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What Is Maturity -

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Mymagic12's Avatar Mymagic12
Level 53 : Grandmaster Ladybug
(And thanks for the pop reel diamonds everyone! ^-^)



Hello everyone, another blog from me, this one is about maturity, which is a idea that came to me while looking at a couple of YouTube comments on videos from the popular minecraft players "The Yogscast". Now I'm a big fan of the Yogscast, but, because of The Yogscast mature (as in not child friendly) humor, many of the people on their comments and forums are very... rude, nasty, and mature in the bad way.
Now, the idea of the blog though, came from some comments telling people to... "Grow up" or... saying things like "Your probably a 12 year old"
Now you may know, I am indeed 13, and personally believe I am rather mature when I need to be, though I still hold natural 13 year old personalities such as, I do indeed love shopping, haha. Anyways, thanks for veiwing, and enjoy.

This blog is simple, and will talk about important details of maturity.


Maturity -

Lack of maturity is easily annoying, and over the internet, it can make you be Immediately thought as younger then you may be.

Maturity is obtained mainly by discipline, by your parents, or by yourself. It's basically the very base of being a good person.

Now, as I talk about maturity here, think about your own character, think about if the qualities of someone mature, or immature, would fit you. Do you have mature points about you, if so, commend yourself. If you have many immature points, I employ you to make a goal to be better.

Maturity Is...

Maturity, what is it? Maturity is the ability to control your temper and feelings so well, that you can always do what is most beneficial, being able to apologies when wrong, and being able to end a argument quickly and peacefully.

Maturity is destroyed by pride, and usually is what stops you from apologizing and forcing you to say childish things like "I told you so" .

It's the ability to set reasonable goals and put all your effort into reaching them, knowing your limits, and thinking about yourself and others equally.

Knowing the importance of work before playing to reach a ultimate goal, instead of sacrificing that goal for small breaks and short length pleasures.

Immature is...

The opposite. The Immature have much to learn in experience, and are not strong willed enough to withstand work and duties.

They have little, none, or unrealistic goals that they never plan to reach, OR never try to. They are impatient, uncaring, and have uncontrollable personalities, often causing them to have tantrums.

They are unreliable, and take nothing seriously and everything offensively. Either with no since of humor or too much, and get angry quickly or care so little that they laugh at every problem they face.

Quickly getting into loud arguments and usually the first to use childish insults like "Your mom" or terrible curse words or disgusting sexual cries.

Wishing terrible things on people like death or to be sent to hell.



Though all these things are traits of maturity and immaturity... we are all human, and accepting this, is another form of maturity, as I've said before, being mature is understanding one's limits.

I believe that over time anyone can be mature if they honestly try, personalities can change, but only you can really change yourself. We are all going to have immaturity about ourselves, you can't reject and deny them, but accept them and control them.

So, are you mature?


(Thanks for reading, don't forget to diamond, and I'll see you next time everyone!)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Mymagic12 10/15/2012 9:10:34 amOct 15th, 2012

I finally got a blog on the pop reel.... that I didn't delete later.

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10/31/2013 11:51 am
Level 28 : Expert Geek
c165's Avatar
Maturity is just an illusion people use to trick themselves into doing certain things.
10/17/2013 2:34 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman uwu
kathsumu's Avatar
o-o im immature but not
THAT immature
I like to laugh at everythin tho xD
12/24/2012 11:06 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
falkok15's Avatar
I used to be yogscast fan, but they lied about shadow of israphel. Returns next month, its 2-3 months later and they STILL haven't uploaded shadow of israphel.
11/08/2012 11:44 am
Level 30 : Artisan Goblin
Pinkgubel's Avatar
I'm 9 and i hate shopping :D
11/25/2012 8:28 am
Level 26 : Expert Modder
FailureGamer92's Avatar
i'm 12 and i REALLY hate shopping! LOL!
01/14/2014 6:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
1234560's Avatar
I'm 10 ten and shopping sucks! =D
10/24/2012 1:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxNightKittyxX's Avatar
Hmm... Interesting opinions you have there. Very well-written! ^-^

10/23/2012 12:49 pm
Level 42 : Master uwu
Woodstockk's Avatar
No-one deserves to be sent to hell!!
Even if they are Osama bin laden or something EVERYONE deserves a second
Good blog!
11/17/2012 3:26 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
MapleLemonade's Avatar
he's dead though...
11/17/2012 5:46 pm
Level 42 : Master uwu
Woodstockk's Avatar
yea ik but still, he was a bad guy but he didnt deserver THAT bad a punishment,
at least there's more bad guys out the to give second chances...
