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Transformers plugin

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Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
I have been searching very hard for a transformers plugin as in which i mean, craft your own transformer to protect you and transform into a car and you can drive but also be able to craft Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jazz, sideswipe, arcee, ironhide, crosshairs, Leadfoot, Skids and mudflap, Roadbuster, Drift, Topspin, Hound and the Dinobots in transformers age of extinction: Grimlock, Strafe, Slug and a few more, the main part of the plugin is choosing what alliance you want between Autobot or Decepticon and the transformers you craft depend on what alliance you choose so if you choose decepticon and try to craft optimus, it wont work because optimus is an autobot, so if you choose autobot, you can only craft an autobot transformer and if you choose decepticon you can craft megatron, sideways, Starscream, thundercracker, Lockdown (from age of extinction), Galvatron, Stinger, Soundwave, ShockWave, Drillerbeast (the drilling metal worm shockwave rides on) and the Fallen.

So choose carefully between alliances since i prefer to choose autobot, just dont forget you can only craft a transformer of your alliance.

lets hope movecraft team can help with this idea and do the work on the transformer's cars for driving.

cool note: crafting Starscream (Decepticon) or Jetfire (Autobot) will allow you to fly a jet, or you could craft blackout and fly in a helicopter. When you craft your transformer, first you must name it then build a vehicle from any material you wish and your transformer protoform will scan the vehicle if you tell the command to it.

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06/05/2015 4:29 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
this is an awesome idea
06/29/2014 2:31 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
i have been searching on this for a while for such a transformers plugin to release, i might just name it Transformers War plugin, please note: using a plugin if this idea is used for a new plugin just remember doing this creates a transformers war because your autobot will sense a decepticon on it's radar if there is a player on decepticons alliance with a decepticon but also your transformer will kill human players on the opposing alliance and also the transformers will battle each other, so as soon as a battle starts between your transformers and an enemy one, stay out of the way so you dont get crushed, because transformer's battles is very heavy combat so as soon as a fight starts, your enemy is the enemy human.
08/11/2014 11:26 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
I think this would be awesome!!!!!!!!
