Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Ability Carpets for Llamas

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KNIZE_1007's Avatar KNIZE_1007
Level 46 : Master Blacksmith
Ability Carpets for Llamas
This datapack adds 15 new custom ability carpets which unlock new abilities for llamas wearing them. These new abilities are made to help the player in combat, niche situations or are just fun and useless. For now, magenta ability carpet doesnt exist. Carpets can be taken on and off from llamas freely. If you place the carpet on the ground, it will lose its properties, so be careful. Recipes can be found in image gallery or in expandable spoilers for each carpet.
in 1.20, this bug has been fixed - https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-191591 - you can now right click carpets onto llamas without them losing nbt data. you can still vote for this issue as it still affects saddles
use /function llama_abilities:give_all_carpets to try out all of the carpets. Use /trigger seeShieldParticles to toggle on/off the particles of the Projectile-blocking carpet shield.

Carpet Overview
They are in the order of the colored blocks in creative inventory. The recipes give you the carpets, not knowledge books (I think everybody knows that but just in case).
Shulker Bullet Popper Carpet
"Pops" all shulker bullets around in a 12 block radius.

Ability Carpets for Llamas Minecraft Data Pack
Party Carpet
Plays music when the carpet is put on. Shoots random fireworks every 8 seconds.
- Note: If the ceiling is low, the llama can kill itself.
- Another Note: The recipe accepts any music disc.

Ability Carpets for Llamas Minecraft Data Pack
Ninja-Burglar Carpet
Gives player sitting on this llama speed IV and invisibility for a short time (22s).
- Note: These effects do not give off particles, making the player really invisible.
- Another Note: Llamas with this carpet do not make any noise. Will make noise again once carpet is off.

Ability Carpets for Llamas Minecraft Data Pack
Wither Decontaminant Carpet
Clears effects from the player and his companions (check below who belongs in that category) in a 16 block radius.

Crop Harvesting Carpet
Harvests and replants crops in a 3x3 radius. Works on wheat, potatoes, carrots and beetroot.

Nether Wart Harvesting Carpet
Harvests and replants nether wart in a 3x3 radius (finally a way to automatically farm nether wart!).

Fire Extinguisher Carpet
Puts off fire in a 5 block radius around it. Extinguishes fire from player and his companions.
- Note: Player extinguishing is a bit strange because i can't just modify his data to get rid of it, so it quickly places water on his feet and a tick later removes it. Might cause some issues.

Clock Cloak (Carpet)
When it is night, this llama starts to glow. Also tells the nearest player in chat that he should sleep. When its day again, stops glowing.

XP Magnet Carpet
Teleports experience orbs to the nearest player. Both must be in a 10 block radius of the llama to work.

Creeper Pacifying Carpet
Neutralizes Creepers in a 16 block radius, making their explosions not destroy blocks and deal 0 damage. You can finally hug that creeper safely!

Sound and Smell Disrupting Carpet
Resets warden's targets and suspicions if in a 12 block radius of itself every 2 seconds. Player hitting the warden will make it immune to this effect => Useful for escaping, not for defeating the warden. It can even calm down an angry warden IF it wasn't hit yet by the player.

Projectile-Blocking Carpet
Creates a force field around itself that blocks most projectiles. Doesn't deflect tridents, wither skulls and shulker bullets.
- Note: Shooting from a bow or throwing any projectile from the inside will not work. The momentum will be reset and will behave like it bounced off of it.
- Another Note: I hope it is clear that mobs can just walk into it no problem.

Villager-Mounting Carpet
Nearby villagers mount this llama. Only one villager at a time. When the llama is leashed to a fence, the villager will dismount. Carry an entire village with a llama caravan!

Teleport Station Carpet
Players that sit on this llama will be teleported back in 60s after dismounting. Might cause side-effects when teleported. If the carpet is taken off before teleportation, the side effects will still happen after 60s but wont teleport the player.
- Note: There might be bugs with multiplayer and multiple teleport station llamas. If you find any, please report them.

Magenta Carpet (Currently searching for ideas)
Currently, I did not think of any good ideas for a magenta ability carpet. I am open to suggestion/ideas. You can share them on my discord server (link is down below). If I like your idea, I will implement it and mention you in the credits.

Fireball Spittin' Carpet
Llamas spit fireballs. Somewhat strong fireballs. Their accuracy is a "bit" off, so be careful on where you try this.
- Note: I tried to make their accuracy good, but i could not do anything to increase it. If you have a solution, you can share it on my discord server.

Companions group
Some carpets affect "companion" mobs, these include: players, villagers, iron golems, snow golems, wolfes, cats, parrots, axolotls, llamas, horses, donkeys, mules and foxes.

Credit goes to these people:
- www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/throwable-fireballs-right-clickable/ - Code for throwing fireballs
- www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/llama-locomotion-llama-villager-transport-datapack-v1-0/ - Idea of a Villager-mounting carpet
- www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/personal-force-fields/ - Code for a force field
If you have any feedback/ideas/suggestion/bug reports, share them on my discord server here
CreditCredit goes to these people:- https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/throwable-fireballs-right-clickable/ - Code for throwing fireballs- https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/llama-locomotion-llama-villager-transport-datapack-v1-0/ - Idea of a Vill
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.20

2 Update Logs

V1.2 : by KNIZE_1007 08/24/2023 6:40:17 amAug 24th, 2023

  • added advancements
    • advancements for crafting every ability carpet and also some more challenging ones
  • buffed wither decontaminant carpet to also remove blindness and darkness effects.
  • buffed XP magnet carpet - range 10 => 32 blocks
  • buffed fire extinguisher carpet - range of fire removal 5 => 25
  • buffed creeper pacifying carpet - range 16 => 128
  • teleport station carpet - hunger side effects is now level II
  • buffed shulker bullet popper carpet - range 12 => 96

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The Great Magispeller
09/17/2023 11:06 am
Level 42 : Master Mage
The Great Magispeller's Avatar
Idea for Magenta Llama:
Healing Cloak: Constantly Make a Healing Aura that Heals Listed Creatures:
Mobs in the Same Team as Itself or it’s Owner, Passive Mobs, Owner, Llamas, Neutral Animals Not Targeting Itself or Owner, Trader Llamas
Enchanting Carpet: Enchants Nearby Friendly Player’s Unenchanted Items(Icluding Making Books into Enchanted Books), Disenchants Nearby Hostile Players, Mobs, Neutral Mobs Targeting Owner of Itself’s Item’s Enchants
Spell Cloak: Players Riding It While Holding a Book and Quill will make it into a Random Listed Spell Book, Need 300 second Cooldown(5 minutes) to Make Another Spell Book(Multiple Llamas Won’t Share the same Cooldown, So You can Transport the Spell Cloak into Multiple Llamas to Farm Spell Books)
Heal Book(Heal for 4 and get Saturation, 30 sec Cooldown)
Summon Book(Summon 3 Friendly Llamas that Fight For You, 5 min Cooldown)
Spit Book(Shoot a Llama Spit that Inflicts Poison, Weakness and Slowness, No Cooldown)
Llama Storage Book(Open any Llama’s Gui from any Distance, No Cooldown)
Cloak Book(Applies Invisibility for 30 sec, 1.5 min Cooldown)
Super Llama Spell Book(Combine all 5 Spell Books into one, Having all 5 Spells and 50% Cooldown Time for All Spells)
08/27/2023 7:41 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Magenta carpet could be either a Regeneration Llama, who gives regen to all nearby mobs, OR a Dragon Breath spitting llama just like the fireball one but with dragon breath XD
07/03/2023 2:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Drakio-X's Avatar
Just asking, for the case of the spitting fire llama, I always have had the idea of llamas attacking hostile mobs when they attack the player and the llama defending, but does this datapack update the llamas to do this?
07/07/2023 6:32 am
Level 46 : Master Blacksmith
KNIZE_1007's Avatar
unfortunately no, i dont know of any efficient way to make the llamas attack monsters, it is supposed to be like a "funny and useless" llama
07/10/2023 6:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Drakio-X's Avatar
Oh so sad, llamas attacks the player when you hit them and that makes half heart of damage, if it just could go against monsters would be cool and better than snow golems at least
06/01/2023 10:17 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
I have a suggestion for magenta: Enchanting Lamma. Makes any enchanting table near it act as if it has full bookcases and makes anvil prices go down. Made with two books in the top corners, an enchanted book in the middle top area, two bottles of enchanting in the middle side slots, the carpet in the center, two enchanting tables to the sides of the bottom, and one anvil at the bottom middle.
08/27/2023 7:27 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Its a data pack, not a mod... I don't think its possible to make Enchantment Tables have max enchants when an entity is nearby using data packs.
08/27/2023 10:52 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
Just a suggestion. Plus KNIZE is quite smart when it comes to datapacking.
06/01/2023 10:25 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
It could also repair tools, but I think it would be better if you locked that behind upgrades! If you want to talk about upgrades and ideas I have for this pack, message me!
05/06/2023 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kitties's Avatar
btw pls reply quickly
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