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Trouble in Mineville- All You Need to Know!

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TroubleinMinevilleMC's Avatar TroubleinMinevilleMC
Level 20 : Expert Network
Trouble in Mineville (TIMV) Guide

Have you ever heard of TIMV? But you just don't know what it is? Or maybe you need assistance to the aspects of the game! Well, this handy guide is... well, handy for this job! Go ahead! Read it!



If you are innocent, your job is to survive. You must find and kill all traitors.
If you see someone killing an innocent, or you suspect someone of being a traitor,
kill them. However, if you kill an innocent, your teammates will suspect you as a traitor!

Innocent Rewards

-Killing a traitor  +20 Karma & 4 Tokens

-Winning a game  +20 Rolepoints & 100 Tokens

Innocent Penalties

-Killing an innocent  -20 Karma

-Killing a detective  -40 Karma

Special Abilities: None


If you are a traitor, your job is to kill every innocent and detective. Work with
fellow traitors to accomplish your goal. However, if you are spotted killing somebody
by an innocent or detective, you will be suspected as being a traitor and someone will try to kill

Traitor Rewards

-Killing an innocent  +10 Karma & 1 Traitor Point & 2 Tokens

-Killing a detective  +20 Karma & 2 Traitor Points & 4 Tokens

-Winning a game  +20 Rolepoints & 50 Tokens

Traitor Penalties

-Killing a traitor  -40 karma & -2 Traitor Points

Special Abilities: Can purchase special items with Traitor Points

Traitor Items/ Cost

-Creeper Eggs (4) 2 Traitor Points

-Claymore 2 Traitor Points

-Tester Spoofer 2 Traitor Points

-Hunter Dog 3 Traitor Points

-Suicide Bomb 4 Traitor Points

-Tester Bomb 4 Traitor Points


If you are a detective, your job is to detect possible traitors. You must keep all of
the innocents under control.

Detective Rewards

-Killing a traitor  +25 karma & A Splash Potion of Health II

-Winning a game  +20 Rolepoints & 50 Tokens

Detective Penalties

-Killing an innocent  -20 karma

-Killing a detective  -40 karma

Special Abilities: Has a Detective Stick that can give the detective a death report
about a dead body. (Perk) Can also write names in a book as to who has tested
and what role they were when they're within a certain distance of the tester.

Buyable Perks (Tokens/ Credits)

-Detective Stick: Blaze Rod (3,000/ 3)

-Detective Book (3,000/ 3)

-Flare Unlock (2,000/ 2)

-Flare Option: Random (2,000/ 2)

-Flare Option: Creeper Flare (2,000/ 2)

Important Info

-Blue Names are always detectives

-When a Traitor, green names signify someone is an innocent, red names signify fellow

-You will have a compass when the game starts. The compass points towards The Tester.

The Tester

The Tester is a device that allows a player to push a button, and show the rest of the players
nearby if they are an innocent or a traitor.

If redstone lamps stay the same: The Player is innocent

If redstone lamps turn into glowstone: The Player is a traitor

If you're a traitor, you can enter The Traitor Shop by typing any of the following:
/shop, /b, /buy

If by chance you purchase a 'Hunter Dog' in the shop, the dog will only last for
1 minute


Passes are credits that you get when you purchase Premium from The Hive. You can also get passes
from buying them from The Hive. Passes allow you to pick to be a traitor or a detective for a game.


1) Don't RDM (Random DeathMatch)

2) If you're a traitor, you cannot tell innocents the names of other traitors


-Stone Sword

-Bow and 32 Arrows

-Wooden Sword

Special Weapons

-Iron Sword

The iron sword can be found in Ender Chests. However, there are very few Ender Chests per
map, and you can only open the Ender Chest when Grace Period is over. There is a small chance
the Ender Chest will explode, and noone will be able to get the iron sword from that chest.
Every map has at least 2 Ender Chests except for Spring Falls(which has none).

Other Items

-Tester Compass

Maps (Alpabetical)


-Azure Island

-Cabin in the Woods

-Calypso Harbor

-The Canal


-Clockworld Island



-Frozen Cargo

-Hermit Sands

-Kazamuzo Temple


-Puerto Tereza

-Silent Valley

-Spring Falls

-Sky Lands

-Welcome to Woodbury

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04/05/2016 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Nishad's Avatar
what is karma used for??
12/27/2016 8:32 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
Yudii123's Avatar
Its only ur score.
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