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Tman's Beginner's Guide to Successfully Making Skins

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Level 48 : Master Pixel Painter
Hi! So you wanna make SKINS? Already know how but wanna make them BETTER?
Well this is an easy user-friendly guide to making easy skins.

######## Step 1 ###########

First- Here you'll want an easy skin editing program OR a paint/photoshop program.
Personally I use MC Skin Edit, it's simple to use, friendly, and has every tool you'll need.

MC Skin Edit Download Link:

######## Step 2 ###########

First- Get inspiration, this isn't hard, but you'll need two things- the MOOD and the IDEA.
MOOD is how you feel- DUH! And IDEA is what you want to make, either the picture,
the character, or whatever you want the skin to be.

Second- When you have the idea and the mood you'll want to open your program, either using
default skin in the Appdata/Roaming/.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar IMPORTANT you
will need to use a RAR reader program, such as Winrar or Tortoise, I use Winrar;
after doing this you can find the char.png(default skin) in the mob folder.

OR: You can easily use Planet Minecraft to find the Default skin or Steve character texture.

######## Step 3 ###########

First- Now that you have the program and the template open it's time to get started,but unless you are
using an Original Idea you'll need to find reference pictures. You can Google these or use
some other method. Essentially you want the pictures to have FACE, FRONT BODY, BACK
BODY, and hopefully BACK HEAD. These reference pictures should also have the same

Second- Using your reference pictures choose your colors based off of accuracy and tone, remember the
Minecraft world is bright unless it's altered by a texture pack. So next choose the most necessary
pieces of the character to include in the skin ie: Prominent Features (Eyes, Hair, Scars, Tats),
Clothing Items (Mask, Goggles, Shirt, Pants) and last Accessories (Weapons, Details, and Decals)

Your colors should match the object you are trying to make, if your character has green gloves
make them green, but if the tone of the character is dark choose a darker green by reducing
Saturation or SAT.

######## Step 4 ###########

First- By this step most of the skin editing should be completed, and now your moving on to the finishing touches. The key to creating a good skin is NOT to have any "Smooth" parts, or an area where
color remains constant. I'll post a picture for example.

To prevent this the best idea is to take the color and shift the levels of it, so slightly that it only changes the shade and tone of the color. I'll add photos explaining this in more detail.

Second- Now your skin should look professional and presentable, but say there are some parts that aren't as
nice or quality as others, well this is where noise comes in. Noise is a setting that mixes the
color on the skin, this setting puts the finishing touches on and also amps up the overall quality.

The Best way to use noise is to save the skin as it is, then go into edit and add noise in Skin
Editor, the force changes how much it alters the pixels, so I usually recommend around 25-45
force setting.
Third- Upload IT!!! The best way to get views and downloads quickly is to add LOTS of tags to it, more tags
means more interest. Also it's a good idea to make a few good skins rather than a bunch of sh***y
ones, because those are f****ing annoying. You know who you are!

And that's all she wrote, I hope this guide helps in all your skinning endeavors!!

To Do: - I will be adding pictures
- They will show a step-by-step of how I make skins
- I will answer all comments
CreditTo all the people who made horrible skins!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Tmansplayer 11/03/2011 12:12:27 amNov 3rd, 2011

Tomorrow I'll probably make a video with voice and everything as I make a skin, the Skin of my choice is Spawn, cuz he's cool

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08/03/2012 5:47 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
This really helped me :D thank you!
11/11/2011 6:32 am
Level 35 : Artisan Geek
Nice :)
11/04/2011 12:38 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Modder
tman? tyman? xD
