Published Jan 27th, 2012, 1/27/12 1:51 pm
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Servers these days just have their ranking systems all wrong. Admin and moderator ranks should NOT be obtained by donating to the server! If you want to promote someone, it shouldn't just be a spur of the moment thing. They should be active on the server and you should have some kind of other communication with them. This could be a voice chat server, skype, etc. Once you actually know them pretty good, you should quiz them according to the plugins you have. YOU CAN NOT JUST PROMOTE SOMEONE AND EXPECT THEM TO KNOW WHAT TO DO. If you want to make moderator and admin guidelines those are very helpful.
What do they do? Administrate the server. These people monitor the console, configure plugins, etc. If someone is an admin, they should have control of the console and the servers files. There really isn't a need for a owner rank, but if you want one have ONE owner and NO co-owners.
What should there previous knowledge be? Admins need to know how to run a server. They should have previous knowledge! They need to be able to know how to add plugins, configure plugins, and other general knowledge for running a server.
What do they do? Moderate the content that is on the server. These people should be able to kick, ban, view logs on the server for who built and destroy, etc. They should be very trusted but not really have any in-game advantages.
What should there previous knowledge be? Moderators will need to know some simple in-game commands. They will need to be able to know how to kick, ban, and view logs, depending on which plugins you use.
What do they do? Administrate the server. These people monitor the console, configure plugins, etc. If someone is an admin, they should have control of the console and the servers files. There really isn't a need for a owner rank, but if you want one have ONE owner and NO co-owners.
What should there previous knowledge be? Admins need to know how to run a server. They should have previous knowledge! They need to be able to know how to add plugins, configure plugins, and other general knowledge for running a server.
What do they do? Moderate the content that is on the server. These people should be able to kick, ban, view logs on the server for who built and destroy, etc. They should be very trusted but not really have any in-game advantages.
What should there previous knowledge be? Moderators will need to know some simple in-game commands. They will need to be able to know how to kick, ban, and view logs, depending on which plugins you use.
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I recognize that some players are just plain idiotic and troublemakers and need to be dealt with the hammer down!! BUT the majority of players just want to play and enjoy their game and get some help now and then. I think that is what Moderators are for helping the players and dealing with them to make a more peaceful environment on the server.
Admins are for helping the Server/Owner out (which also means helping the players and Moderators but in a more limited capacity). They need to have info about the server and plugin instructions and pass it on, which means they need to know as much as the Owner and Vice Versa, or at least take the time to find out the answers. I'm working to know all I can about making a good and better server which takes time and effort and Admins are so great at having your back.
I also am against putting major restrictions on the server like worrying about Spam or Advertising. I've seen Mods and Admins spending too much time telling people to watch out for CAPS, that's not what their job should have to be! If someone spams too much just kick them or temp ban them. Also I'm not afraid of advertising. Restricting this prevents players from having a conversation about a website they like or a YouTube or even another server. Anyway, I figure if my players are not happy with my server then they should find one that makes them happy. My job is to try to make my server user friendly and give them an enjoyable game environment without interfering with the other players, which in turn, will take some pressure off the staff. I do favor a ticket system to help the Admins and Moderators so they are not besieged continually in the chat environment. That's a rule I think should be added. Rule # 532 Make a ticket if you need help. Haha!
One more thing: Players are invaluable in their knowledge and I think a rank should be added for Helpers/Trainers/Workers/Whatever without them being staff but giving them some special permissions for the help they give. Maybe that could be the VIP rank. I don't think a server would be very much with out the players. They are really the heart of the server in my opinion. And all those unruly kiddos might just be great Admins or Owners one day themselves.