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Unoriginality and Lack of Quality

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OliverFrenchie's Avatar OliverFrenchie
Retired Moderator
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
Hey there guys, OliverFrenchie here with another blog post. This time I'm going to be talking about the lack of originality and quality on PlanetMinecraft and what we can do to change it. Be warned, there will be ranting in this blog post. (Custom Made Render for Thumbnail)

Due to popular demand, I've started a weekly Skin Showcase where I aim to pull out skins that deserve more attention. Click on this paragraph of text to go to Week 1!

The past few days (possibly weeks) have been challenging to deal with. The recent commencement of the Skin Contest means that our feeds are being flooded with skins, some original but many, unoriginal and lacking quality.

Another brilliant blog post by Site Moderator the_soup focuses on the impulse of Slenderman skins following the release of the game Slender. Another great blog by Niko shows his frustration for the lack in quality and the unfairness of the popular reel. I'm going to talk to you about a combination of unoriginality and lack in quality. A quick search shows that there are over 400 Slenderman skins out at the moment.


If you have a skin you'd like to post or a map you'd like to share then do so. However, if your skin is a copy of someone else, is another 'teenager','hunter' or any other of the clichéd skins then please, don't post them. You will be recognised for making an original skin. The same applies for maps and the influx of 'Escape' maps. The effort that has gone into making a lot of them is minimal. They've looked at the original 'Escape' maps and merely copied them with a different design and story. That's not acceptable.

If you spend time and put effort into your projects then you shall be rewarded.

So hey, lets say I've just made this fantastic skin thats got shading, detail and everything in it. I've posted it but why isn't it popular or being featured? Well, sadly there is a dark side to PlanetMinecraft.
ScreenShot--atThe intake of unoriginal skins because of the contest means that amazingly good skins are flooded underneath them and are buried never to be seen.

So please, if you are considering posting a skin or a project, make it original and put effort into it. If we all start doing this, then the really good skins will get more attention and more recognition. If we don't act soon then PlanetMinecraft will become a hub for unshaded skins, pathetic builds and boring posts.

Thank you all for reading, don't forget to diamond, favourite and even subscribe if you enjoyed this blog post and hope you have a nice day!

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09/19/2012 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pixelhunter20's Avatar
totally agree with you!
09/15/2012 7:17 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragonborn
brenno29's Avatar
This is a very good topic to bring up, but the exact opposite happened to me... look my skins may not be really that amazing but I put my heart into each skin I make and all of my skins take a minimum of an hour. Yet, instead of moderators going around and removing steve/lack of effort skins... they remove my skins I put a good damn amount of effort into and accusing me of using part pickers to create my skins.
To the moderators who remove skins etc... Get your priorities straight!

09/15/2012 2:01 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Bunny
mynameisjoe's Avatar
i made 3 escape maps the first was for funzies and i didnt know why or how it got so much support i promised 100 downloads i'd make part 2 then part 2 i prmised 150 downloads i think so i had to make a part 3 im sorry :(
09/01/2012 4:23 am
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
Technofreak301's Avatar
I hate it when that happens. That's probably why my contest skins never get anything better than partcipant.
08/24/2012 8:58 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
storm97970's Avatar
Would you call this unoriginal? I was first to make the skin, but I made it based on another minecraft subject.
08/24/2012 8:59 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
storm97970's Avatar
NOTE- took me hard work to make, I want honesty, even if you hate it.
08/24/2012 3:15 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
i cant make a skin with ANY quality, detail, ect.
08/29/2012 7:02 am
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
BonreoCat's Avatar
Then don't make skins, as simple as that :)
09/15/2012 7:47 am
Level 26 : Expert Modder
FailureGamer92's Avatar
you know your very harsh to people,right?
08/29/2012 7:13 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
epiccoolguy12345's Avatar
i cant MAKE skins.
MCSkin3D keeps failing on me!
when i click on it,
it just fails.
thats when i yell "P*NGAS!" in my mind.
