. Please use a smaller font size
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