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    Required Resource Pack
    Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator Nerd


    OLD DESCRIPTION (april 2024)
    I've been sick the past day so I've been datapacking the whole day. Here's a new one, again using the new 1.21 crafting

    NEW DESCRIPTION (august 2024)
    You know, messing with crafting is fun.
    Let's take that to some extreme levels!
    ...also take some enchants.

    1. Copper tools that are really fast on all block types, but are only stone-tiered.
    2. Emerald tools with longer reach, and iron tier
    3. Copper / Emerald armor
    4. A couple of endgame craftable enchantments
    5. Daggers of every type, with a speed boost but shorter range.
    6. Iron smelts to 3-6 nuggets in a furnace, but 1-2 ingots in a blast furnace
    7. Iron in a furnace takes forever
    8. You can smelt raw iron blocks, but it takes 9x as long (as if it were 9 individual iron pieces)
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

    5 Update Logs

    hotfix : by MonkeManII 08/06/2024 9:03:41 pmAug 6th, 2024

    duncnud caught this bug, but apparently i had a reference to the namespace "engine:" instead of "tools_plus:".
    The reason is that a while back I created a "datapack engine" which just tagged people who were using carrot sticks, crouching, sprinting, walking, etc.
    My old datapacks copied that and never changed the namespace until recently, and some references were left on accident!

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    08/06/2024 4:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    This is a fun datapack!

    Two things: the copper intended feature is striking me during clear weather, I was expecting the weather to turn first then potentially trigger the strike. Also does this occur underground? This is so I can take preventative measures/unequip.

    The second is that only the volatile book recipe loaded correctly. In the file it references the folder "toolsplus:" while the others are referencing "engine:".

    Thanks for your hard work.
    08/06/2024 9:00 pm
    He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator Nerd
    haha yeah the copper thing is intentional.
    each tick there's a 1/20,000 chance of being struck (in any weather)
    and a 1/20,000 chance of starting a storm.

    as of the engine/tools_plus namespacing, thank you for catching that! I'll release a fix shortly.

    EDIT: the lightning thing was kinda a joke, so i might remove it?
    what's yall's opinions on removing:
    1. iron giving nuggets initially but increased drops later game
    2. random lightning because i got bored
    08/07/2024 6:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Thanks for the quick fix! With the iron nuggets I am having trouble consistently receiving the "sloppy"/"clean" variants when I smelt. Because the vanilla recipe is still there, I need to go to the crafting book and choose the datapack version. It works mostly with the raw iron blocks, but raw iron keeps giving me the vanilla iron ingot. I also have a recipe unlocking plugin so it may be that?

    I thought the random lightning was an interesting mechanic, if I could sense a storm/lightning before it approaches it would be less of a jump scare, as of now I don't want to equip any copper tools/armor because I can't be low health without sudden death haha. If I got like 15-30 seconds to unequip before it cancels/triggers lightning that might be a middle ground. If your magic protection enchantment works on lightning, you might even decide to keep it on!
    08/08/2024 10:45 am
    He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator Nerd
    yeah i was playtesting earlier and died from lightning :P
    the warning is honestly funny though - i can imagine trying to ctrl+drop all of my copper before i die and failing miserably.
    probably will add that.

    for the sloppy/clean iron, yeahhhh
    TIL that minecraft has like 6 recipes for iron alone:
    - iron_ingot_from_blasting_iron_ore
    - iron_ingot_from_blasting_deepslate_iron_ore
    - iron_ingot_from_smelting_iron_ore
    - iron_ingot_from_smelting_deepslate_iron_ore
    - iron_ingot_from_nuggets
    - iron_ingot_from_block

    and for EVERY RECIPE IN THE WHOLE GAME, there is a corresponding achievement.

    so I guess I gotta overwrite all of those? (except for nugget and block)
    or just get rid of the achievement that unlocks those.
    regardless, thanks for your help!
    i'll look into these in a minute.

    EDIT: yeah I forgot the raw_iron recipes, bumping it up to 8.

    EDIT 2: wtf is this game

    EDIT 3: just realized the original comment had a question of whether it works underground? it does.
    08/05/2024 9:09 pm
    He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator Nerd
    Thank all 3,122 of you who decided that this looked interesting enough to click on. I never expected to hit 3,000 views.

    edit: jesus christ thank you to the 5,510 people who decided that this is cool enough to view! I never expected 3,000 and certainly didn't expect 5,000!
